I was lucky to get involved with cross country my first two years of high school, and although I stopped racing I continued to run 3-4 miles a day every day until I got to college and started drinking. In college I became fat and gross. Afterward I moved to NYC and started shedding the weight via years of extreme cycling, but never worked out in an organized fashion and never lifted.

Then I broke my arm this year and was most annoyed with the amount of natural strength I lost while recovering. So I hired a trainer a few months ago and now they teach me once a week. At the moment we are focusing on deadlifts while I learn a variety of other exercises. My trainer is a serious lifter. They are ~55 years old and have recently been squatting 435lbs, their lifetime personal best. If anyone has any questions I can pass them along.

Some thoughts I've had and things I've done as I pursue infinite strength..

-Running and cycling have been easier. I was surprised when talking about working through ab cramps to a friend and they didn't know what I meant at all. Some people have just never run that much I guess. I was blessed to have an extremely talented cross country coach (who was also our physics teacher), who introduced us to things like interval training but especially got me to enjoy powering through cramps. So I like to do my long runs after upper body days, and especially ab days. I feel like the running engages the parts of the muscles that weren't hit as hard in my workout. If you're having trouble with cramps try to keep the motion of running going even if you have to slow to walking pace.

-Cutting bad food.. I weigh 145-150lbs so, I need to drink 2L of water a day. I keep two 1L bottles and fill them both up when I wake up. I try to finish the first by 1pm and the second by 7pm. Last night was the first night in a long time that I slept for like 7 hours without getting up because.. yknow
Breakfast: a half cup of oatmeal with raisins and cinnamon, and 2 eggs; I boil the water, eat the oatmeal while the eggs are boiling. Egg help: After putting the water on to boil, use a thumbtack to poke a hole in the wide end of the egg so gas can escape. This reduces the sulfur taste. No need to salt or vinegar the water. After 7 minutes use a measuring cup to fish them out, drop them into cold water, then immediately peel them in the water. The leftover cinnamon from the oatmeal tastes good on the eggs.
Caffeine: I cut all caffeine to a shot of espresso only before lifting; side effect of making caffeine fun again
Night time: I eat my last meal at 6-7, then around 9-10 I eat some cottage cheese or greek yogurt. There is no way to make cottage cheese taste good.

Vices: I don't drink at all anymore, but I smoke weed before exercise. Cold showers after

-Obviously this is all expensive. If I hadn't hired someone with a lot of knowledge I would have either hurt myself or given up after a month of no progress. My laundry cost has gone up as well, and of course it all takes time, and could I do a shift eg. bussing tables after working out my arms and back? Anyway good luck on this front

Tips, ticks, comment, hatred below

Edited by swampman ()

every time i start running my feet give way once i hit a certain weekly mileage. life suck
every time i work out its at my insufferable gym with gymbros and its only sometimes nice also i am a gym bro and i hate myself
My name is tears. I'm 27 years old. I believe in taking care of myself, and a balanced diet and a rigorous exercise routine. In the morning, if my face is a little puffy, I'll put on an ice pack while doing my stomach crunches. I can do a thousand now. After I remove the ice pack, I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower, I use a water activated gel cleanser. Then a honey almond body scrub. And on the face, an exfoliating gel scrub. Then apply an herb mint facial mask, which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion. There is an idea of a tears, some kind of abstraction, but there is no real me. Only an entity, something illusory. And though I can hide my cold gaze, and you can shake my hand and feel flesh gripping yours and maybe you can even sense our life styles are probably comparable, I simply am not there.
Cottage cheese is good, op

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

Cottage cheese is good, op

Urban legend


Bablu posted:

every time i start running my feet give way once i hit a certain weekly mileage. life suck

Have you tried jumping rope, or swimming? I usually do a couple runs a week on the treadmill since it's so much gentler on my joints. Treadmill also a good way to do precise interval training.


