Belphegor posted:Does anybody have tips on surviving shift work or operating commercial carpet cleaners?
For night shift? Make sleep your priority, learn everything you can about circadian rhythms. Make your bedroom a cave that lets no light in & is cool as if it's night & always try to wake up & fall asleep around the same time. I would say take some good vitamin C and D supplements for lack of sunlight. Take short breaks, eat good food, don't drink booze or coffee within hours of passing out.
As for the carpet cleaner.. good earplugs? Good luck dude
tips for shiftwork? don't sleep when you transition from days to nights for the first night. although it sounds like you're permanently on nights?
roseweird posted:tears posted:
working from home owns (it doesnt)
wait, doesn't it though???
imagine youre having all the shit things and alienation from wage slavery without havving the contact of your normally social labour. as someone who's had to work from home during an illness i can tell you if you don't actually see other people frequently youre going mad
give me ideas of petty untraceable ways of interfering with their daily lives that won't get me fired or arrested. Just kidding but not really though (CSIs this is sarcasm(
Belphegor posted:Tonight I was cleaning the offices of some members of the Canadian ruling class. pictures with the queen and framed multi billion dollar checks (void and symbolic, but the money did change hands) and orders of Canada and shit.
give me ideas of petty untraceable ways of interfering with their daily lives that won't get me fired or arrested. Just kidding but not really though (CSIs this is sarcasm(
put a raw eg in the light fixture
seed bags & other personal effects that they take home with bedbugs.
but I found some expensive electronics on the ground today and I'm going to sell them to buy shoes, so who is really having the last laugh?
revolution when
Edited by Belphegor ()
roseweird posted:a lot of the people i'm around lately are like the specific sort of nerds who gesticulate too much and use funny voices and make weird noises in the course of regular socialization and i want to be totally indifferent to these kinds of quirks in people but oh my god it is so annoying
that sounds awful.
say, anyone here a cook? I'm looking for work and I'm sick of being around weird emotionally dead nerds.

Belphegor posted:Thanks for reminding me.that unemployment is soul crushing. because I keep wanting to quit my job
communism is free time and nothing else