Wily North Korean takes advantage of a rare moment of openness from his dictator to try to trick the people of the west into thinking he supports the regime. What a transparent ruse!
swampman posted:I can't publish it to the front page until a box is checked that reads "give permission to the moderators to publish..." etc. that appears on the screen when you edit the post. If this box is absent from your edit screen as it is from mine, we'll have to get drwhat to re implement it.
yeah it's gone because i have Plans but unfortunately they are Not Done. i have to manually do a thing. i am doing it now
e: it's frontpage-ok now. (post #342854)
Edited by drwhat ()
According to the Congressional EMP Commission, a single warhead delivered by North Korean satellite could blackout the national electric grid and other life-sustaining critical infrastructures for over a year—killing 9 of 10 Americans by starvation and societal collapse.
lets turn this one up to 11
key point is that VX can be applied dermally with low risk to the attacker. this delays the onset, sometimes significantly. an expert they mention said that dermal VX can last up to 18 hours before actually starting.
I honestly have no clue about the talk of a "binary agent" because i'm very much not a chemist, and it seems complicated. but there's really no other plausible scneario ic an consider that would allow the attack to unfold as it did.
food for thouhgt!
Edited by tears ()
tears posted:actually VX is a gas stored in small green balls that if broken will melt your face off, like in that film
do you like elton john?
your_not_aleksandr posted:also i don't know if it's really a question anymore but i was listening to one of the podcasts in my feed (the poison review, episode here) and they discussed the poisoning of Kim JOng-Nam and it seems quite obvious that it was specifically VX that was used.
key point is that VX can be applied dermally with low risk to the attacker. this delays the onset, sometimes significantly. an expert they mention said that dermal VX can last up to 18 hours before actually starting.
I honestly have no clue about the talk of a "binary agent" because i'm very much not a chemist, and it seems complicated. but there's really no other plausible scneario ic an consider that would allow the attack to unfold as it did.
food for thouhgt!
i'm not googling because i'm lazy but i think a binary agent involves two seemingly benign chemicals which combine in/on the target's body and only become lethal there. super pro spook shit
Themselves posted:That's two part epoxy
north korean diplomat inexplicably murdered by eating both parts of two part epoxy
wikipedia posted:VX can also be delivered in binary chemical weapons which mix in-flight to form the agent prior to release. Binary VX is referred to as VX2, and is created by mixing O-(2-diisopropylaminoethyl) O′-ethyl methylphosphonite (Agent QL) with elemental sulfur (Agent NE) as is done in the Bigeye aerial chemical bomb. It may also be produced by mixing with sulfur compounds, as with the liquid dimethyl polysulfide mixture (Agent NM) in the canceled XM736 8-inch projectile program.
shine on you crazy diamond

Edited by colddays ()
colddays posted:
sorry i dont have the reference handy but they made a statement denying this. i think it's time to automatically ignore pretty much any western reports about what russia, china etc are up to
aerdil posted:rumors that there's some sort of low-scale evacuation going on in pyongyang as well
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un recently ordered the deportation of nearly 600,000 Pyongyang residents to the suburbs, a local source told the JoongAng Ilbo Monday.
The deportation represents one-fourth of Pyongyang’s current population of 2.6 million. It is not known when they will be forced to move or to where.
“Population control was the pretext of the latest order,” said the source, who asked for anonymity, “but in reality, the purpose is to ‘purify’ the North Korean capital and allow only the loyal elite class to live there.”
Among those who were chosen by authorities to move are people whose relatives defected to South Korea, had been jailed in a prison camp, used drugs or counterfeit money, and produced, distributed or sold pirated films from the South.
Those who were caught selling other illegally imported goods in a jangmadang, or North Korean black market, were excluded because such cases have become so prevalent that it is no longer considered a serious crime, the source said.
Haha sounds real

surely raising an unstoppable zombie army of the undead crosses all kinds of Red Lines that the Civilized world can No Longer Allow???

