Dennett's a mildly humorous writer and probably the least racist mainstream atheist but I feel like his Free Will theory is basically a fancy way of saying "who cares"; ie doesn't he just argue that reducing the arguments to such a granular level of neuron firing is pointless? Doesn't seem particularly insightful to me

Petrol posted:

wahhabi flight school

what a perfect username


rolaids posted:

basically a fancy way of saying "who cares"; ie doesn't he just argue that reducing the arguments to such a granular level of neuron firing is pointless? Doesn't seem particularly insightful to me

Actually "stop arguing about this stupid pointless shit you dumb nerds" is one of the most insightful philosophical arguments one can make, especially in philosophy of mind.


rolaids posted:

Dennett's a mildly humorous writer and probably the least racist mainstream atheist but I feel like his Free Will theory is basically a fancy way of saying "who cares"; ie doesn't he just argue that reducing the arguments to such a granular level of neuron firing is pointless? Doesn't seem particularly insightful to me

his argument is a really good way of getting intimate with how hacky and useless analytic philosopher types are. its so obviously a cheap cop out of an easy question with an obvious answer that philosophers can't accept because they don't like the roads it leads down and all you need in order to see it for what it is is to have zero formal training in philosophy

information from the front of the disintegration of the US world empire:


kamelred posted:

his argument is a really good way of getting intimate with how hacky and useless analytic philosopher types are. its so obviously a cheap cop out of an easy question with an obvious answer that philosophers can't accept because they don't like the roads it leads down and all you need in order to see it for what it is is to have zero formal training in philosophy

Dennett used to be fun to read for me sometimes for that reason but in the manner of a Tom Clancy novel or something, not thought provoking at all really, and he's probably a net negative to the world, and it's kind of sad to me that the meme thing is so bad and the people who write about it are so bad because making loose analogies between the spread of ideas and like, the convergent evolution of marsupial pseudo saber tooth tigers got me interested in Marxism when I was much younger in a way that's not worth explaining in detail but that i'm too old to feel embarrassed about admitting now

writing fan fiction about the footnote mention of Darwin in Capital

cars posted:

Dennett used to be fun to read for me sometimes for that reason but in the manner of a Tom Clancy novel or something, not thought provoking at all really, and he's probably a net negative to the world, and it's kind of sad to me that the meme thing is so bad and the people who write about it are so bad because making loose analogies between the spread of ideas and like, the convergent evolution of marsupial pseudo saber tooth tigers got me interested in Marxism when I was much younger in a way that's not worth explaining in detail but that i'm too old to feel embarrassed about admitting now

this is a familiar feeling for me but for douglas hofstadter. i really enjoyed reading GEB in high school and it influenced me a lot. looking back at it now has been pretty enlightening about liberal trends in philosophy and how much there is to be gained by moving past them


marlax78 posted:

information from the front of the disintegration of the US world empire:


see also: https://asia.nikkei.com/Markets/Commodities/China-sees-new-world-order-with-oil-benchmark-backed-by-gold?page=1

[account deactivated]
so if you actually read that bill for increasing the pentagon's budget, you'll notice that it includes $500 million in "security assistance" to the kiev junta, including, of course, armaments. interestingly, a few weeks ago, putin said if the US sends weapons to Kiev, the Donbass rebels "may dispatch their weapons to other conflict zones that are sensitive to those who create problems for them".

gee, and the business press were expecting negative rates from trump's appointment to the Fed
extremely grimdark summary of a hellish rpg setting but its just a factual description of the amerikkkan empire

marlax78 posted:

https://thenextrecession.wordpress.com/2017/09/21/the-end-of-qe/gee, and the business press were expecting negative rates from trump's appointment to the Fed

Well thank God we don't have anything else to worry about like climate change, refugee crisis, political instability, rise of fascism, and a precarious globalized economy. Nope. Things are actually pretty good. Just a couple ugly looking graphs. No problem. I'm still going to buy this house. Raise some kids and then babysit my grandkids. I'm gonna keep saving money so I can retire comfortably. Maybe even buy a nice like vacation spot down south. Business as usual. Everything is fine and dandy. Everything is going to be taken care of. I've been comfortable my entire life. Things won't change. Nothing beats inertia.

