— wint (@dril) September 15, 2008
nice. nice. not so nice.
— nice lad, online (@gokunaruto67) March 16, 2017
— wint (@dril) March 12, 2017
le_nelson_mandela_face posted:i find eve peyser irrationally attractive
le_nelson_mandela_face posted:What's the point of khamsek quitting rhizzone after being doxxed if she's just going to do the same schtick on Twitter where 100 times more people will see it
a) it's easier to deal with what info you're sharing under your real name when you know in advance it's going out like that, instead of posting bullshit on a forum and having it publicized later on
b) wider audience, she writes for audiences and not just our usual AnomieBros Chat and Theory
c) strangely, some people just don't like it here *eyes list of accounts that never logged in again after their first week*
damoj posted:le_nelson_mandela_face posted:i find eve peyser irrationally attractive
thank god i'm not alone
two of the most insane people here hate each other despite having the exact same beliefs cause they spent more than a day with each other
— Work Industry CEO (@ByYourLogic) March 28, 2017
Speaking of MAWB, please report this account ---> @RedKahina
— T. Fivek (@fivek) March 28, 2017
i cant believe twitter refuses to flush the toilet here
le_nelson_mandela_face posted:excellent twitter drama
no such thing
this individual is posting khamsek's private conversation and contacting her mother with it, if anyone wants to report them
so i've been following this guy for years now as he's slowly been making this transition from libertarianism to social democracy. he regularly invites random people (usually right-wingers) onto his stream to discuss popular political topics. i get the feeling that if someone well spoken (unlike me) could talk to him about socialism it would be enough to finally push him in the correct direction. would any podcast people be interested in this? maybe stego?

jiroemon1897 posted:Marx didn't anticipate the rise of the Gamer Class
i was considering writing a comprehensive critique the Fallout series and its ideological implications especially vis-a-vis the parasitic libertarianism of Bethesda's player characters and the moronic social liberal-infused construction of Obsidian's New Vegas factions but i realised this was a profoundly moronic waste of time so i logged on to chaturbate instead
Belphegor posted:idk why he is talking to this reactionary Quebecois guy in particular e.g. "I would be careful not to fall into revers rasism 'ere" (edit: lmao here comes the social darwinism) but the idea of having twitch streamers spreading socialist ideology sounds good to me. They have large audiences of young people even if they happen to be
i will add a picture of marx the next time i play an old nes game to an audience of 3 while high. that'll teach em
It's pretty terrible, particularly how the judicial process applies fines automatically, which you must pay upfront and then only subsequently can you appeal (a long and costly process).
PP is debating conceding some amendments at the moment, although of the major parties Unidos Podemos is the only one that is pushing to repeal the law, so I doubt things will change much.
To clarify though, she's being charged under a different law that's been around since Aznar.
*e grammar
Edited by Gssh ()
damoj posted:i was considering writing a comprehensive critique the Fallout series and its ideological implications especially vis-a-vis the parasitic libertarianism of Bethesda's player characters and the moronic social liberal-infused construction of Obsidian's New Vegas factions but i realised this was a profoundly moronic waste of time so i logged on to chaturbate instead

When u ask ur wife to get you a george foreman grill for ur birthday, but she gets u a thesaurus instead
— maple cocaine (@historyinflicks) March 28, 2017