Folks... I promised you two things and two things only.
1. Rebunk rap music. This is already done. Rap music is really great. Everyone likes it and agrees that it exists.
2. Release the official rhizzone podcast with Donald, reviewing Die Hard



The OFFICIAL Rhizzone Podcast or "Rhizzcast" Episode one (of one) Is here! Listen to Donald, Keven, and Tom discuss the film die hard. THRILL as they talk over each other and say go ahead. CHILL at how Tom and Don are way louder than Keven. FEEL THE EXCITEMENT OF THE MICROPAUSES OF DEAD AIR BECAUSE NOBODY KNOWS WHAT THEYRE DOING.




Edited by Keven ()

So this may be the Official Rhizzone Podcast but I'm also still holding out hope for the Official Rhizzone Podcast (Marxist-Leninist). Also I haven't seen Die Hard. Check in with me next time before you choose your topic so this doesn't happen again. Thank you.
well done for finishing the official podcast
Does the phone call last the entire 48 minutes or is there some blank tape at the end
We'll be starting a pateron shortly to fly the 3 of us to one location for episode 2.
Just to ensure we remain on goal, why would a good Marxist ever have a Patreon account? Crowdfunding is sorely neoliberal. Wouldn't a good Marxist podcast collect subscription fees? Let shiny pig things not distract us.
I'm afraid to click

spectralmarx posted:

Just to ensure we remain on goal, why would a good Marxist ever have a Patreon account? Crowdfunding is sorely neoliberal. Wouldn't a good Marxist podcast collect subscription fees? Let shiny pig things not distract us.

Patreon is a subscription service

cheers guys, ive seen die hard probably a dozen times or more but i think ill still learn something new! tnanks!

production wise, kevens mic is a bit quiet, he should be the loudest one

Edited by Chthonic_Goat_666 ()

Big thanks to Big Keven for having me on the sole official Rhizzone podcast.
[account deactivated]
how is this podcast gonna work keven? will you invite new geusts to talk about Die Hard each week?

Keven posted:

We'll be starting a pateron shortly to fly the 3 of us to one location for episode 2.

Impressed that you're all relinquishing citizenship and moving to the dprk.

have we coined a word yet for "ironically sincere"
it's hard to listen without adjusting the volume constantly due to the sound balance between you and getfiscal & baby finland, i know you called this out in your op already but just wanted to chime in as a content consumer
it would be ideal if there were many of these by different people and they all referred to themselves as the official rhizzone podcast

i might actually try doing one. this seems like a thing that actual people can do. whether or not it's any good, well, that's not what we're about here at the rhizzone
I was recording myself natively & BF & GF through skype which is why its fucked up... I can probably boost my outgoing a dickload in my recording software if we do it again, which we won't.
oh shit. i'm gonna listen to this
thats a pity that youre retiring from the podcasting game keven, the more ocnversations about die hard you have the more polished the product will become.
im liking this so far, good job all.

roseweird posted:

i listened to a minut eand apparently youve all been posting on internet forums for years

tired: arguing about a chronic masturbator wandering the levant, developing irritating bicycle ideas
wired: listening to The Peacethinker, becoming wise
Damn I'm way too quiet.. This project is a big time failure.
this is the best thing
Thanks for clarification on the official rhizzone opinion that #AllLivesMatter
[account deactivated]

Keven posted:

Damn I'm way too quiet.. This project is a big time failure.

I can try and even this out with a compressor if you send me the file

Do you want it in flac... I tried 2 even it out some already but then I went to the gym. The only good way to do it is section by section iirc which would take too long
Yeah flac is good
Uploaded flac here: https://soundcloud.com/user-944145124/rhizzcast

lemmie know when you got it and I'll take it down.
got it thank you.
Hey, Keven. Josie in the Pussy Cats (2001) doesn't exist in the new Dark Archie canon, where they've been replaced by Pussy Riot.

Edited by Soviet_Salami ()

Okay here it is compressed and limited http://www.mediafire.com/file/oh29dc7dq2iofa7/rhizzcast2.aif
I dont know if this is true, but I imagine everything yall are saying about Die Hard is completely 100% made up. good work
i started listening to this last night & will finish it today. just wanted to say again, thanks for actually doing this
This was neither ironic nor stalinist nor were your unique personal charms effectively conveyed via this medium. Next time please review a seminal leftist work of some sort like Fuck And Destroy.
yes put impper on the thing.
can i be on the podcast? we have to do another one about die hard because thats all i know about but i think it'll be okay
if you guys ever need a "slow learner with a good heart" guest, i'm around