Totally not in the special forces community, but when I was in the airborne infantry there are a ton of stories of special forces guys coming home from deployments and killing their wives and girlfriends for cheating. That chick is fucking ballsy and really stupid. Not saying they all do this, but to cheat on someone that actively kills people for Uncle Sam is titanically stupid and zero fucks are given by me for what happens to women who do it.
Edited by le_nelson_mandela_face ()
le_nelson_mandela_face posted:i can't imagine the depth of depravity needed to sadistically shoot your emotional support animal. they give those to literal murders in prison to chill them out
Uh, sadistically? Blame the consumer for doing what they want with their property much? That dog was probably losing them a lot more money than it was bringing in. It probably had already provided so much emotional support that the troops had reached their maximum possible mental health (and therefore, their max possible incomes). So if you're looking for a scapegoat, blame whoever trained the dog. Either they didn't train it well enough to provide continuous support worth more than the value of dog food and bullets, or they are deliberately using planned obsolescence to sell more support dogs.
— Matt Christman (@cushbomb) May 6, 2017
@cushbomb 2 girls 1 cop
— B. Finch, Esq (@Buttockus) May 7, 2017

ilmdge posted:completely predictably all the articles about general flynn being fucked mention the word "turkey" one time before hunkering down and going into detail about flynn attending a RT dinner and russia russia russia. ive clicked multiple articles and not one mentions that he literally got money direct from turkey in exchange for agreeing to help extradite gulen in an actual s traight up bribe.
breaking, the $600k bribe that flynn took to act on behalf of turkey came from a turkish guy WITH BUSINESS INTERESTS IN RUSSIA
ilmdge posted:ilmdge posted:completely predictably all the articles about general flynn being fucked mention the word "turkey" one time before hunkering down and going into detail about flynn attending a RT dinner and russia russia russia. ive clicked multiple articles and not one mentions that he literally got money direct from turkey in exchange for agreeing to help extradite gulen in an actual s traight up bribe.
breaking, the $600k bribe that flynn took to act on behalf of turkey came from a turkish guy WITH BUSINESS INTERESTS IN RUSSIA
hahahahahahaha this is amazing

Edited by odobenidae ()
Ruzbihan posted:can anyone explain why the US military loves to crash aircraft so much during Routine Training Excsercises. what’s going on there
they know it's the right thing to do
odobenidae posted:tfw you're an anglo parasite who is upset that all the time you spent vaporizing entire families of afghans was wasted, and 30,000 little eichmanns sympathize with your pain, grovelling at your feet for serving them well
Hmm wonder if he thinks the free college, healthcare, cost of living stipend, etc was a waste of time too.
Ruzbihan posted:can anyone explain why the US military loves to crash aircraft so much during Routine Training Excsercises. what’s going on there
9 11 was a training exercise
odobenidae posted:tfw you're an anglo parasite who is upset that all the time you spent vaporizing entire families of afghans was wasted, and 30,000 little eichmanns sympathize with your pain, grovelling at your feet for serving them well
tbh I am disappointed this worm is still around to post this shit
odobenidae posted:tfw you're an anglo parasite who is upset that all the time you spent vaporizing entire families of afghans was wasted, and 30,000 little eichmanns sympathize with your pain, grovelling at your feet for serving them well
i think we can all agree that it was a waste of time
winebaby posted:odobenidae posted:tfw you're an anglo parasite who is upset that all the time you spent vaporizing entire families of afghans was wasted, and 30,000 little eichmanns sympathize with your pain, grovelling at your feet for serving them well
imgi think we can all agree that it was a waste of time
It feels somehow even worse to call it a waste of time, as though the slaughter of these people was meaningless or just a mistake.
le_nelson_mandela_face posted:emotional support animal
please dont refer to wives like this
Ruzbihan posted:can anyone explain why the US military loves to crash aircraft so much during Routine Training Excsercises. what’s going on there
1. they are bad a flying
2. good cover story for when covert ops go wrong
The odds of a GI Bill recipient graduating from San Diego Mesa College, just eight miles away, for example, are one in 100. Even that’s better than some schools, though: At nearly a third of the 20 two-year schools that enrolled at least 100 veterans receiving GI Bill benefits and who are eligible for degrees, none of them got one.
These aren’t for-profit colleges and universities, some of which Democrats in Congress say treat veterans and service members like “dollar signs in uniform,” targeting them for the billions of dollars in education benefits they bring.
They’re public community colleges at which student-veterans’ educations are subsidized not once, but twice, by taxpayers: through support of the colleges directly and with those billions in GI Bill money.
As for how student-veterans using the GI Bill do at four-year universities nationwide, there’s no official way to know. Nearly a decade after the start of the Post-9/11 GI Bill—which has so far cost $73 billion, according to the VA—those institutions have forestalled attempts to make them tell the government how many of the taxpayer-subsidized student-veterans they enroll actually ever get degrees.
A pizza guy made a delivery to a military base in Brooklyn. A military police officer at the base asked him for his immigration documents, then called ICE, which detained him. He has two kids.
— Josh Nathan-Kazis (@joshnathankazis) June 6, 2018
animedad posted:your lauded "parties"
animedad posted:what about Rapone and Prysner, what about infiltration in your lauded "parties"
animedad posted:your lauded "parties"