Themselves posted:

every time i work out its at my insufferable gym with gymbros and its only sometimes nice also i am a gym bro and i hate myself

I signed up at the gym that is around the way from the crossfit gym, so all the screamy guys get filtered. One morning my trainer yelled at a rando who took their shirt off, that really won me over


tears posted:

My name is tears. I'm 27 years old. I believe in taking care of myself, and a balanced diet and a rigorous exercise routine. In the morning, if my face is a little puffy, I'll put on an ice pack while doing my stomach crunches. I can do a thousand now. After I remove the ice pack, I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower, I use a water activated gel cleanser. Then a honey almond body scrub. And on the face, an exfoliating gel scrub. Then apply an herb mint facial mask, which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion. There is an idea of a tears, some kind of abstraction, but there is no real me. Only an entity, something illusory. And though I can hide my cold gaze, and you can shake my hand and feel flesh gripping yours and maybe you can even sense our life styles are probably comparable, I simply am not there.

I would advise you to break up the thousand stomach crunches with some other ab workouts - some stacking exercises, planks, jackknifes etc. Try planking on your toes and forearms and lift your left knee to your left tricep, then replace it and do the same on the right side. At the least I think it's a lot better to do 3 sets of 400 crunches

The sun light fades in with the buzz of a looming insect. "I'm back," I think to myself, without acknowledging the implications.

I prefer to drink one liter of water upon waking before any solid food or other contaminants.

On rough days I'll sit in my robe, burn some incense and play my favorite cassette tape of soft noise, radio feed back, and synthesizers. This helps me remember where I am.

Eggs and oatmeal are staples for the next phase. Sometimes, when moral is lower I like to cut holes in pieces of rye bread and fry the egg. I always try to prepare twice as much vegetables by weight to the eggs. Bread only when emotionally necessary.

I like my oatmeal with cinnamon, nutmeg and a pinch of salt, and I'll cut an apple into absurdly small perfect pieces to judge my ability to focus and patience level for the day.

I generally forget what happens after this phase.

OP, I don't know your diet, but bananas are good to incorporate for rebuilding your body after breaking it down. Also, you will want to have a lot of protein: relying to much on eggs can be hard on your cardiovascular system. After years of being a vegetarian I started to incorporate sardines to subsidize this issue. I blame it all on Nirvana. I watched someone sing "Something In The Way" karaoke, and a line read "It's okay to eat fish, 'cause they don't have any feelings". I was immediately brainwashed.

I've always just done salt and pepper on cottage cheese. You can go the opposite route of honey as well.
I switched to a ~99% Soylent diet near the beginning of March last year. I stayed as consistent with it as I could. Back then it was Soylent 1.4. After just a week, a week and a half, of nothing but Soylent I felt great! (Aside from some acidic bowel movements but those were quickly resolved by taking the psyllium husk suggestion in these forums) I had more energy, my rests were shorter by much more restful, I had better performance at the gym in my workouts, I felt like I could concentrate better than ever... it was as if I was getting proper nutrition for the first time in my life.

But then the switch to 1.5 happened. It took a while but maybe a month or two before switching to 2.0 when it released, what, a month early? I began to feel more and more lethargic. It was so gradual that I didn't really realize how bad it was getting. Was my body getting too used to Soylent? Was it some change from 1.4 to 1.5 that wasn't agreeing with me? I don't know what happened and I barely noticed, just living day to day doing my thing.

I jumped on the 2.0 train because I loved the idea of the improved convenience it promised. I liked the taste of 1.4 better than 1.5, but 2.0 has definitely been my favorite tasting Soylent. But when it came to how I felt, my energy, my performance physically and mentally, it was still slowly declining. And I still wouldn't really notice a change until recently because of how gradual it was. The switch from "normal" healthy diet (lean meats, vegetables, no processed foods, water as only drink) to all 1.4 had me feeling amazing for months. With a huge leap the first couple of weeks until it was more gradual. Maybe because my physical and mental performance had improved so it was helping to naturally improve myself further. 1.4 to 1.5 I didn't notice the change until I started 2.0. First week or two I noticed my performance at the gym was gradually decreasing. Like just before switching to 1.5 I worked my way up to being able to do 12 pull-ups. A personal record! But at the end of 1.5/start of 2.0 I was doing well to get 3 or 4 in. I shrugged it off as just a bad day, everyone has those, but I could never get back, never improve. Then in late November, early December I noticed I was having trouble focusing. I was lucky enough to start a new job the first week of November but I still find it difficult to focus as well as I want to, as well as I remember being able at the height of 1.4.

