a relative of mine gave me this magazine by Universum who did a survey on "The Most Attractive Employers in the U.S." according to data from 80,000 undergraduate students. i scanned a few pages from it here:

the top 100 humanities category is a real treat, it looks like we have a bright future ahead of us!
tesla aint gonna be so high for enginners in a few years imo. one of my good friends from high school who i havnt talked to in years works for them, i wonder how much regular engineers or w/e know about the financial situation there

Also, so so sad that so many "gen z" (a made up name which is totally ominous itself and has a faint odor of propaganda) are 2nd gen silicon valley spoiled brats that have been to every Maker Faire and been reading how cool predator drones are since they were in a NUNA Leaf or something on a soylent green iv. STEM education in the states is highly patriotic and not exactly strong in the areas of critical thinking and ethics... Of course they need a new name, "Gen Z" the FINAL GENERATION before the BENEVOLENT SINGULARITY OF TRANS-HUMANISM!
top 10 companies to work for

1. Saeder-Krupp Heavy Industries
2. Aztechnology
3. Mitsuhama Computer Technologies
4. NeoNET
5. Renraku Computer Systems
6. Fuchi Industrial Electronics
7. Ares Macrotechnology
8. Shiawase Corporation
9. Wuxing
10. Cross Applied Technologies
when i grow up i want to be a drone engineer slashie working as a data juicer

levoydpage posted:

Also, so so sad that so many "gen z" (a made up name which is totally ominous itself and has a faint odor of propaganda) are 2nd gen silicon valley spoiled brats that have been to every Maker Faire and been reading how cool predator drones are since they were in a NUNA Leaf or something on a soylent green iv. STEM education in the states is highly patriotic and not exactly strong in the areas of critical thinking and ethics... Of course they need a new name, "Gen Z" the FINAL GENERATION before the BENEVOLENT SINGULARITY OF TRANS-HUMANISM!

It might just be because it's 2 generations after Gen X


fape posted:

It might just be because it's 2 generations after Gen X

Good point. Wish it were still good ol' Generation W.

Do not worry, though it may seem we have run out of letters to signify future generations, when all seems lost:

White heat and light annihilate the store. Shoppers become ghosts in an instant, inundated and incinerated by that light. Their forms swell with it before they vanish. Shelves of books and food and toys and jeans fall over. One Talkie Sally doll crawls feebly across the floor with its vocal circuit and both legs crushed; it mumbles and crumbles as it crawls, the sound of it “clerp. Clerp. Clerp.”

The power dies.

Susan is there. She seizes an armful of boxes from the shelves before she begins to run. She does not want them destroyed.

That is her impulse in the apocalypse: to save what she can.

Broken glass scores her face. She isn’t sure from where. There is a red and soft white glow off to the east so she heads in that direction, dodging around a crumbled ceiling. She scrapes out through a crack in the wall when she reaches the building’s edge. Most of the boxes tumble from her arms as she squeezes through.

She is on the second floor.

“Ah—” she says, looking back for a moment, as she falls.

The building shimmers, swells, and shatters.

Susan hits the grass hard and her vision goes black.

On the first morning after the apocalypse, she opens her eyes. The world is desolately empty. There are no sounds of cars or people or even birds. There is only the rushing wind.

“Oh,” she says.

Her arms are clenched around the last few treasures that she has saved. Painfully she releases her grip. She sits up. She sets them down. She dusts herself off.

They are a Fisher-Price carpentry playset and a talking learn-the-alphabet game.

“You saved us,” says the talking learn-the-alphabet game.

Susan smiles tiredly.

What a strange toy, she thinks.

“Because you saved us,” says the talking learn-the-alphabet game, “we will help you survive this grim post-apocalyptic world.”

Ah, Susan thinks. I have gone insane.

“It is not necessary,” she says, politely. “I have already learned the alphabet.”

“There are more than twenty-six letters,” says the talking learn-the-alphabet game. “There is also soph.”

Soph,” says Susan.

“Now you know your A-B-Cs!” declares the talking learn-the-alphabet game. “Next time won’t you sing with me?”

“I will,” Susan says.

So they sing the alphabet together, including soph, in an empty world.

Top 100 for Humanities includes the FBI, US Dept. of State, and the CIA.

And they say the humanities are useless. USELESS.
it's fun that Talent is the new word for HR when it used to be the term in show business to describe people who looked good in front of cameras, contributed nothing else and had to be pushed around like adult babies in strollers by their caretakers

Dimashq posted:

Top 100 for Humanities includes the FBI, US Dept. of State, and the CIA.

And they say the humanities are useless. USELESS.

i remember a lot Crow's post here about how it's not just that those academic departments have churned out a bunch of petit-bourgeois unemployed who grab desperately at any opportunity to maintain their lifestyles and fragile self-worth, it's also that reading stuff such as Fanon and misusing it later will go a long way toward making you an effective manager within colonialism both domestic and abroad

its comforting to know that no matter what stupid field my degree is in, i can probably still get a job as the rhizzones latest cia mole if i just apply myself in the right way

levoydpage posted:

Also, so so sad that so many "gen z" (a made up name which is totally ominous itself and has a faint odor of propaganda) are 2nd gen silicon valley spoiled brats that have been to every Maker Faire and been reading how cool predator drones are since they were in a NUNA Leaf or something on a soylent green iv. STEM education in the states is highly patriotic and not exactly strong in the areas of critical thinking and ethics... Of course they need a new name, "Gen Z" the FINAL GENERATION before the BENEVOLENT SINGULARITY OF TRANS-HUMANISM!

an alt-right meme of late is Generation Zyklon which is probably accurate as I expect & hope to be brutally killed by them, long live the new flesh