Beyond those who directly profit from imperialist warmongering there is the average American moron who is also ravenous for war despite their own safety and ease of living. Clearly that lifestyle is entirely a product of imperialism, but this benefit is not at all clear to them, even if they know it to be true intuitively and subconsciously. Where is the line, for the normal American, between whatever (lack of) awareness of how clamoring for war may benefit themselves, and the base hatred, gluttony, and selfishness of warmongering completely ignorant of any direct, logical benefit?
We know what a Hitler or a Tojo deserves, but how much before a Berlin or a Tokyo deserves its fucking fate too?
The War Has Come Home to Your Street
jiroemon1897 posted:*record scratch* MTW Is Right
toyotathon posted:ya gotta admit it's pretty impressive how quick the DPRK developed its nukes and rockets, i bet even the dark side engineers over at raytheon go 'shit north korea's got talent'
It has been incredibly impressive. The constant highlighting of missile launch failures (which have been remarkably low) in bourgeois media, making up stories about America covertly sabotaging the missiles, the greater military presence and more threatening posture around the Korean peninsula indicate that the missile program has got them right spooked. You can find backhand compliments in some of their articles too, if you look.
It'll be hard to find but a year or so ago I read a report by a security think tank that compared the DPRKs missile and nuke program to other states current and former programs. The difference is mind boggling, especially for a largely indigenous program. It beats every current and former program in the pace of each stage of development, test failure rate, and innovation. Like rocket science is supposed to be hard, but the DPRK is making it look like childs play. Of course, they are doing all this Just for Us, but you gotta sometimes wonder,
jiroemon1897 posted:Americans' lust for war, especially with North Korea, reminds me of the Red Army's advance into, and reaction to, Nazi Germany at the end of World War II: the peasant Soviet conscript viscerally realized that, despite Germany's immense wealth and higher standard of living, the average, "non-political" German had been utterly ravenous, from the comfort and luxury of their own homes, for the murder, rape, destruction, and theft of total war.
Beyond those who directly profit from imperialist warmongering there is the average American moron who is also ravenous for war despite their own safety and ease of living. Clearly that lifestyle is entirely a product of imperialism, but this benefit is not at all clear to them, even if they know it to be true intuitively and subconsciously. Where is the line, for the normal American, between whatever (lack of) awareness of how clamoring for war may benefit themselves, and the base hatred, gluttony, and selfishness of warmongering completely ignorant of any direct, logical benefit?
We know what a Hitler or a Tojo deserves, but how much before a Berlin or a Tokyo deserves its fucking fate too?
I talked to a guy who said that the west lies about countries in order to invade them, then not long after said 'north korea needs to be carpet bombed, that's the only way'. Not sure what psychological movements are at play here but it's certainly related.
RTC posted:report by a security think tank
Please try to find and post here.
It had to be shot down and covered up because this was before British politicians were voting on renewing that expensive and unpopular nuclear weapons system
jiroemon1897 posted:Americans' lust for war, especially with North Korea, reminds me of the Red Army's advance into, and reaction to, Nazi Germany at the end of World War II: the peasant Soviet conscript viscerally realized that, despite Germany's immense wealth and higher standard of living, the average, "non-political" German had been utterly ravenous, from the comfort and luxury of their own homes, for the murder, rape, destruction, and theft of total war.
Beyond those who directly profit from imperialist warmongering there is the average American moron who is also ravenous for war despite their own safety and ease of living. Clearly that lifestyle is entirely a product of imperialism, but this benefit is not at all clear to them, even if they know it to be true intuitively and subconsciously. Where is the line, for the normal American, between whatever (lack of) awareness of how clamoring for war may benefit themselves, and the base hatred, gluttony, and selfishness of warmongering completely ignorant of any direct, logical benefit?
We know what a Hitler or a Tojo deserves, but how much before a Berlin or a Tokyo deserves its fucking fate too?
it's probably good to distinguish between different people who have different points of view rather than averaging them together imo.