Mid January I decided I needed to make a change again. I knew my one year experiment I put forth for myself to go all in on Soylent, so see if the calorie and nutritional control would help. It seemed to help very well for a while. But assessing how I've been feeling the past few months... lethargic, tired, having difficulty thinking and processing things to the point of taking noticeably long pauses before I speak... I dunno, I feel a far cry form how amazing 1.4 initially had me feeling. I feel as if I've slipped backwards so much.

any advice op?
[account deactivated]

levoydpage posted:

OP, I don't know your diet, but bananas are good to incorporate for rebuilding your body after breaking it down. Also, you will want to have a lot of protein: relying to much on eggs can be hard on your cardiovascular system. After years of being a vegetarian I started to incorporate sardines to subsidize this issue. I blame it all on Nirvana. I watched someone sing "Something In The Way" karaoke, and a line read "It's okay to eat fish, 'cause they don't have any feelings". I was immediately brainwashed.

I only eat the two eggs in the morning. My post lifting shake is brown dust, green dust, orange juice, a banana from the freezer, and some kale and alfalfa. I also eat a can of tuna mixed with like, diced strawberries or apples and more alfalfa, on toast. Fish definitely have feelings but my protein alternative would be constant farting, just as bad from a utilitarian view.

i try to lift 3x a week and i bike to work every day now, get off my back
i also drink and smoke weed everyday so it sort of cancels each other out really

swampman posted:

I only eat the two eggs in the morning. My post lifting shake is brown dust, green dust, orange juice, a banana from the freezer, and some kale and alfalfa. I also eat a can of tuna mixed with like, diced strawberries or apples and more alfalfa, on toast. Fish definitely have feelings but my protein alternative would be constant farting, just as bad from a utilitarian view.

Tuna is a large fish that lives for a very long time. Throughout it's life it accumulates heavy metals from the ocean, Mercury being one. Heavy metals WILL make you depressed. There's more research coming out on it all the time and the symptoms of depression are getting more comprehensive. Sardines are small fish that don't live for that long and can't accumulate as much toxicity. I would recommend them. But, I think everything I think is probably actually false, so, do what you will.

What kind of green dust you on?

Also, my apologies to everyone for referring to animals by their nutritional content. Seriously.
here's my current program which is some weird bastardized form of dc training that i've been going for years (not the same excercises, tho)

Monday (Shoulders/Triceps)
BB Seated Shoulder Press (5/3/1 Sets)
BB Front Raise (3 Rest Pause Sets, 22-30 Reps Total)
Resistance Band Lat Raises (2 Light Sets, 22-30 Reps)
CB Tricep Extensions (3 Heavy Sets 9-16 Reps Total)
Reverse Grip Front Press (3 Rest Pause Sets, 17-25 Reps Total)
BB Skullcrusher (2 Light Sets, 32-40 Reps)

Tuesday (Legs)
Leg Extensions (3 Rest Pause Sets, 32-40 Reps Total)
Leg Curls (3 Rest Pause Sets, 15-23 Reps Total)
DB Negative Calf Raises (3 Rest Pause Sets, 57-65 Reps Total)

Thursday (Chest/Biceps)
BB Flat Bench Press (5/3/1 Sets)
BB Incline Wide Grip Press (3 Rest Pause Sets, 17-25 Reps Total)
BB Decline Narrow Grip Bench Press (2 Light Sets - 17-25 Total)
Chin-ups (3 Heavy Sets 7-13 Reps Total)
Wide Grip Pull-ups (3 Light Sets 8-15)
BB Curls

4 week program, 1st week is light, 2nd is medium, 3rds is heavy, 4th is off-week

i took out my core day when i started having constant back pain about a year ago. anyways, everyone should lift. figure out what makes it easiest for you and listen to your body when it's telling you that you just strained the fuck out of a muscle and stop lifting you dumbshit.
I subsist entirely on clean air and sunshine. To work out I vibrate my entire body for 43.6 minutes every day at a specific frequency which sculpts my flesh into a monument to platonic perfection. I radiate a soothing, healthy glow that cures depression and cancer in the passers by who bask in my divine presence. Woodland creatures happily gambol about me and do my household chores. Step up your game.
Gonna apply to the Jewish community centre gym soon, it seems to be less flashy than some of the other ones around me.

levoydpage posted:

Also, my apologies to everyone for referring to animals by their nutritional content. Seriously.

