TG posted:in case anyone is wondering about my tv watching habits, i am once again watching ds9. its possible that i have a real problem
one thing i find interesting about star trek is that aliens are almost always only given one name while all the humans have at least two and often three. youve got james tiberius kirk and jean luc picard but only spock or worf or quark. its like they go out of their way to treat the aliens the same as humans, referring to them as people, or men and women, but then they overlook the fact that there are ostensibly tens of billions of klingons, and even the emperor and members of the high council have only one syllable to go by. maybe they get a house name (but why is it still the house of mogh when mogh is dead? why isnt it the house of worf, or better yet, the house of some long-dead patriarch?). i know that aliens in star trek are meant to represent a certain aspect of human behavior, so theyre all one-dimensional: vulcans are pure logic, ferengi pure greed, etc. maybe the naming conventions are designed to reflect that fact
a notable exception is that bajorans get two names, ie kira nerys (but even then, most of them just get the one, like wynn or opaka). its as if theyre trying extra hard to make you sympathize with the plight of an oppressed people by extra-humanizing them as opposed to the lizard people who occupied them, led by the evil dukat. i know garak has a first name, but in many ways he stands for the redemption of the cardassians, because he overcomes his cia training and helps the Good Guys so he earns himself a mark of humanity that aliens just dont have. of course, worf was raised by humans and has himself a human last name but it is Never used. he isnt commander rozhenko at all. this is probably because, despite his close association with humans, he does all he can to reject his humanity and embraces his klingon side
in official federation documents he's just registered as "Worf" but whenever he introduces himself to other klingons it's "Worf, Son of Mogh" so I think that is properly his full name by our standards. i think Spock does the same thing but i don't remember for sure.
i went to rewatch ds9 with my then-gf last year and we were both surprised by how the first episode is dark as fuck and everyone dies and sisko is torn up by the worst hellish torment (amplified by avery brooks being a pro at anguish) etc etc etc. in my memories i just think of all the emotional intrigue on the station as ds9, but i guess it takes a while to get into that
drwhat posted:in official federation documents he's just registered as "Worf" but whenever he introduces himself to other klingons it's "Worf, Son of Mogh" so I think that is properly his full name by our standards. i think Spock does the same thing but i don't remember for sure.
i went to rewatch ds9 with my then-gf last year and we were both surprised by how the first episode is dark as fuck and everyone dies and sisko is torn up by the worst hellish torment (amplified by avery brooks being a pro at anguish) etc etc etc. in my memories i just think of all the emotional intrigue on the station as ds9, but i guess it takes a while to get into that
i just cant imagine a giant, systems-spanning empire where everyone has a monosyllabic name plus a patronymic. how many moghs have sons named worf? of the billions of klingons? its not enough for me. russians have that naming convention, but they also have surnames. you can go by mikhail vladimirovich with family and friends, but there are way too many of them for that to work on a grand scale. its one thing for people who know worf personally to call him that, but its used in official capacities all the time, both in the federation (where he might be the only worf and very likely the only one whose father was named mogh) and the empire (where hes probably one of millions). and remember, klingons are big on ritual and ceremony, so you know those bastards are going to list all the titles and names they can. the fact that theyre one or two syllable names is big for me because youd run out of possible names before you could name even a tenth of the living klingons. but maybe im overthinking it
yah, ds9 is awesome because while it has the same aesthetic as tng, the themes are much darker. occupation, war, death and loss. even some of the one-offs are much more intense, like the one where obrien has memories implanted into his mind of a 20 year prison sentence that doesnt actually butthe psychological effects are very real. jake having his red badge of courage episode where he comes to grips with personal cowardice. tng has some of that but it feels more antiseptic
i got to see avery brooks play othello like 12 years ago and it was amazing. anguish like whoa
swampman posted:It's probably just some Ellis island shit where the guy is like "Ok, so your name is 35 consonants in a row huh? how about Worf for short then. See ya"
yeah, except in this case it's "oh, your culture identifies people completely differently than firstname lastname? welp don't care"
anyway, a monosyllabic name plus a common repeated monosyllabic ancestral part is how most of china worked for a long time. name duplication isn't really a problem irl, either your society is small enough that it's fine and you deal, or it's large enough that practical unique identification uses id numbers and/or birthdates.
the klingon social security department must be fun to deal with

tpaine posted:oops that shouldn't have heh...that shouldn't have showed up. nothing weird going on here. try not to think about it too hard, kamekred.
For my silence I demand access to the secret time travel forum
kamelred posted:
NEON DEMON: good shit
tears posted:NEON DEMON: good shit
really? everything i saw/heard about that made it look like creepy garbage
90% this film was boring
10% people mad it wasn't like drive
conclusion, neon demon is actually one of the best horror films of 2016
anyway, part of my crap tv roster of late has been Law And Order True Crime Menendez Murderz, because why not. the funniest scene so far is when apropos nothing the show decides it has to reference the LA riots that were happening at the time, and it does so by showing a bunch of news footage and then cutting to the defence lawyer, sopranos lady hugging her husband, goofy guy from true blood, in the front yard of their nice house in a very white part of LA, gazing sadly at a pillar of smoke billowing in the distance, and she says something about how there is so much hate in the world and should they really be bringing a kid into this? then it returns to the story of the wealthy shitheads who murdered their wealthy shithead parents. lol
tears posted:read some negative reviews of the film "neon demon"
90% this film was boring
10% people mad it wasn't like drive
conclusion, neon demon is actually one of the best horror films of 2016
yeah it can't be the best of 2016 because the witch was released in 2016 and the witch was ridiculously good, but it was also good

because i was laughing too hard