was nookie a critical response to marxist analysis? *a translucent alien hums and strokes its tentacles*
the earth and it's mysteries shall forever remain sealed
swampman posted:"Homes in this district cost about five million dollars"
I knew there was someone like this out there, and there was, turns out their name was John Bellamy Foster.
its here: https://monthlyreview.org/2017/02/01/trump-and-climate-catastrophe/
mrzine, their online blog component, fills both roles but doesnt publish anymore. still worth searching their site on topics you are interested in
Synergy posted:when the communist aliens come to visit the debris of a shattered earth i hope all they find is a floating copy of das kapital and the single "nookie" by limp bizkit.
was nookie a critical response to marxist analysis? *a translucent alien hums and strokes its tentacles*
the earth and it's mysteries shall forever remain sealed
I listened to "Nookie" by Limp Bizkit after nearly twenty years of not doing that.
"I did it all for the nookie," the song insists again and again. But what is the content of "it"? I combed through Fred Durst's lyrics in search of some mention of all that he'd done, the sheer lengths he'd gone through for the nookie. The results are underwhelming.
Let's examine his behavior. For the sake of the exercise we'll accept the proposition that existence is not a predicate and omit forms of "to be." Where does that leave us? Here are the active first-person verbs:
- "I came into this world as a reject"
- "Dwelling on the past"
- "Hey, I think about the day"
- "Should I be feeling bad? (No.) / Should I be feeling good? (No.)"
- "You would think that I'd be moving on / but..."
- "I should give her a break;"
- "I wont lie, that I can't deny:"
- "Why did I wait so long, huh"
- "To figure it out? but I did it"
- "And still I surrendered"
- "I appreciate it"
- "I'm just gonna stay here and always be the same"
A pattern emerges. His "actions" are anything but — purely ideational, generally past-fixated personal rumination, with no actual materially meaningful content. When he trips over something substantive ("move," "give," etc.), it winds up being in the subjunctive or conditional mood, or otherwise something he expressly refuses to do. Pure navel gazing.
This is not to decry introspection, were such a thing present. However, these stagnant waters run too shallow for meaningful reflection, and our narrator pridefully guards against any suggestion of personal fault: "I'm a sucker like I said / fucked up in the head (Not!)" The Bizkit delivers this classic reversal with all the crushing sincerity of late-90s cathartic nu-metal — all the more jarring in the face of the likewise suffocating ironism bemoaned of ensuing decades. At any rate, Durst's transactional account of events suggests he had performed such deeds as had entitled him, somehow, to nookie; surely these must have consisted of more than moping and brooding.
In fact, the single most significant action in the entire piece comes right at the beginning: "I came into this world as a reject." But none of us come into the world of our own power. So the principal thing Fred "did" in the entire narrative actually consisted of the labor of another — someone who likewise enjoys the largesse of the imperial core. Indeed, in this crucial respect, Durst's "nookie" might better be termed "booty."
The truth is, Fred Durst didn't do a goddamn thing for that nookie. It fell into his lap by dint of privilege and the labor of others, be it his birthgiver or whoever applies Wes Borland's makeup. And once he's lost it — his loss being his erstwhile homies' gain — we're treated to a raucous, juvenile rage session over the indignity he feels he's suffered.
Truly, this multi-platinum hit remains a tale for our times.
Also, something about a cookie. I couldn't follow that part.
Edited by drwhat ()
swampman posted:My current crazy unfounded suspicion is that after a few years of massive logging, especially in the Americas, a petroleum distribution crisis will cause unrestrained tree death as the remaining ones are cut for fuel. Tree catastrophe 2021, I'll bet $150 on it
there's no deforestation in north america
le_nelson_mandela_face posted:swampman posted:My current crazy unfounded suspicion is that after a few years of massive logging, especially in the Americas, a petroleum distribution crisis will cause unrestrained tree death as the remaining ones are cut for fuel. Tree catastrophe 2021, I'll bet $150 on it
there's no deforestation in north america
what's the joke here
This is ONE animal being killed by some poor ass african dude so he could sell some horns to some dumb ass chinese person. I get it. it's awful. it's horrible. But where is this malice when a company destroys ENTIRE ecosystems. BP can poison a whole fucking ocean and nobody sees a day in jail. nobody. People get upset about it for sure. but it don't take long before it's a distance memory and you continue to buy BP products (if you ever stopped).