It's ok, part of working out seems to be referring to oneself as nutritional content. The green dust is "superfood" made by Amazing Grass. Who knows if it has any contents but it makes the brown protein dust more attractive. Also if tuna all have incredibly bad depression then it seems like killing them off is merciful, so I'm not going to not eat tuna, at least I have the intelligence to not kill myself instead of having no fingers, but I did get some sardines at the store on your advice. Also going to make cole slaw, strong recommend to all vegetarians to get a head of cabbage, carrots, apples, anything else, some nuts are good, toss them with vinaigrette and let them soak for the week.

toyotathon posted:

i'm trying to find the sweet spot between cheap and healthy and i think it's grains and veggies.

i eat basically just a lot of bread, cuz i love baking bread 2-3x/week. bread. dairy for the bread. and green smoothies. i only eat meat when it's given to me. hopefully on the slow track to vegan. if anybody wants to talk bread or do a Bread Thread, i think maybe a majority of ppl here came from bread civilizations, and w/ the advent of home refrigeration + culture knowledge, bread has gotten incredible. bread + butter + 2x servings of fruit + 2x servings of veg. it's not the perfect diet, but i love it, it's cheap as fuck, it's structurally vegetarian, and i can stick with it. also hot fresh bread brought to parties, to encampments, to org meetings = great.

yesterday i made a slow-rise poolish foccacia w/ olive oil i'd simmered for hrs w/ garlic, onions, herbs d'florence, black pepper, salt, probably cost about $1.50 all said. today i'm doing a pane siciliano w/ a pre-ferment i just took out of the fridge to wake up. probably <$1 for a day's calories. been freezing fruit for a big ol kale smoothie and found some cheap medjool dates at the grocery. bread on its own isn't healthy but if you surround it w/ fruit and vegetables it's all good, and you can do it on <$5/person/day.

Make te fucking breading thread... baking is magical

I use to make sourdough bread a lot. mostly 100% rye. it was the shit. but I started getting sick so I had to cut it out of my diet . I still make some to give away. I also hold sourdough baking workshops to fundraiser money.

I've recently became vegan. Or at least very close to it (I'm not picky when I'm a guest). As leftists, we shouldn't be supporting the horrendous animal agr industry.

I cook everything from scratch. I try to buy everything from the local farms. I've been fermenting a lot of veggies to get me through the winter. It's all hard work. but it's worth it.

this is post 2 in the rhizomatic ultrathread. its growing sideways

shriekingviolet posted:

I subsist entirely on clean air and sunshine. To work out I vibrate my entire body for 43.6 minutes every day at a specific frequency which sculpts my flesh into a monument to platonic perfection. I radiate a soothing, healthy glow that cures depression and cancer in the passers by who bask in my divine presence. Woodland creatures happily gambol about me and do my household chores. Step up your game.

Whoa, that's some Kundalini shit... That's tite.

littlegreenpills posted:

this is post 2 in the rhizomatic ultrathread. its growing sideways

also tite


swampman posted:

Make te fucking breading thread... baking is magical

I saw a semi-regular meetup entitled: beer, bread and biotech... Chats between mad scientists over classic fermented products.

We should have that in thread form!

I've wanted to start exercising regularly for over a year but this nagging calf injury, seemingly some kind of tear I didn't directly notice at the time which didn't heal correctly, flares up whenever I do a bit of running/swimming. I kept taking longer and longer breaks from exercise hoping it would go away but it hasn't. I did about a month of physical therapy which was terribly expensive and doing the recommended stretches for two months with basically no effect. I guess the next step is to go back to the orthopedist and see what they have to say? Anyway it's been terribly discouraging and depressing and I'm pretty sure I don't want to live if I can't play basketball or swim ever.

My one friend was helping me learn to lift over the summer, something I'd never really done and doesn't generally require my legs, but since he's moved for work I haven't been back.

