glomper_stomper posted:imperialism in the 21st century ends with a whole thing telling people to form an active, international opposition to border regimes and the global labor arbitrage, which was fairly vague.
i do not remeber this bit at all, and i flicked through the last chapter again and didnt see it anywhere...?
blinkandwheeze posted:what i mean is that his "confession" to academic fraudulence was really obviously delusional ramblings and it's absurd to take it seriously. I don't care about his work that much so i will abstain from the reading psycho wife murderers debate.
finally found this essay:
marlax78 posted:it just so happens that dr. smith has agreed to conduct an online interview with me for publication. give me some hard hitting questions about contemporary global political economy rhizzone.
bumping this cause i wrote out my questions, the what is to be done question here, and that of someone on reddit and i'm waiting on more
marlax78 posted:marlax78 posted:it just so happens that dr. smith has agreed to conduct an online interview with me for publication. give me some hard hitting questions about contemporary global political economy rhizzone.
bumping this cause i wrote out my questions, the what is to be done question here, and that of someone on reddit and i'm waiting on more
these are all my personal interests so if u think they are irrelevant please feel free to modify them of print them straight out into the shreader
1. Given the vast size and enormous profits derived from the global drugs trade, how do you feel that this fits into the theory of imperialism and the super-exploitation of the global south.
2. Given that the imperialist nations have plied their trade under the aegis of dominant US imperialism since the end of WW2, what do you think is the future of inter-imperialist relations in their struggle to exploit the third world, expecially considering the current crisis of profitability
which is good, like all the other books are
would anyone be interested in pulling together a kinda extended ML(M) reading list, that isnt just "here are all the books by marx/lenin/mao u must read to be one of our little club"? something like but bigger...
e: do you mean neo-ccolonialism, the last Stage of iMperialism cos thts the one im thinking about...?
Edited by tears ()

tears posted:
i got you. 2nd question was the first one i thought of though too
tears posted:*thinking...*
would anyone be interested in pulling together a kinda extended ML(M) reading list, that isnt just "here are all the books by marx/lenin/mao u must read to be one of our little club"? something like but bigger...
Back in the old days I made a paper list of all the books that looked good/important/leftist from the LF book recommendation thread. Slowly went through it and I was lucky that I started out with the radical stuff because a lot of it was garbage. By the time I got to Gene Sharp and Saul Alinsky (yeah people actually recommended that shit in LF) I was like *first page* this sucks lol lemme go read more Gramsci instead. The point is I had to do that shit myself and it would be a great service if there were a list of good books on every subject. I would contribute as much as I can.
descartes: some stuff he said turned out to be wrong. also Genius.
freud: some stuff he said turned out to be wrong. Repulsive charlatan.
Even Sigmund Freud, the founder of the psychoanalytic school and the discoverer of the subconscious, was influenced by these myths [of the social Darwinists eg. "survival of the fittest"] and their 'scientific' legitimation by the evolutionists. He also believed that culture was based on the repression and sublimation of these violent male sex drives. His theory of the Oedipus complex is basically a theory of male sexual competition, between fathers and sons, for one sex-object, the mother. Also, Freud subscribes to the theory that male sexuality is active, aggressive - in its neurotic forms, sometimes sadistic. And female sexuality is considered to be passive and even masochistic. Woman, according to Freud, can reach her full, adult sexuality only by accepting her 'natural' female role, that is, by giving up her 'immature' clitoral sexuality and switching over to vaginal sexuality which is necessary for the man to satisfy his sex drive. It is surprising that a serious scholar like Freud consolidates the theory of vaginal orgasm as the 'mature' form of female sexuality, although he must have known that the vagina does not contain nerve ends and hence does not 'produce' an orgasm. He knew that the clitoris is the active sexual organ of women which can produce a female orgasm without penetration of the vagina. But in his preoccupation with male sexuality, he defined women as incomplete or castrated men, the clitoris as a small penis, and the attempt of women to change their subordinate role in society a result of penis-envy.
Maria Mies in Patriarchy and Accumulation on a World Scale
as bhpn said its all like what if i want to read about mozambique, or the drugs trade, or yezhov but all anyone says is "have you read china meiville"?
so pick a topic that you know alot about and like 5 books with 1 that is better than all the rest...and then post it so that one poster can get really arsey about your choices
The Global Drugs Trade
Drugs, Oil and War - Peter Dale Scott
The Politics of Heroin: CIA Complicity in the Global Drug Trade - Alfred W. McCoy
Narcoland - Anabel Hernández
Cocaine Politics: Drugs, Armies, and the CIA in Central America - Peter Dale Scott
Dark Alliance: The CIA, the Contras, and the Crack Cocaine Explosion - Gary Webb
Covert Action Information Bulletin
Lobster Magazine -
The Modern World System I-IV (1974-2011)
Capitalism and Underdevelopment in Latin America: Historical Studies of Chile and Brazil (1967)
Unequal Exchange (1972)
Accumulation on a World Scale (1974)
Unequal Development (1976)
Imperialism and Unequal Development (1977)
World Accumulation & Dependent Accumulation (1978)
The Long Twentieth Century (1994)
Edited by marlax78 ()