
tpaine posted:

gyaa wheere's kraphead?@ or fuckin' blinkie. i want to talk to my forums support netwerk where is paul

Here for you always


cars posted:

for those people I'd suggest Assemblies of God or the "Church of God" that's based out of Cleveland Tennessee because they're free, they'll link you up with left-liberal activism and also they're hemorrhaging members badly right now so you'll be treated like water in the desert.

are you mixed up b/c i'm pretty sure assembly of god is reactionary as fuck and also growing rapidly

a megachurch mall of god destroyed the local congregations in my home town that way too. it's a pretty common tactic i think. the bigger ones will eradicate small churches by generously giving them rent-free space for services in side chapels which makes the poaching process even faster: they're already in the building!

wtf way to ninja the whole paragraph i was responding to. rude!!
[account deactivated]
I agree with tpaine about god not being real and church being stupid.
I agree with tpaine about getting blind drunk and pissing myself and then posting about it repeatedly

shriekingviolet posted:

a megachurch mall of god destroyed the local congregations in my home town that way too. it's a pretty common tactic i think. the bigger ones will eradicate small churches by generously giving them rent-free space for services in side chapels which makes the poaching process even faster: they're already in the building!

lol sorry

i was never sure exactly how systematized it was but it seemed pretty slick, their pastor dude moved in and immediately started coaching volleyball and girls basketball, and two/three years later my parents' church was nothing but olds

If you want to go to church... you know I'm going to whichever church has the most babes
gods not real and church is as bad as any other community under capitalism so mileage may vary on that second one but the odds favour stupid
People call Landmark a cult but I wouldn't call them that because they don't try to exercise any control over your life other than dissuading you from associating with certain kinds of people through what they tell you about how they think people work, and because they make all their ideas and methods available to the public. In that they're a lot better than a lot of right-wing Protestant churches that apply extreme pressure to only socialize within their sect and better than Scientology because they'll both try to control your social life directly and still spend a lot of money on half-hearted attempts to keep people from publishing their secret high-level shit about how looking at pictures of volcanoes will make you realize aliens are real, strong and your enemy.

Landmark will try to talk you into getting all your friends and family to come to them, but I don't consider encouraging proselytizing to be cult behavior unless it's done as an underhanded means of trying to get you to alienate everyone else you know by insisting that you proselytize in ways that are almost always ineffective which is also a big thing in a lot of right-wing Protestant Christian sects.

thirdplace posted:

are you mixed up b/c i'm pretty sure assembly of god is reactionary as fuck and also growing rapidly

There are multiple sects named Assemblies of God and Church of God. I don't really keep track of which ones are which anymore.

[account deactivated]
is a stupid community better or worse than no community at all? well, there are some simple, easy questions you can use to figure this one out, for example: "does my stupid community take money and/or free labour from the poor and vulnerable?" "does my stupid community encourage people to stay in harmful relationships?" "does my stupid community cover up sexual assault and vilify victims?"

if the answer to all these questions is Yes, then your stupid community is either a church or a sports club or a splinter maoist sect and you should seek help immediately
Hello? Church of the Lamb of Christ is Risen? How many, er, Babes you got? The Church of Saint Paul The Saint says they got... 20 babes minimum, every service. Boom! How's it looking over your way baby?
If you're trying to get married fast I recommend the Mormons.
Hold on here... now there's no rule in the Bible that says a congregation CANT wear bikinis*

* there is
[account deactivated]

cars posted:

If you're trying to get married fast I recommend the Mormons.

Will I get married to a local during my time biking around some random city's downtown area asking pedestrians if they've noticed how weird my hair choices are.

I'm tpaines roommate and I tricked him by putting his hand in warm water and then peeing on him while he slept.
iirc the new testament only insists that women's heads be covered (and that they be silent,) so hats & swimwear day is a go!!

Keven posted:

Will I get married to a local during my time biking around some random city's downtown area asking pedestrians if they've noticed how weird my hair choices are.

MENO: This is so.


blinkandwheeze posted:

I agree with tpaine about god not being real and church being stupid.


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[account deactivated]
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[account deactivated]

damn this shit is already 9 years old
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
U ok bruh
[account deactivated]
Rest... in piss
[account deactivated]

cars posted:

People call Landmark a cult but I wouldn't call them that

Landmark will try to talk you into getting all your friends and family to come to them, but I don't consider encouraging proselytizing to be cult behavior unless it's done as an underhanded means of trying to get you to alienate everyone else you know by insisting that you proselytize in ways that are almost always ineffective which is also a big thing in a lot of right-wing Protestant Christian sects.

ah so instead of being a cult its just a MLM scheme. sounds so much better.

I don't think they're Maoists but you could ask.
*stacks cue cards in hands & puts them on my desk* speaking seriously though, i wouldn't call Landmark multi-level marketing either because you aren't given anything for bringing people in so they don't have to pay you out of the pockets of people you convert. Unless you believe that's done with "social capital", which is properly defined instead as the total amount of capital within a society.

shriekingviolet posted:

a megachurch mall of god destroyed the local congregations in my home town that way too. it's a pretty common tactic i think. the bigger ones will eradicate small churches by generously giving them rent-free space for services in side chapels which makes the poaching process even faster: they're already in the building!

wtf way to ninja the whole paragraph i was responding to. rude!!

i cant believe the religious people got taken in by a bigger scam


cars posted:

shriekingviolet posted:

what if money and vague liberal platitudes are my god. what then cars.

"Church of God" that's based out of Cleveland Tennessee