Urbandale posted:https://theintercept.com/2014/09/25/managing-nightmare-cia-media-destruction-gary-webb/
was also thinkin about webb goin through this page
The reason I’d enjoyed such smooth sailing for so long hadn’t been, as I’d assumed, because I was careful and diligent and good at my job. The truth was that, in all those years, I hadn’t written anything important enough to suppress.

Either a) what's being criticized here has little relation to the critiques i'm actually seeing from the left, which are directed against liberal talking heads for the positions they held and continue to hold, and thus saying "we must not do this thing" will excite no one except left-hating, concern-trolling liberals, or b) what's being criticized here absolutely must continue in full force because it's being directed at Democratic party luminaries, media boosters and their frantic attempts to revise history to erase their own complicity, providing constant and necessary reminders to the rank-and-file that Democratic politicians and media darlings are bloodthirsty warmongers, during a time when they are inclined to criticize this behavior in all leaders and engage in soul-searching over world events that many of them suspected weren't being relayed to them in a straightforward or honest manner.
Otherwise we will have about six months here, at best, before the Democratic leadership turns millions of dollars into a constant wave of attacks against the political left for failing to properly support every single Democratic candidate in 2018, as that will be presented, again with millions of dollars donated by the bourgeoisie, as the only allowed demonstration of resistance against the current administration. The emerging left will be attacked as not only secretly rightist and pro-Trump, but as secret employees of the Russian government, in a literal sense. This is guaranteed by very recent history where this exact thing has happened.
I feel that the above complaint underestimates both the intelligence and the resolve of rank-and-file Democrats and greatly misapprehends their current position. To me, there is absolutely no way that criticizing Democrat hypocrisy will somehow convince Democrats to "do nothing" in response to Trump, because as of right now all of the Democrats' own leadership is urging them to "do something" against Trump, because the Democratic Party elite very much want to harness the energy in popular struggle right now for their own purposes, invoking ties to labor and the disenfranchised that were always more rhetoric than truth and have in recent years been materially destroyed by that very same elite class.
What the left can't allow is for those Democratic Party leaders to dictate who the rank-and-file should oppose, or who they are allowed to oppose, because those leaders have already designated the emerging left as one such target. They will not show the left any mercy themselves. Attacks on Democratic Party hypocrisy must continue, with redoubled efforts, to peel off whatever class-conscious portion of the rank-and-file can be pulled away in a time when many of them are correctly disillusioned and angry with their own leaders, and many more than are saying it out loud, I suspect. And yeah, that's going to piss off some of the rank-and-file, mostly those whose circumstances would never recommend them to the left in the first place and will greedily devour the anti-left propaganda to come in 2017-2018.
Edited by cars ()
Otherwise the Democratic Party will simply tweak its strategy to do what Obama's campaign was able to do in the wake of Bush: nod in furious, dishonest agreement to any criticism of imperialist policy, then present itself as the peace party that is definitely going to let you, the Democratic voter, place kick Guantanamo into the stratosphere. This time. As long as you really, really believe it'll happen, and act that way in full denial of the evidence to date.
yes, our ideal system is one where the rich are 40 times wealthier than people on average. doesn't that sound good?
the idea that we should have capitalism but with just *these specific laws and regulations* reeks of ritual sacrifices and weird dogmatic beliefs about "mystical" things (capitalism) ... its no wonder that John K Galbraith, Robert Reich and P Krugman are all less known among rank and file Americans than any basic libertarian drivel.

"unhinged...weak, incompetent, and out of touch"––more middle management scolding. No mention of racism, Wall St or threatening war w/ Iran. https://t.co/nR0mwHlva6
— Adam H. Johnson (@adamjohnsonNYC) February 7, 2017
fuck liberals man fuck this shit. i can already hear this coming out of their quivering little pieholes

do they not realize how incompetent they are at messaging? popular outcry coincides with the temporary death of putin conspiracy theory in the headlines, so uh bring back putin conspiracy for some reason. remind everyone that trump hates the craven idiot news media, which helps trump. mention street demonstrations but add some bullshit about "town halls" to make sure it sounds like a bunch of elderly vermonters discussing sod. liberals are so fucking stupid
Attorney Kane, who also represents Clement, said Clement ran because a police dog “lunged at him.” She said officers chased him and pepper-sprayed him three times. She said she has video — which she doesn’t want to release yet — of a state police dog snarling at protesters and of cops knocking over an elderly woman. She called it “a police riot.”
In the confusion, state police dogs got “rambunctious” and ended up biting two city cops and a state cops, according to New Haven Assistant Police Chief Tony Reyes.

Keven posted:I hate them sooo much.
Love trumps hate
Dems: "Did we lose because we were too far to the left?"
i still think that's true but I’m coming close to saying that they actually want trump to stay in power. They want all of his ultra-right neoliberalization to happen but would rather it be someone else’s responsibility. it seems like the only explanation.
Hmm pic.twitter.com/M71hG9p3sP
— Ryan Lizza (@RyanLizza) February 8, 2017
le_nelson_mandela_face posted:
lol if you think trump writes all his own tweets.