
Spatial_Reasoning posted:

I do a lot of the unsung labor here, maintaining the secret pdf sub

god damn it let me in


roseweird posted:

people think you are a gimmick because no one believes you could be blind to the poverty of your style of presentation of what you claim to be of utmost importance to you

yeah it does seem like pretty much any one of us could do a better job of extolling/exemplifying the ancients and their virtues. i've even already got a classically themed avatar.

The ancients. What do we know about them? Nothing. These mysterious past humans were given their powers by aliens. But what they thought, what they looked like, who they loved, and what their names were... this we can never know. Were they horny? Did they have pants yet? Did they love their moms? Only though a journey into the mind past via lives-regression could we hope to find out.
but despite your strong marketing skills here at the zone, you are all infected with soviet communisms

Only I am left to lead humanity through the 21st century (bc)

cars posted:

fape posted:
Who's the best greek philosopher

john chrysostom

i love saying that guy's name


fape posted:

Who's the best greek philosopher


thoughts Lykourgos?
Plato or Aristotle. I change my mind from time to time. Thankfully the term "Platonism" is generally used to cover both, so I can honestly say without hesitation that Platonism represents the high point in humanity's understanding of many topics.

I wouldn't want people to only read those two authors, though. They should become Classicists in a broader sense; read the historians and certainly other philosophers and poets, and then give all your thoughts and arguments a Classical foundation like a Chinese Confucian sage.
* Puts "Christianity is Platonism for the masses" on a big character poster*
plato was the best, people are made of different metals, get over it marxists

RedMaistre posted:

* Puts "Christianity is Platonism for the masses" on a big character poster*

You could blow it up twenty times larger and it'd still be unnecessary and false. Yes, Christianity has Platonic influence, but it is not Platonism. You are wrong if you think Christianity is some unique and special way of transmitting Platonism to the commons, and no other way is better or even possible.

Christianity is Abrahamism, it is inherently incompatible with Platonism. Furthermore, it is rooted in Jewish history, which further removes people from a Classical Hellenic and Chinese foundation.

These two reasons are why it's unacceptable and must ultimately be abandoned. Abrahamism is theologically incorrect and culturally unacceptable.

Aristotle was the founder of autism
What's your take on Stoticism, Lykourgos?
Heraclitus invented dialectical materialism and is the only one worth studying.
Nice to see you again RedM

Edit*. wrong thred

Edited by Gssh ()


Gssh posted:

Nice to see you again RedM

Edit. Woops wrong thred

Hello again!


RedMaistre posted:

What's your take on Stoticism, Lykourgos?

Ancient stoic texts, or modern groups? It's pretty popular these days, at least in part. There are those who write stoic versions of self help books, and then more serious groups who read the source material and try to make a coherent, modern movement.

Ancient Stoics are a little late for my tastes, as I don't like to go beyond the 4th century for Hellenes. I've read some obvious ones like Epictetus and Marcus Aurelius, some bits about them from Cicero and elsewhere. I don't dislike them; they clearly have a lot of Platonism in them, at times Daoist. I guess the worst I'll say is that they seem slavish with an incorrect view of theology/metaphysics and eudaimonia.

I recently started following some modern Stoic groups and am planning to argue with them at some point. It's a shame that there are so many organised Stoics but so few Platonists. I reread the Enchiridion recently and will finish the Discourses before I engage with them. They seem cool, though, it's refreshing to be done with Abrahamism in the West.

Edited by Lykourgos ()

I was thinking mainly of the ancient philosophical movement.
Are there any authors out there that have pursued a blending of Platonism with Chinese philosophy or is that mainly your own idea ?

RedMaistre posted:

Are there any authors out there that have pursued a blending of Platonism with Chinese philosophy or is that mainly your own idea ?

It's the, philosophical foundation of Nazism

abrahamists are made of aluminum foil and are not appropriate to craft a makeshift bowl to smoke weed from
[account deactivated]

RedMaistre posted:

Are there any authors out there that have pursued a blending of Platonism with Chinese philosophy or is that mainly your own idea ?

I don't know if anyone has written about it; I don't really read modern texts except for work. I haven't encountered anyone irl who does it, either. I just think that both Greek and Chinese Classics represent the high point in a lot of fields, and taken together they provide us with the best foundation to create a superior world. I don't necessarily need to inject both of them into every discussion; it's possible to speak about only Hellenes at one time, only Chinese at another. Ultimately, though, I think that supremely educated people would freely draw from both groups of texts.

One day a new Plutarch will compare their lives, and future generations will find it quite normal to merge them all. Ideally people would form some sort of society that is rooted in the ancients and excludes anything written east of Ionia or west of Han Gu Pass.

i think thats enough

Edited by roseweird ()

take it to the philosophy thread, classicailures
personally i prefer this classicist gimmick to lykourgos' http://www.xinfajia.cn/12967.html

Our mission is to end monopoly capital’s global hegemony and build a serene Daoist-Legalist world.

What is the most significant feature of the modern society?

It is the monopolistic rule by capital. Its domination over all aspects of human life has severely eroded individual morality, social justice, world peace and ecological harmony.

Humanity must find a road leading towards a new civilization that is different from that of the modern West. History has proved that return to the self-consistent supreme principle of “internal sageness being externalized into non-hegemonic statecraft” should be the best, and probably the only, option.

My anti-capitalism will be Daoist-Legalist or, etc. etc,

gyrofry posted:

Heraclitus invented dialectical materialism and is the only one worth studying.

Marx did his thesis on Epicurus and thought he was the high-point of materialist thought (along with Lucretius)


shapes posted:

Marx did his thesis on Epicurus and thought he was the high-point of materialist thought (along with Lucretius)

this is the secret origin story of daddyholes becomes a marxist... blame the ancients.


shapes posted:

gyrofry posted:

Heraclitus invented dialectical materialism and is the only one worth studying.

Marx did his thesis on Epicurus and thought he was the high-point of materialist thought (along with Lucretius)

in a letter to Lassalle about that thesis Marx says he prefers Heraclitus to both

they're all "worth" studying you fuckin nerds lol
epicurus for instance is worth reading if only for a great demonstration that you can be both a 'materialist' and a dumbass, and to get to snicker when people describe things as epicurean
pretty much anyone who actually refers to themselves as an "Epicurean" in the modern/contemporary eras is, like, the worst. it might be worth reading just to know why. it's okay to be a secret fan though like Dante was.
scumbag chickeon

mother... goat got into the coop again...
its ok to be epicurious

blinkandwheeze posted:

innsmouthful posted:

i wouldn't really worry about that too much. i started this account as a dumb gimmick when i was like 20-21 years old, and i rarely post here anyway. i am interested in fascism but only as a historical curiosity, and even that interest has waned quite a bit as i've moved on with my life and discovered other things to focus on

Cool gimmick mate (re: dispo & krinkle uncovering roof's personal site)

innsmouthful posted:

congrats on ruining a young man's life due to your pathological inability to deal with racial realities

haha deff one of my better posts. only the good die young.

many bad idiots die young

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

does anyone have any good stories of wddp meltdowns. what about cbass. is he into gen pop yet or does the institution still have him in isolation

i was thinking about this and i was just ribbin the old bassman. i feel sorry for him really, trying to navigate being a good Ally while having to deal with this overbooked homeless shelter of vicious teen narcissists denouncing one another