[account deactivated]

Imagine being the COINTELPRO thug who would much rather be framing black nationalists for murder or snitch jacketing immigrant union organizers, but instead you're assigned to intimidate someone's dottering grandma who shared a slacktivist image macro.
they're saying now that the nfl protests are being directed by russian bots

i would like to say that this is just hillary's loss blowing a supperating hole in these people's collective psyche but there's something to be said for its use in slandering anything that doesn't comport with idiot beltway ideology

The story is about monopoly on steroids. It is about the extreme and unconstrained power of Google and Facebook, and how they are affecting what you read, hear and see. It is about how these two companies are undermining progressive news sources, including AlterNet.

In June, Google announced major changes in its algorithm designed to combat fake news. Ben Gomes, the company’s vice president for engineering, stated in April that Google’s update of its search engine would block access to “offensive" sites, while working to surface more “authoritative content.”

This seemed like a good idea. Fighting fake news, which Trump often uses to advance his interests and rally his supporters, is an important goal that AlterNet shares.

But little did we know that Google had decided, perhaps with bad advice or wrong-headed thinking, that media like AlterNet—dedicated to fighting white supremacy, misogyny, racism, Donald Trump, and fake news—would be clobbered by Google in its clumsy attempt to address hate speech and fake news.

The Numbers Are Striking

We have had consistent search traffic averaging 2.7 million unique visitors a month, over the past two and a half years. (Search traffic makes up 30-40 percent of AlterNet's overall traffic.) But since the June Google announcement, AlterNet’s search traffic has plummeted by 40 percent—a loss of an average of 1.2 million people every month who are no longer reading AlterNet stories.

AlterNet is not alone. Dozens of progressive and radical websites have reported marked declines in their traffic. But AlterNet ranks at the top in terms of audience loss because we have a deep archive from 20 years of producing thousands of news articles. And we get substantial traffic overall—typically among the top five indy sites.
it's bc they posted those Max Blumenthal articles on the White Helmets

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

https://www.alternet.org/media/editorial-googles-threat-democracy-hits-alternet-hardThe story is about monopoly on steroids. It is about the extreme and unconstrained power of Google and Facebook, and how they are affecting what you read, hear and see. It is about how these two companies are undermining progressive news sources, including AlterNet.

In June, Google announced major changes in its algorithm designed to combat fake news. Ben Gomes, the company’s vice president for engineering, stated in April that Google’s update of its search engine would block access to “offensive" sites, while working to surface more “authoritative content.”

This seemed like a good idea. Fighting fake news, which Trump often uses to advance his interests and rally his supporters, is an important goal that AlterNet shares.

But little did we know that Google had decided, perhaps with bad advice or wrong-headed thinking, that media like AlterNet—dedicated to fighting white supremacy, misogyny, racism, Donald Trump, and fake news—would be clobbered by Google in its clumsy attempt to address hate speech and fake news.

The Numbers Are Striking

We have had consistent search traffic averaging 2.7 million unique visitors a month, over the past two and a half years. (Search traffic makes up 30-40 percent of AlterNet's overall traffic.) But since the June Google announcement, AlterNet’s search traffic has plummeted by 40 percent—a loss of an average of 1.2 million people every month who are no longer reading AlterNet stories.

AlterNet is not alone. Dozens of progressive and radical websites have reported marked declines in their traffic. But AlterNet ranks at the top in terms of audience loss because we have a deep archive from 20 years of producing thousands of news articles. And we get substantial traffic overall—typically among the top five indy sites.

Wow. I've never been so shocked and surprised in my entire. I'm literally shaking in shockness


holy fucking lol
THE PRESIDENT: And a lot of people got to see the real Coast Guard during this incredible trouble, and especially I think here and in Texas was incredible what they did. So thank you all very much. Thank you very much. We appreciate it. Really appreciate it.

Would you like to say something on behalf of your men and women?

AIR FORCE REPRESENTATIVE: Sir, I’m representing the Air Force.

