Father of Manchester bomber posted in 2013 pro-Nusra message on FB: "My greetings to Nusra, may they be victorious over infidels. Say amen."
bigger brain: the manchester bombing was blowback from western intervention in libya, we should probably stop working with al qaeda affiliates to topple our enemies
very big brain with lasers coming out: the manchester bombing, like all similar attacks in the west, are actually an intended flow on effect from our work with jihadists in foreign countries. the security services use attacks like these to cement their power and they are always involved in some way, whether by directly aiding plots or shielding them from disruption by lower-level law enforcement
gigantic exploding cosmic brain: who cares about terrorism, you are more likely to get hit by a bus. always wear clean underwear
Trial collapses after threatened exposure of UK backing of Syrian terror groups
In court, Gildo’s lawyers argued that British intelligence agencies were party to repeated secret operations in the Levant, providing weaponry and so-called “non-lethal” equipment to the same Syrian Islamist terrorists Gildo was being prosecuted for fighting alongside.
Henry Blaxland QC, the defence counsel, said if the British “government was actively involved in supporting armed resistance to the Assad regime at a time when the defendant was present in Syria and himself participating in such resistance it would be unconscionable to allow the prosecution to continue.”
Speaking for the prosecution, Riel Karmy-Jones said the judge was aware “the prosecution requested an adjournment of three weeks to consider a number of different issues that had arisen at various stages of the case.”
Karmy-Jones added, “Following that full review the prosecution consider there is no longer a reasonable prospect of conviction in this case.”
state-funded Windsor-regime outlet "BBC" estimates about half the brit fighters from syria have returned
may's conservative party colleague michael howard was the home secretary that granted the first wave of LIFG fighters asylum in the early nineties
By 1995, things were becoming hot for the jihadis in Sudan and while bin Laden and al-Zawahiri returned to Afghanistan about this time, others such as Anas al-Libi were offered safehaven by the British. In return for political asylum in the UK, MI 6 recruited Anas al-Libi’s support for a failed 1996 plot to assassinate Qaddafi. In all, Anas al-Libi lived in Manchester from 1995-2000—despite his known history of association with bin Laden, al-Zawahiri, and other AQ leaders, as well as willingness to participate in assassination plots against national leaders, as I wrote in an October 2013 piece at The Clarion Project. The U.S.’s British partners also provided asylum to Abu Abdullah As-Sadeq, the LIFG’s top commander and allowed the LIFG to publish an Arabic language newspaper called al-Wasat in London. By 2000, though, as the FBI and other Western security services began to close in, Anas al-Libi and others were on the move again, leaving behind a 180-page al-Qa’eda terror training manual that became known as the “Manchester Document.” In the run-up to the 11 September 2001 attacks, Anas al-Libi, Abdelhakim Belhadj, Abu Sufian bin Qumu, and other known LIFG members reconnected with bin Laden in Afghanistan.
bin laden's satellite phone calls in the 90s were monitored: 20% of all his calls were to london, 2x more than the next destination
in 2004, madrid bombing planner rang LIFG cell in london minutes before blowing themselves up.
(hakim belhadj, king of the moderate rebels & miltary chief of tripoli, is wanted by spanish police for his involvement in the 2004 bombings)
Torys block discussion of their support for terror state Saudi Arabia during election
In summary, the evidence so far shows that there are six inter-related aspects of blowback:
Salman Abedi and his father were members of a Libyan dissident group – the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) – covertly supported by the UK to assassinate Qadafi in 1996. At this time, the LIFG was an affiliate of Osama Bin Laden’s al-Qaeda and LIFG leaders had various connections to this terror network.
Members of the LIFG were facilitated by the British ‘security services’ to travel to Libya to fight Qadafi in 2011. Both Salman Abedi and his father, Ramadan, were among those who travelled to fight at this time (although there is no evidence that their travel was personally facilitated or encouraged by the security services).
A large number of LIFG fighters in Libya in 2011 had earlier fought alongside the Islamic State of Iraq – the al-Qaeda entity which later established a presence in Syria and became the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). These fighters were among those recruited into the British-backed anti-Qadafi rebellion.
UK covert action in Libya in 2011 included approval of and support to Qatar’s arming and backing of opposition forces, which included support to hardline Islamist groups; this fuelled jihadism in Libya.
One of the groups armed/supported by Qatar in 2011 was the February 17th Martyrs Brigade which, some reports suggest, was the organisation which Ramadan Abedi joined in 2011 to fight Qadafi.
Qatar’s arms supplies to Libya in 2011 also found their way to Islamist fighters in Syria, including groups affiliated with al-Qaeda and ISIS.
thirdplace posted:I know all these homegrown attacks are usually totally disorganized and are accordingly randomly targeted and timed, but--kinda hard to avoid the impression that ISIS really wants May to win
this latest one is rushed, they had to wear fake explosive vests. it all smells real bad
you might say that the saudis have a lot to lose from a potential G7 head of state saying shit about them out loud
Petrol posted:actually, i heard someone mention saudi on sky news earlier. it was someone from the mirror saying that the saudis are very good at deprogramming their radicalised citizens, but that it costs a lot of money. food for thought.
that's a good point, it does cost a lot of money in PR to change a Bad Wrong terror cell into a Good Right moderate rebel cell. the paperwork for the name changes alone!
hmm, the guy from the Jihadis Next Door turned out to be a jihadi?! wtf
ilmdge posted:hmm, the guy from the Jihadis Next Door turned out to be a jihadi?! wtf