So the social fascist social-democratic party in Canada, the New Democrats, are having a leadership election to decide who should be in charge of royally betraying the Canadian and international working class. My social-democrat and reformist friends and classmates have aggressively signed me on to every fucking mailing list related to this godawful fiasco and I am forced to actually pay attention to it, now I want you all to share my pain. The candidates are as follows:

Charlie Angus your opinionated uncle, was probably in a union at some point but not anymore. Voted to bomb Libya.

Nikki Ashton that feminist who you took a sociology class with, her favorite word is "intersectional". Also voted to bomb Libya but told me she was sorry about it.

Guy Caron a time traveler from when Quebec nationalism was cool, kind of looks like a frog

Jagmeet Singh Justin Trudeau but wears a turban and likes the color orange, probably modeled for Old Navy

I have had the displeasure of meeting in person every single once of these lizardmen with the exception of Angus, who I can only assume is too busy playing his banjo and telling stories about being kicked out of the Catholic church to come to any of the things that I go to.

Anyways, let's indulge in a thought experiment. If one of the numerous berniebro social fash that support these candidates in some order or another put a gun to your head and screamed "IT's TIME TO UNITE THE LEFT, YOU MUST CHOOSE!" which would you?

The NDP uses a ranked ballot system so ranking them is also acceptable

Please respond promptly, social democrats are surprisingly trigger happy when it comes to communists.

Edited by SparksBandung ()

i think you mean a rank ballot system cause all of those choices stink!!!
Probably nikki ashton.
[account deactivated]
hmmmmm *thinking for 10 minutes* put politics in command
Guy Caron will troll Alberta hardest. Nothing else in Canadian electoral politics matters. Vote Guy Caron.
What about Nelly Furtado?

EDIT: Sorry, you said it's a ranked ballot. I'd go 1) Nelly Furtado 2) Nelly Furtado 3) Nelly Furtado 4) Nelly Furtado and so on and so on.

Edited by Soviet_Salami ()

[account deactivated]

false flag!

gotta hear both sides

shriekingviolet posted:

Guy Caron will troll Alberta hardest. Nothing else in Canadian electoral politics matters. Vote Guy Caron.

I am sympathetic to this position.

He's also the only vaguely leftist candidate on the slate who (afaik) hasn't yet shilled for imperialist mass murder, so that's a good side perk.

I love this thread title.
I'm voting for NiKKKi A$hton but just out of a rote sense of duty to pick the person most annoying to the party establishment. She's probably not going to do well. Maybe third place? Complaining about a democratic socialist supporting bombing is like complaining about the sun for being yellow. I voted for her last time first ballot too.
Feel like I might be playing to type too much here, but reminder that the sun is a giant ball of atomic fire that gives us cancer, and we all pretend that's ok. It is not ok. Denounce The Sun
But yeah my friends & peers are almost unanimous in their support for Nikki Ashton, which is sadly a 100% sure sign that she doesn't stand a chance.
i found out recently there's this big debate in phil of mind why people see the sun as yellow when it's 'Actually' white, not for me but fun to argue about for a lot of other nerds who speak English i guess which is i think how they choose what that field's about

Edited by cars ()

It's also a big debate in Coldplay
i will NOT denouce the sun, or insult it by claiming it is a certain colour when it all colours and all things to all people, the sun our god. Worship The Sun

shriekingviolet posted:

Feel like I might be playing to type too much here, but reminder that the sun is a giant ball of atomic fire that gives us cancer, and we all pretend that's ok. It is not ok. Denounce The Sun

wow. Ungrateful

I wholeheartedly denounce the suninist clique and their petit-bourgeois hangers-on in akkkademia
Did a nobler Presence feast your eyes,
When on the wings of morn you saw ascend,
Above the countless peaks of Darnavend
The sun’s bowed rim? What man, if this were
Could stay from gazing? I have known, have
A thousand times, living so many a day,
My soul, with the sun’s coming, borne away,
God to behold enthroned, the King of Kings,
To name him Master of life’s fountain-springs
To bear me worthy of such glorious sight,
And forward fare in highway of His light.
And when the fiery disk was full outlined,
I stood as if in darkness, stricken blind,
I smote my breast, and all my life a-glow,
Cast me to earth with forehead bended low.

From West–Eastern Diwan by Goethe

SparksBandung posted:

Jagmeet Singh Justin Trudeau but wears a turban and likes the color orange, probably modeled for Old Navy

we have a winner

What does a party leader do in Canada? Are they PM if the party wins a majority?

platzapS posted:

What does a party leader do in Canada? Are they PM if the party wins a majority?

Generally yes, though by convention and not by the strictest letter of the law. The Governor General (the queen's representative because lolll) is supposed to select whoever has the confidence of parliament, which is typically pretty clear in a parliamentary majority. In the case of something more fun like a minority coalition government the coalition parties will "recommend" who among their leaders should be selected and the GG plays nice and chooses that one. Because lots of Canada's oldest legal structures run on the British model of convention and precedent instead of actual real big boy pants laws the GG could technically pick someone else and the resulting shitstorm would end very badly for everyone.


shriekingviolet posted:

and the resulting shitstorm would end very badly for everyone.