THE PRESIDENT: No, I know that.
i posted this on twitter dot edu yesterday but it still kind of blows my mind that "russian bots" are the scary threat for this month. yes. the entire political commentariat has declared themselves less influential than social media chatbots written by people who speak english as a second language. you'd think that this is the kind of thing that, if true, they'd like to downplay

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

holy fucking lol

speaking as a F-35 with large cartoon Flash eyes,

Centipede Central, the most influential and active pro-Donald Trump chat room on the internet was taken over and shut down in a self-described "coup" last week... According to two of the mutineers, Americans who go by the names of Hova and Pefimous, they destroyed Centipede Central to wrest control from Based_Brit for three reasons:

  • He was sometimes inactive
  • He argued for an anime channel on Centipede Central, which some moderators didn't want
  • Some moderators did not want a British person running an American political server

"The issue with Based_Brit is he's not American, he's a crypto furry—a closeted furry. He wanted to add anime and NSFW channels. But mostly for us, it's because he was so inactive. Every time we wanted to do something, he would be lazy and not implement it,"

hmmm, a brit mod who is furry and inactive seems to be the new type.

Well, at least Brown Moses will have more time to put into Belingcat research on Russia now

slipdisco posted:

Centipede Central, the most influential and active pro-Donald Trump chat room on the internet was taken over and shut down in a self-described "coup" last week... According to two of the mutineers, Americans who go by the names of Hova and Pefimous, they destroyed Centipede Central to wrest control from Based_Brit for three reasons:

  • He was sometimes inactive
  • He argued for an anime channel on Centipede Central, which some moderators didn't want
  • Some moderators did not want a British person running an American political server

"The issue with Based_Brit is he's not American, he's a crypto furry—a closeted furry. He wanted to add anime and NSFW channels. But mostly for us, it's because he was so inactive. Every time we wanted to do something, he would be lazy and not implement it,"

hmmm, a brit mod who is furry and inactive seems to be the new type.

Imagine how unintelligible all of this would be to even the most Online person three years ago. There's no way a Biblical hell could be worse than this


JohnBeige posted:


this is extremely good stuff and it was probably worth buzzfeed existing just for this one article

  • Milo gets a lot of his more in depth work ghostwritten by a brown dude (that he met thru gamergate) that he regularly screws out of a byline
  • he consults with web luminaries such as weev and mencius moldbug for ideological advice
  • steve bannon genuinely sees himself at the vanguard of a war that will cement the west's superiority for generations to come
  • one of the senior editors of vice's womens imprint Broadly has been secretly feeding milo material about fat and satanic feminists to ridicule, including content from broadly itself
  • all of avowedly non-white-supremacist milo's account passwords are holocaust themed
  • breitbart, and milo's speaking tours, are sponsored, assisted and given editorial direction by the billionaire mercer family

and here is the infamous video of milo doing nazi karaoke for the sieg heiling richard spencer and pals (milo insists he couldnt see the salutes because of his myopia, a hilarious and telling excuse)
breaking: president trump denounces revisionism

"Recently, we have had challenges that we really should have taken care of a long time ago, like North Korea, Iran, Afghanistan, ISIS and the revisionist powers that threaten our interests all around the world," Trump said.

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

"Recently, we have had challenges that we really should have taken care of a long time ago, like North Korea, Iran, Afghanistan, ISIS and the revisionist powers that threaten our interests all around the world," Trump said.


In response to a Yiannopoulos pitch accusing a prominent Republican opponent of Trump of being a pill-popper, Bannon wrote: “Dude!!! LMAO! … Epic.”


its always been funny to me that these alt-right 4chan idiots consider themselves the heirs of western civilization just because they're white and once downloaded the tannhauser overture.

[account deactivated]

kinch posted:

the heirs of western civilization just because they're white

Well. Yeah.


Petrol posted:

  • all of avowedly non-white-supremacist milo's account passwords are holocaust themed

just gonna break this part out for anyone who didnt bother wading thru the whole article

In an April 6 email, Allum Bokhari mentioned having had access to an account of Yiannopoulos’s with “a password that began with the word Kristall.” Kristallnacht, an infamous 1938 riot against German Jews carried out by the SA — the paramilitary organization that helped Hitler rise to power — is sometimes considered the beginning of the Holocaust. In a June 2016 email to an assistant, Yiannopoulos shared the password to his email, which began “LongKnives1290.” The Night of the Long Knives was the Nazi purge of the leadership of the SA. The purge famously included Ernst Röhm, the SA’s gay leader. 1290 is the year King Edward I expelled the Jews from England.

i'm willing to let that one slide as irony. reading the article, bannon and the mercers came across as seriously scary people, but i'd be surprised if milo really believes in anything other than success. if his career falters i can even see him switching sides.