babyhueypnewton posted:Having said that through months of posting nothing but orthodox Marxism-Leninism I was given modship of that place as a joke and also as part of a political struggle. Kind of like when I was made a mod here years ago as a joke and now this forum is Marxist-Leninist and posts all Grover Furr all the time. Communism always wins 😎 so yeah if you want to be unbanned tell me your username. Might as well use this minor bit of power for the 'zzone homies
thanks, but it's really not important, I actually don't post anything political on reddit outside of occasionally asking liberals if they can tell me a real substantive reason to care about russia & reminding people that Maduro and Yanukovych were elected
all slurs really exist in the sense of the audiences known motivations behind using them. im not going in to the whole silly notion of public vs private when discussing these but a marxist-lenninist subreddit should really practice criticism and discussion instead of exclusion on these matters unless they could discern from the posting history that the personn is harboring actual vile motivations behind the slur usage ("brocialists").
I havent really ever been offennded by slurs branding negative subjects as crazy, dumb, or w/e even though I think these do contribute to the stigmatization of mental illnesses but I cant really separate them from the economic modes of production instead of purely superstructural dead weight shit.
Edited by GroverBabyFurr ()
swampman posted:Thanks to this thread I learned that Crazy Horse's name Thašuka Witko translates more accurately to "His Horse Is Crazy," which well illustrates how our "arbitrary" standards of horse sanity serve power.
it wasnt even that. it was 'his horses are spirited' meaning he was a good horse trainer. according to russell means anyway
but lets look at it another way. on the one hand they say it's not bad to be retarded, but on the other hand how many genuinely retarded people will carry out revolution? if revolution is good then retardation is bad, not bad as in evil but bad as in we would choose the alternative where it mattered
my response is that socialists aren't actually 'moral' so none of these prescriptions matter. take the case of animals, the proletariat is reactionary towards animal liberation and rightly so. human beings are ableist towards animals because the entire basis of animal oppression is they are not able to oppose us, they are weak and we are strong and they are tasty. it's not going to be another way and even if you want it to it would never be another way so long as it benefits the people to oppress animals
the whole thing really is ridiculous. how many severely autistic people do you ever find in these peoples cliques? i know many autistic people who simply can't follow what's required of them when it comes to world view and word usage and thus are heavily shunned for perhaps being problematic when they struggle to be otherwise
lets finish with that controversial engels quote
The next world war will result in the disappearance from the face of the earth not only of reactionary classes and dynasties, but also of entire reactionary peoples. And that, too, is a step forward
roseweird posted:wtfh is this lol
a completed IFAP intake form
Communists should probably care about ableism because if there's anyone who stands to benefit from "from each according to their ability to each according to their needs", it's people with disabilities and special needs.
roseweird posted:well i will be earnest anyway: i think that socialists must have a love of humanity that, with regard to the severely disabled must be more than pity and less than reification of identity. there is a difference between the value of all human life and the goodness of individual human traits. but really the truth is that differences in ability of people who live in our age miniscule compared to the gap between any of us at all and the humanity of the future that we must strive to create.
Reach for the stars ðŸŒ
Edited by animedad ()