I say this but a couple years back the conservative minority government was threatened by a nascent coalition forming out of literally everyone else in parliament being sick of their shit, the PM asked the governor general "hey instead of me losing a vote of non-confidence how about you just suspend parliament so the vote doesn't happen" and the GG was like "ok sure why not."

This should have been a constitutional crisis but instead everyone just shrugged because stereotypical Canadian passive aggressive politeness I guess?

Yeah seriously what the fuck was that?

While we are on the topic of klanada does anybody have any suggestions of orgs to work with, even non commie ones? The Maoists seem cuckoo and they don't respond to my emails anyways. Plus I never see them at protests. I think they spend most of their time compiling call-outs and task-specific thesauruses

I have a friend in the ML party, the CPC, but he seems disillusioned with them and from what I've heard it's a bit of a revolving door of activists.

I feel so useless and powerless
The local MLPC had some really cool people in my city about two years ago and did a lot of genuinely supportive work on good stuff like palestinian solidarity, played nice and allied productively with other organizations in the city, etc. Whoever was driving that organizing seems to have been devoured by national level squabbles though where I hear that the party is... not so good.

Now that vacuum of "actually doing things in the city" has been filled by trots who keep holding these almost good events about marxist perspectives on antifa, environmentalism, etc that eventually devolve into everyone rolling their eyes and walking away when they inevitably get to what they really want to talk about which is how every other marxist organization are big ole meany evil stalinists and won't you feel sorry for us and *beep whirr* BUY OUR TROT NEWSPAPER *click*

The CPC... are at marches??? I guess??

shriekingviolet posted:

shriekingviolet posted:
and the resulting shitstorm would end very badly for everyone.

I say this but a couple years back the conservative minority government was threatened by a nascent coalition forming out of literally everyone else in parliament being sick of their shit, the PM asked the governor general "hey instead of me losing a vote of non-confidence how about you just suspend parliament so the vote doesn't happen" and the GG was like "ok sure why not."

This should have been a constitutional crisis but instead everyone just shrugged because stereotypical Canadian passive aggressive politeness I guess?

i lost my mind about this, it was a pr coup, both figuratively and literally.

the conservative media line was that a coalition of parties was an unconstitutional, illegal coup d'état and that the leader of the largest party must become PM even in a minority situation. the media was absolutely fucking useless about this and There Are Two Sidesed it to death despite the fact that every legal expert was like yeah, no, this is totally normal and legal to do, the tories are wrong

and then he went to visit the GG for like 3 hours and she dismissed parliament!!!1111

fucking motherfucking fuck.

anyway whatever the centre-left coalition would have done nothing different except for lowering atm fees. thanks canadian politicians.

Yeah the conservatives had an amazingly well developed deathgrip on media narratives, it was seriously impressive. Of course, they had a little help


gay_swimmer posted:


welp, how, what, lmao

i mean yes it's more complicated but what a bad answer
i have never met anyone who gives a solitary shit about the air India bombing
that's what i call the morning after pork vindaloo, and let me tell you brother,

drwhat posted:

the conservative media line was that a coalition of parties was an unconstitutional, illegal coup d'état and that the leader of the largest party must become PM even in a minority situation. the media was absolutely fucking useless about this and There Are Two Sidesed it to death despite the fact that every legal expert was like yeah, no, this is totally normal and legal to do, the tories are wrong

i tend to look back at it a bit differently: the conservative government was basically vetoed by the needs of canadian capitalism. the conservatives basically announced they planned to ride out the financial crisis without much smoothing over for business, and everyone in the world except conservative ideologues said no to that. the conservative government held together because they admitted defeat and introduced something similar to what the liberals would have (designing and then announcing the entire package within a two month span or something like that). anyway the liberals would have had a lot of difficulty selling the coalition i think. it was totally within their rights but liberals don't want to be in power because the bloc quebecois votes for their budgets.


getfiscal posted:

liberals don't want to be in power because the bloc quebecois votes for their budgets.

The Liberals leading a coalition propped up by a separatist nationalist party (the Bloc) could give them temporary short term power but would be long term political suicide because lots of people in the rest of canada consider the Bloc to be traitors and get their underwear all twisted up about any concessions to quebecois interests. This would give the theoretical Conservative opposition a goldmine of political ammunition about the Liberals "working with the enemy," almost guaranteed they would get horribly owned in the next election and possibly poison the well against them for years. And at that point in time the Liberals were already struggling against massive public distrust (which they totally earned!)
that's all really nice getfiscal but everything that happened was based on one of the biggest bald faced lies about how the canadian political system actually functions legally. sure blah blah capital but the crime was done in media.