I wish people were sharing pictures of the sexy tattooed chick that killed all the negligent CEO who dumped carcinogenic chemicals in a town's water supply. Or I'd like to read the article about the climate change denialist/energy lobbyist getting his car blown up by an eccentric group of jazz musicians.
Disclaimer: I don't want anyone to die, I'm just joking around, nice try CIA
But nope. People are only okay with people getting killed when it's a big dumb animal getting it's horn stolen. I'm sure if that horn powered Musk's gigafuckery we'd be singing a different tune. And if that rhino got bombed by a drone, well, i dunno. fuck this post is stupid! i just wanna post! god damn it! let me post!

its going up now, so i guess they fixed the problem
In their March 6 monthly update, NSIDC sounded the alarm about a looming satellite gap that threatens the continuity of the 39-year satellite record of sea ice extent. After the 2016 failure of the F19 polar-orbiting satellite, there are just three satellites remaining that perform sea ice extent monitoring. These are the American F18 and F16 satellites, which are operating 2 and 8 years beyond their designed 5-year lifetimes, respectively, and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2 (AMSR2), which will reach its 5-year design lifetime in May 2017. It is unlikely that a new sea ice extent monitoring satellite will be launched before 2022.

Edited by Constantignoble ()

I'm starting to get pretty frustrated with leftists approach to the climate change problem. I feel like people are severely underestimating the magnitude of the problem we're facing. Things are really fucking bad. Everything is going to change dramatically very soon. Why isn't this the absolute forefront of every discussion? I just don't get it.
I see a lot of articles discussing how to mitigate climate change, that we need to stop capitalism from polluting blah blah blah. But we're way past the point for mitigation. Everyone needs to re-frame their thinking to that of adaptation and resilience. Even in conservative best case scenarios for keeping temperatures less than 1.5°C you'd pretty much need a worldwide revolution to immediately reduce emissions AND science fiction carbon capture. That's some fucking wishful thinking. The only change that's going to be happening is a response to climate change effects, and by that time it will be too late (it is too late now, jesus fucking christ).
We will see an economic collapse due to climate change. There is no doubt about that. If rich assholes can trigger a severe recession because of number fuckery then what's going to happen when people realize that their coastal properties have ZERO VALUE. Fucking shock waves. This is not going to happen in decades. This is something that will happen in years.
Leftists need to make a big effort to understand what the world might look like post collapse* (and when I say collapse, it's post economic collapse, not some complete collapse of civilization or other doomsday scenario. There will be some time to fix things). Leftists need to be positioned to assume power. I highly doubt there is going to be much room for liberalism in the chaos of the Anthropocene. It's either anarchy or a controlled economy through socialism or fascism. And the only way to beat the fascists is to be more prepared.
Edited by hey ()
Perhaps we should calibrate our expectations for quality of life to those levels.
They have plenty of innovative coping mechanisms to provide decent services at a fraction of the material and energy resources we use.
Meanwhile western societies are building dysfunctionality into their systems at a breakneck pace, based ideology and abstract financial models
I was trying to explain to a recently arrived syrian refugee to Dublin how we can have 100s of people sleeping on the streets here in a rich city that has no war or shortages of any kind
hey posted:https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/major-report-prompts-warnings-that-the-arctic-is-unraveling1/I'm starting to get pretty frustrated with leftists approach to the climate change problem. I feel like people are severely underestimating the magnitude of the problem we're facing. Things are really fucking bad. Everything is going to change dramatically very soon. Why isn't this the absolute forefront of every discussion? I just don't get it.
I see a lot of articles discussing how to mitigate climate change, that we need to stop capitalism from polluting blah blah blah. But we're way past the point for mitigation. Everyone needs to re-frame their thinking to that of adaptation and resilience. Even in conservative best case scenarios for keeping temperatures less than 1.5°C you'd pretty much need a worldwide revolution to immediately reduce emissions AND science fiction carbon capture. That's some fucking wishful thinking. The only change that's going to be happening is a response to climate change effects, and by that time it will be too late (it is too late now, jesus fucking christ).
