slipdisco posted:the latest lrb cover story is 9000 words by John Lanchester on facebook,
this article sucks
I'll post or add if I find any
animedad posted:This is a good short read
Good poem in there from Yevgeny Yevtushenko:
How sharply our children will be ashamed
Taking at last their vengeance for these horrors
That in so strange a time
Common integrity could look like courage
When I think about the role Mic played in growing that sentiment of moral outrage — and it then bleeding into publications that you think should have risen above it — it doesn’t feel good.
this is insane. im not sure which is more revolting: the cynical deployment of social justice rhetoric to farm facebook clicks worth .0003 pennies, or a the mass exodus of bloggers writing for Channel Slay taking the first opportunity to jump ship on anti-oppression politics for the sake of The Discourse
kamelred posted:
very interesting and gross read, ty.
i hadn't seen their vote campaign before, yikes!
tears a better one on the buisiness model of facebook, please, i beg of you
i could take a shit directly down the internet into a blog and one thing it wouldn't do is advance the line that the nonexistent integrity of the western news press has somehow been challenged by another set of lies facilitated by another big media company
of course, it's rather upsetting the very last line in the book was about "stalinist degeneration" but whatever
Edited by marlax78 ()
tears posted:*nodding* uh huh,...right......but im looking for an article that discusses the buisiness model of facebook
not an article, but have you heard of georg orwells, "1984".
Petrol posted:tears posted:*nodding* uh huh,...right......but im looking for an article that discusses the buisiness model of facebook
not an article, but have you heard of georg orwells, "1984".
ok right having "looked into" this book on your recomendation, george orwells history of 1984 is not what im looking for. im looking for an article about rhe buisiness model of facebook
slipdisco posted:DRAMA ALERT! John Smith called David Harvey an 'imperialism-denier' because he doesn't get super-exploitation.
coming soon, more shots will be fired, this time on accumulation by dispossession.
(i.e. i should have my interview with mr smith out in a week or so)
The Grain Market in the Roman Empire by paul eRdkamp
An Economic History of Ancient Rome by Tenney Frank
tears posted:The Class Struggle in the Ancient Greek World from the Archaic Age to the Arab Conquests by G. E. M. de Ste. Croix
The Grain Market in the Roman Empire by paul eRdkamp
An Economic History of Ancient Rome by Tenney Frank
How's the de Ste. Croix book? I've wanted to read it but it's like 700 pages.
babyhueypnewton posted:How's the de Ste. Croix book? I've wanted to read it but it's like 700 pages.
love2 read page long paragraphs with up to 35 seperate pairs of paranthases in 6pt font, but yeah, its interesting if you like extremely referenced marx works about class struggle in the ancient world, of which this one is the best
marlax78 posted:tears:
The US market evidently has a powerful influence on social trends elsewhere in the world. It has been shown not only by the popularity among youth of wearing low-hanging trousers and baseball caps backwards – although, thankfully, these trends have, like, faded –
"HT: The victim was protesting the Nazis. However the incident was seized on to demonize Assad supporters. Neo-Nazis are bragging online that this is a first step in a strategy of tension that will lead to a race war, but they have been trying to start a race war for decades. Frankly, I see it as a blunder since they killed a white girl and brought the rage of the mainstream media upon themselves. This is a country in which a missing American white girl has in the past dominated the news for months at a time. However, sadly people will soon forget this case once the news cycle shifts. The rally itself was undeniably a well planned psyop and I’m sure it gained them many new recruits.
AV: What is interesting is all the fracture lines being played simultaneously, in seeming discord, yet fulfilling a common agenda – from Nazis as victims, to the stirring of anti-Assad sentiment.
It’s also revealing that the Nazis are broadcasting, to quote you,”that this is a first step in a strategy of tension that will lead to a race war”. They are using Gladio language, Gladio terminology.
HT: Yes, they are using Gladio language. Gladio was (and still is) a secret army (active in all NATO, and even neutral European countries) of “stay behind networks”. They justified this by claiming they would be used to resist a Soviet invasion, when they knew there was no such threat. The CIA, MI6, and NATO intelligence, in conjunction with the local intelligence services and the military, created secret armies in every country with hidden arms stockpiles. The recruits were usually fascists. They were used to wage secret wars via bombings, kidnappings and assassinations, which they would blame on the left. The most famous example is Italy, where each secret army had their own distinct name, yet researchers refer to them all as Gladio for convenience sake. It was psychological warfare meant to both discredit the left and empower the military and intelligence agencies that were actually behind the operations. With the War on Terror, and the CIA’s close ties to Al Qaeda which it claims to be fighting, this scenario has entrapped the whole world. Every terrorist attack should be viewed with suspicion. On the other hand, once you train someone and use them to carry out terror attacks, they may decide to launch an attack for their own purposes. Each case should be investigated. There is a troubling pattern in recent terror attacks in which the attacker was under surveillance by security services who are mysteriously called off a couple weeks before the attack takes place.
tears posted:the popularity among youth of wearing low-hanging trousers and baseball caps backwards – although, thankfully, these trends have, like, faded
i was amused with his britishness till that word miffed me off. i went through his posts on facebook, amazon, alibaba and apple.
the facebook one was the least informative except for the part about Zuckerberg's moves to retain control over the company while selling his shares and funnelling funds into his charity.
i was surprised to find out that apple is not making money from super-exploitation and rent on IP - sales have been declining - but derivatives and hedge funds like GE, etc.
also interesting is that while amazon maybe destroying retail, its can only operate profitably in ameriKa and some other first world countries. it has consistently lost money everywhere else. what is more, retail and entertainment are literally sideshows - amazon's main business is to, surprise, provide a platform in the 'cloud' for other businesses.
except for apple, the other three companies are following the dictates of platform economy.

burritonegro posted:I know this has been posted before, but in lieu of digging through hundreds of old posts, what are approved books on the Russian revolution and Soviet history?
im no expert but i recently read Christopher Hill's "Lenin and the Russian Revolution" and enjoyed it. good short introduction i think.