i wishh they had john zorn on some of these smoother tracks but afaik they were 2experimental4me but that can do some wicked yiddish yazz
troolari posted:so im getting a refurbished server/workstation for my desktop from my dad soon and it has Intel® Xeon® Processor X3430 4 cores/threads @ 2.40 GHz and like DDR5 or something like that 8GB of RAM and some GB of Hard drives in RAID setup that i can fuck up as i please, no graphics card to speak of as of yet so ive been thinking of getting gentoo/funtoo until someone i know gets an actual windows license so i can dedicate it to an actual music workstation just by buying the cheapest discreet graphics card (probably ati since the newest have good open source compatibility) and a decent-ish sound card like Asus Xonar DX-XD 7.1 and thrifting some nice bookshelf speakers and studio headphones for comparison. any ideas?
cars posted:GroverBabyFurr posted:so im getting a refurbished server/workstation for my desktop from my dad soon and it has Intel® Xeon® Processor X3430 4 cores/threads @ 2.40 GHz and like DDR5 or something like that 8GB of RAM and some GB of Hard drives in RAID setup that i can fuck up as i please, no graphics card to speak of as of yet so ive been thinking of getting gentoo/funtoo until someone i know gets an actual windows license so i can dedicate it to an actual music workstation just by buying the cheapest discreet graphics card (probably ati since the newest have good open source compatibility) and a decent-ish sound card like Asus Xonar DX-XD 7.1 and thrifting some nice bookshelf speakers and studio headphones for comparison. any ideas?
This wasn't wishing death on you btw troolari i mean if you like computers go for it
bit188 posted:anyone hear about the intel ME exploit? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iffTJ1vPCSo
haha wow
seems reasonable but who knows how much backdoor shit google puts in their laptops
stegosaurus posted:You have several options actually. You can pay, use an intelligence check to negotiate the price down, or wait for nightfall and sneak in through an air duct and secretly add your name to their database with a lifetime membership.
aerdil posted:what do y'all think of this shit: https://blog.lessonslearned.org/building-a-more-secure-development-chromebook/
seems reasonable but who knows how much backdoor shit google puts in their laptops
seems fine if your "threat model" is the same as theirs. this person seems like a regular software developer who travels to conferences a lot and wants a cheap burner laptop they can lose and not worry about their work being stolen. is that your situation
tears posted:your operating system is a piece of shit
Take it back
Petrol posted:aerdil posted:what do y'all think of this shit: https://blog.lessonslearned.org/building-a-more-secure-development-chromebook/
seems reasonable but who knows how much backdoor shit google puts in their laptopsseems fine if your "threat model" is the same as theirs. this person seems like a regular software developer who travels to conferences a lot and wants a cheap burner laptop they can lose and not worry about their work being stolen. is that your situation
nope. but if someone wants to give me a job it can be.
Petrol posted:aerdil posted:what do y'all think of this shit: https://blog.lessonslearned.org/building-a-more-secure-development-chromebook/
seems reasonable but who knows how much backdoor shit google puts in their laptopsseems fine if your "threat model" is the same as theirs. this person seems like a regular software developer who travels to conferences a lot and wants a cheap burner laptop they can lose and not worry about their work being stolen. is that your situation
this. and tbh people tend to forget like bit188 linked about the ime theres proprietary firmware which could be as well backdoored. also amd's ecquilavent seems to be as bad but i cant find the link for now. everybody should be aiming to install coreboot/libreboot/w/e the ecquilavent seriously and if their buying hardware aim to buy compatible hardware if possible. its easier to reduct the attack vector on things youre constantly dealing with than things youre not, so harden your configs especially right after installation before you forget you havent even installed fail2ban and your journalctl is filled with brazilian botnets pentesting you for free
anyway i came to post that stream editing utilities are awesome, i downloaded all of these https://archive.org/details/@ismail_badiou by piping the source pages through grep and cut and wget'ing the file list. gonna make a torrent probably. i noticed a lot of these came from 'the library of donald hughes' :^)
GroverBabyFurr posted:this. and tbh people tend to forget like bit188 linked about the ime theres proprietary firmware which could be as well backdoored. also amd's ecquilavent seems to be as bad but i cant find the link for now. everybody should be aiming to install coreboot/libreboot/w/e the ecquilavent seriously and if their buying hardware aim to buy compatible hardware if possible. its easier to reduct the attack vector on things youre constantly dealing with than things youre not, so harden your configs especially right after installation before you forget you havent even installed fail2ban and your journalctl is filled with brazilian botnets pentesting you for free
if you don't feel comfortable using a raspberry pi to flash your motherboard, you can pay for someone to do it for you but it's pricey
bit188 posted:i haven't installed fail2ban but i turned off password authentication for ssh and just manually add keyfiles between my computers
yeah this seems like the right move, esp. if you use a good new algorithm instead of just plain ol dsa/rsa

bit188 posted:i just bought an x220 that i am going to coreboot, then going to do the t420 & libreboot the t60 since it is compatible. i heard that someone is working on doing full libreboot/ME removal for the x220 and expected a release date by the end of the year, though i found a reddit post from 4 months ago that seems suggestive that they are having some trouble with it. not sure if it is possible.
anyway i came to post that stream editing utilities are awesome, i downloaded all of these https://archive.org/details/@ismail_badiou by piping the source pages through grep and cut and wget'ing the file list. gonna make a torrent probably. i noticed a lot of these came from 'the library of donald hughes' :^)
soon you will be able to download electronic books in a completely secure environment
Populares posted:
i've voted this up three more times without realizing i already did it, and someday soon, i will do it again