watched kubo and the two strings and decided It Was Good
im watching the Beach Party series then im going to the beach.
in a few hours im gonna see FWWM 4k. just excited to see it in a real cinema is all
Fire walk with me, written by david lynch and wait....hold up a second....robert.....engels
partner subjecting me to noted amerikkkan propaganda Undercover Boss and im going to die
undercover boss baby
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tpaine posted:snark tank
i saw jodorowsky's new film (catchphrase). 1 thumbs up. if you like his other stuff you'll like it, although it's not as crucial as his other stuff.
i went to a screening of Akira over the weekend. the big screen really transforms the film, which i wouldn't have guessed was actually possible. there are so many scenes that really depend on a massive scale to appreciate the composition, especially the shear size of the buildings and environments but also the incredible amount of detail in all of the backgrounds
i always thought the story was kind of inscrutable but this time around it occured to me that psychic powers are an interesting metaphor for idealism--literally moving shit around with your mind. mysteriously, the people imbued with such power are capable of unbridled creative and productive power that inevitably spirals out control and grows like a tumor to a nauseating mass of useless skin that can do nothing other consume and destroy everything it touches
i always thought the story was kind of inscrutable but this time around it occured to me that psychic powers are an interesting metaphor for idealism--literally moving shit around with your mind. mysteriously, the people imbued with such power are capable of unbridled creative and productive power that inevitably spirals out control and grows like a tumor to a nauseating mass of useless skin that can do nothing other consume and destroy everything it touches
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now im back from the beach and im watching The Big Sleep.
i'm watching some chickens wander around a garden. 7/10 would see again if it was on and i had nothing better to do
i read the first volume and im going to pick up the second. hopefully it doesnt turn out to be the big love letter to fascism that i sort of just assume all manga will be until proven otherwise
i read Akira when i was younger and decided that I was going to read and like Japanese comic books that weren't by Junji Ito. it was pretty and did a good job early on presenting teenage boy malaise but it was way too long for no good reason and i later determined that m original idea was right: all good Japanese comic books are by Junji Ito.
akira manga is good
it's "cyberpunk" for real at least if that matters a lot to what remains of the Maoists on this forum. every single attempt at intervention by the U.S. and UN in the book is portrayed as murderous and counterproductive and even the agents of it who "mean well" and want a "moderate" approach end up doing nothing but contributing to mass slaughter of innocents and their own failure and death. It's like what happened right after 9/11 where most of the liberal-left in the U.S. said it needed to turn Afghanistan into a sheet of glass and then a tiny brave little contingent said No, we just need to send in crack black ops Special Forces to shoot the bad guy and that'll fix it.
I'm watching Robbie Lawler & performing erasure on the rest of the card
Whos that, a pro wrestler?
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Jon Jones is the greatest fighter of all time period no qualifications.
just rewatched shin godzilla and it still kicks ass
Petrol posted:just rewatched shin godzilla and it still kicks ass
extremely loved this
yes it is good especially the end where Godzilla turns into Communists.
original Godzilla is also very fucked up and good.
its about radiation. so is akira.

yeah a lot of the same themes. The ongoing casualties of war after peace has been declared, the weaponization of nature and of people and the combined misapplication of strength and ultimate impotence of imperialist intervention.
in the worlds most blandest motorway travelodge watching fast and furious 5...this is life...this is living
so who's watching in the name of the people? i would really appreciate a detailed reading
has any1 seen anything that has great acting? I've been studying the art of acting more recently
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animedad posted:has any1 seen anything that has great acting? I've been studying the art of acting more recently
heart of glass
everyones acting, everywhere, all the time
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the human stain
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My Left Foot has good acting... Also Hunger, The Wind That Shakes the Barley, The Crying Game, The Boxer, Bloody Sunday, Patriot Games, Leprechaun 2,
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