We will see an economic collapse due to climate change. There is no doubt about that. If rich assholes can trigger a severe recession because of number fuckery then what's going to happen when people realize that their coastal properties have ZERO VALUE. Fucking shock waves. This is not going to happen in decades. This is something that will happen in years.
Leftists need to make a big effort to understand what the world might look like post collapse* (and when I say collapse, it's post economic collapse, not some complete collapse of civilization or other doomsday scenario. There will be some time to fix things). Leftists need to be positioned to assume power. I highly doubt there is going to be much room for liberalism in the chaos of the Anthropocene. It's either anarchy or a controlled economy through socialism or fascism. And the only way to beat the fascists is to be more prepared.
I think I have mentioned this on the zzone before but I am friends with someone who just finished up their PhD under one of the world's leading arctic climatologists, and, uh, yeah, it's been too late for years
Like most huge existential horrors I think no one is talking about it because no one knows what to do. At least on the individual level. On the national / political level obviously the solution is change a ton of shit, but it's a geopolitical game of chicken - you have to fuck up the earth as hard as possible until you can't anymore, unless everyone simultaneously collaborates (and believes that the other countries will actually do what they promise). Since that's never going to happen, it's fygm until the very end, my friend
One thing about climate remains consistent and that is that it changes all the time. There were 5 ice ages on our planet all before the time of man meaning people aren't the bigger factor in this. Plus most of the affect of climate change which scientists claim will happen in 125 to 150 years from now won't affect us or our lives. We should be selling the ways by which we can improve the environment much like a savings account for the future. What are we as individuals doing? It's like a 401k plan, that 3 or 4% each payday that adds up. We need to recycle more than we throw away, we need to walk or ride a bicycle to get to places more, live closer to work, drive cars that have low emissions, use less gas, get higher miles to the gallon, brew your own coffee at home and do not use a Keurig, the K cups alone in landfill circled the planet 7 times last year, don't litter, if one is a celebrity or high paid executive that flies private planes? Sit down and shut up about climate change as you're a hypocrite. I see a lot of people going on about "climate change" accusing others but my question to them would be "what are you doing to make it all better?"
Like · Reply · 8 · Apr 30, 2017 12:13pm · Edited
Richard Hughes
Actually, your premise is untrue. We have all the tech and it could imprpve our lives.
Like · Reply · 3 · May 1, 2017 12:42am
What sort of person might actually want to do this, though? Unfortunately, there are many types of people who would willingly destroy humanity. The list includes apocalyptic terrorists, psychopaths, psychotics, misanthropes, ecoterrorists, anarcho-primitivists, eco-anarchists, violent technophobes, militant neo-Luddites and even “morally good people” who maintain, for ethical reasons, that human suffering is so great that we would be better off not existing at all.
baaaaaarf liberals are so fucking stupid
xipe posted:Even more alarming, though, is the fact that the rate of ocean acidification is happening faster today than it occurred during the Permian-Triassic mass extinction. That event is called the “Great Dying” because it was the most devastating mass extinction ever, resulting in some 95 percent of all species kicking the bucket. As the science journalist Eric Hand points out, whereas 2.4 gigatons of carbon were injected into the atmosphere per year during the Great Dying, about 10 gigatons are being injected per year by contemporary industrial society. Thus, the sixth mass extinction mentioned above, also called the Anthropocene extinction, could turn out to be perhaps even worse than the Permian-Triassic die-off.
on the other hand, one animal that's thriving under late capitalism is the tick: http://news.nationalgeographic.com/2015/06/150601-ghost-moose-animals-science-new-england-environment/
pretty on the nose, mother nature
hey posted:we're way past the point for mitigation. Everyone needs to re-frame their thinking to that of adaptation and resilience.
got it, so inland servers, waterproof phones and computers, "underwater style" irony,
The ice we skate is getting pretty thin
The water's getting warm so you might as well swim
My world's on fire, how about yours?
That's the way I like it and I never get bored
toyotathon posted:would there be any interest in semi-regular highlights, summaries, and what-nows of climate papers?
we need to start preparing our communities for this imo
let me refill my brain pills first.
toyotathon posted:would there be any interest in semi-regular highlights, summaries, and what-nows of climate papers?
we need to start preparing our communities for this imo
yes please