rip jon ossoff... bad week to be a lifeless, emaciated frat boy
— Alex Nichols (@Lowenaffchen) June 21, 2017
tasteless braggart parades his good fortune in plain view of grieving family
toyotathon posted:check your facebook
um, no
colddays posted:I'm sure it's less prominent throughout the country than it seems in the documentary, but I mean come on, the orphanage guy put chairs that Kim Jong Un sat on in a little museum under a framed map of the visit. I've seen enough George Bush country music tribute videos to know things like that exist in the US, but it's limited to a pretty small amount of people. I've never heard of a school teacher telling little kids that George Washington invented husking grain, but the teacher in the documentary taught his class that Kim Il Sung literally did this, and as much respect I have for Kim Il Sung as a revolutionary, I doubt that it was his work that brought husking to Korea.
Al Gore invented the internet. Bill Clinton was lauded by the media as the first black president. George Bush had 84 billion propaganda events celebrating decisive, definitely final victory this time in Iraq and Afghanistan. Every single former US president has a hallowed museum in honor of them. There are news stories enshrining the house where Hillary, Our Once And Future Queen, grew up. Mount Rushmore exists.
How many movies have been made in honour of Saint Steve?
it never ends
Alternatively, read any given UK press article about the radiant transcendent glory of the Royal Family.
The world is full of farcical, rapt worship of authority figures. It's just a matter of perspective (racist, cold war paranoia perspective) that paints the DPRK as particularly exceptional in that regard, imho.
WILMINGTON, Del. — People from all over the country are calling for a University of Delaware adjunct professor to be fired after she wrote on Facebook that Otto Warmbier "got exactly what he deserved" after being taken into custody by North Korea, falling into a coma and dying.
On her personal Facebook page, Kathy Dettwyler, an anthropology professor, wrote Tuesday that Warmbier was "typical of a mindset of a lot of the young, white, rich, clueless males who come into my classes."
"These are the same kids who cry about their grades because they didn't think they'd really have to read and study the material to get a good grade. ... His parents ultimately are to blame for his growing up thinking he could get away with whatever he wanted. Maybe in the US, where young, white, rich, clueless white males routinely get away with raping women. Not so much in North Korea. And of course, it's Ottos' parents who will pay the price for the rest of their lives."
Synergy posted:a University of Delaware adjunct professor
Stranger Making Minimum Wage Has Opinion, Is Technically At A College, Sort Of.
ilmdge posted:it's a bad take because the dprk didnt rule that he deserved to die
Yea the rudest correct take is well that sucks and its a shame but if we werent embargoing NK maybe they could have basic medicine in their prisons and people wouldn't go into botul comoas.
Some chickens were playing in the recreation area while others were laying eggs in the coops, which were equipped with automatic doors.
An official reported that they were the first batch of fattening chickens that had been hatched from eggs sent to the farm by Kim Il Sung. Kim Jong Il, with a satisfactory eye on the plump chickens, praised the farm for having raised the chickens well. Then he looked more closely at one chicken before asking, ”Is that a fattener, too? That one pecking nervously at the feed.”
The official looked in the direction to which he was pointing and saw a chicken fussing over its feed. He asked if a laying chicken had got mixed in with the fatteners.
No one answered.
With a slight smile on his face, he said ”fatteners are calm and never fuss, but laying chickens are nervous by nature.”
Then he commented that it must be an excellent layer.
An official caught the chicken and examined it. Kim Jong Il was right.
Even the breeders, who observed and examined the chickens every day to prevent ones with different characteristics mixing, had failed to notice the chicken. However, Kim Jong Il had noticed the laying chicken among the thousands of similar looking fatteners at first glance.
peasant farmer at gunpoint: aha you are so right
le_nelson_mandela_face posted:kim jong il: *just going for it today* see that pig over there? it is actually a dragon. you can see by how gay it walks
peasant farmer at gunpoint: aha you are so right
kim jong il died.