As for diet I'm gaining weight cause of eating too much taco bell and drinking too much. But when I'm not depressed I eat fairly ok, don't really buy any junk food mostly eating rice and beans or pasta or whatever with vegetables (I'm vegetarian). This reminded me I should start eating oatmeal again.
a tip for people losing weight: your weight can vary by what appears to be a signficant amount day by day. this can lead to the illusion that despite being on a calorie-restricted diet you may have a day that you have gained weight from the previous day. this can be very discouraging and lead you to give up. an important thing to keep in mind is that physics is real and mass did not spontaneously pop into the cosmos, localized nonfatally in your body. there are three reasons this might happen.

1. you had an particularly large meal recently. this is more likely if you have been on a diet for a long time and your weight included the relative lack of poop in your body.
2. measuring error on the scale.
3. increased water retention. this is the most likely. you can retain more water depending on the time of day you weigh yourself, the menstrual cycle, if you just started taking creatine or lifting weights, if you drank more water than usual, or if you ate more salt than usual.

the point is that in any case this is not "real" weight you have gained and will be entirely gone within a few days. and the swings are actually minimal, "gaining" three pounds on a given day may seem like a big hiccup, but it's probably a fluctuation of less than 2% of your body weight. even if you have a serious binge day, you'll probably only eat maybe one or two pounds' worth of calories above your average.
i am a fat guy who wants to have more energy to keep up with my kid who wears me out and he's not even walking yet. but i dont really care about optimal fitness regimes or whatever so my solution will simply be eat a bit better and walk more now that the weather's improving. thanks for reading.
a treadmill and a pair of handcuffs is the yuppie bondage starter set. good luck OP.

Petrol posted:

i am a fat guy who wants to have more energy to keep up with my kid who wears me out and he's not even walking yet. but i dont really care about optimal fitness regimes or whatever so my solution will simply be eat a bit better and walk more now that the weather's improving. thanks for reading.

oh fuck off with your "British Fat". like a "Milwaukee 8". i've seen things you people wouldn't believe

but sincerely that is great. children have so much energy all the time, its a good idea. my daughter, man....nobody should be that excited about getting to walk through black massachusets snow up to their waist
i recently started dating a vegetarian who likes to cook and my diet has got a lot better. unfortunately i still eat things i shouldnt, but i am now eating much more of the things that i should. i am very proud of the fact that taco bell is the nearest place to buy food to my house and i manage to only eat there once every three weeks or so, usually when im drunk after midnight

i lift 3-4 days a week and am a bit bummed that i am not gaining much strength or mass. i should probably do some reading and change up my routine a bit, but i am content to do what i do cause its really more about keeping myself to a practice that involves exercise and alone time, almost meditation

about six months ago i started doing it at 6am instead of 6pm because my stupid body wont let me sleep much past 5:45 so i might as well be productive during that time

i am really bad about eating breakfast, inasmuch as i dont eat any solid food. on days i lift i drink a protein shake that includes milk, berries, a banana, and some kale. i will try incorporating the two eggs and oatmeal. even though i know that energy and mood are tied to what you've eaten i still don't eat breakfast for some unknown reason
[account deactivated]

swampman posted:

Themselves posted:

every time i work out its at my insufferable gym with gymbros and its only sometimes nice also i am a gym bro and i hate myself

I signed up at the gym that is around the way from the crossfit gym, so all the screamy guys get filtered. One morning my trainer yelled at a rando who took their shirt off, that really won me over

i dont have problems with screaming into the void, that's the best part. its the forced conversation and interaction with racists, sexists, "The White Working Class" etc that really irks me. some guy that was becoming a cop recommended that i join him and i had to tell him that i smoke a metric fuckton of weed so he would leave me alone


roseweird posted:

i'm a vampire and i eat blood


[account deactivated]

roseweird posted:

i'm a vampire and i eat blood

arent We All Vampires


le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

arent We All Vampires

if you have a mirror in your house PM me & i can help you out


le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

physics is real



le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

roseweird posted:

i'm a vampire and i eat blood

arent We All Vampires

im a spooky ghost. a spectre, haunting, if you will.