
mugabe_glasses posted:

cars posted:

innsmouthful posted:
my favorite wddp-lf drama moment was the impper fiasco with his debut "novel," fuck and destroy

i assume the next big one will proceed from allowing you, an actual professed fascist iirc, to continue posting here

is this true innsmouthful, are you really a fascist

i wouldn't really worry about that too much. i started this account as a dumb gimmick when i was like 20-21 years old, and i rarely post here anyway. i am interested in fascism but only as a historical curiosity, and even that interest has waned quite a bit as i've moved on with my life and discovered other things to focus on


mugabe_glasses posted:

cars posted:

his av is Francis parker yockey, but get this: possibly ironically.

innsmouthful how do you feel about white genocide

i'm not a fan, but i'm not really a fan of any type of genocide unless it is a genocide of the rich aka my boss


shriekingviolet posted:

goat was confined to the faily planet exclusively for a long time and let out for no good reason

lol didnt jools suggest it right before he completely stopped posting here?

theres a kind of overly earnest, confessional rhetorical style that i mostly associate with liberal posturing, particularly when coupled with the weird ritualized introspection and self-flagellation that has become the trademark of identity politics

irony poison is important because it neutralizes the flouride that causes this
I don't buy any of this "irony" or "sincerity" hokum. "Love the poster, hate the post" is my motto

c_man posted:

shriekingviolet posted:

goat was confined to the faily planet exclusively for a long time and let out for no good reason

lol didnt jools suggest it right before he completely stopped posting here?

chronicle the Third. the Goat imprisoned by the Magistra c0nec and the casting of the Circle ● a Script deployed upon the Magistra's server to secure the Goat sequentially across each Post within her acclaiméd Realm ● the Circle broken fortnightly, the Goat escaping, only to be ensorcelled once more upon Fortification of the Magicks

heres all u need to understand the rhizzone circa 2016 a year in review

i just joined and am very excited to post alongside such esteemed posters as "dude who thinks drug addicts should be killed" and "canadian papist"

innsmouthful posted:

mugabe_glasses posted:
cars posted:
innsmouthful posted:
my favorite wddp-lf drama moment was the impper fiasco with his debut "novel," fuck and destroy

i assume the next big one will proceed from allowing you, an actual professed fascist iirc, to continue posting here
is this true innsmouthful, are you really a fascist

i wouldn't really worry about that too much. i started this account as a dumb gimmick when i was like 20-21 years old, and i rarely post here anyway. i am interested in fascism but only as a historical curiosity, and even that interest has waned quite a bit as i've moved on with my life and discovered other things to focus on

oh you i should't worry too much about you being a fascist, you say
if you think i shouldn't i guess i shouldn't

mg please continue to post here, i am in the process of writing up an extremely woke 'nalysis of my time in the peace corps and would like to have another volunteer's perspective

ilmdge posted:

statickinetics used to post stuff there, Shape of Jizz to Cum, some other good posters were there.

i'm one of the gooduns

StaticKinetics already has an account and occasionally posts here, but he is pretty busy with IRL organizing and seems to be fairly happy and self-actualized, so i doubt he wants to waste too much of his life arguing about Soviet grain production with Internet strangers

we had dinner once, along with Andrew Kliman and his wife, where we got into an argument with them about Benghazi. i like to think we brought a little slice of the forums to the meatspace
Yessss... everyone assemble on a single forum so that the Classicists may swoop down and win the supreme internet argument victory
Shape of Jizz to Cum
Grumblefish, are you still posting Trump is Leonidas essays on your linkedin? How much have your classics trolls advanced your career as a prosecutor?

CyberBrecht posted:

i just joined and am very excited to post alongside such esteemed posters as "dude who thinks drug addicts should be killed" and "canadian papist"

canadian papist is one of my favorite posters though


Aspie_Muslim_Economist_ posted:

Grumblefish, are you still posting Trump is Leonidas essays on your linkedin? How much have your classics trolls advanced your career as a prosecutor?

Yes I posted two and in my spare time I prosecute netizens for bad ideas

Trump is pretty impressive, obviously, but he already has enough attention now that he is President. The next thing I want to see is a resurgence of paganism, driven by deep Platonism and Classical Chinese ancestor worship. That's really where we as a species have to progress; it will secure a future for pre-3rd century BC Greek and Chinese texts, and strengthen our immortal souls.

Edited by Lykourgos ()


shapes posted:

so i doubt he wants to waste too much of his life arguing about Soviet grain production with Internet strangers

come on man... we haven't had a conversation that substantive here since 2013


Urbandale posted:

wasn't implying a moral equivalency between the two


Lykourgos posted:

Aspie_Muslim_Economist_ posted:
Grumblefish, are you still posting Trump is Leonidas essays on your linkedin? How much have your classics trolls advanced your career as a prosecutor?

Yes I posted two and in my spare time I prosecute netizens for bad ideas

Trump is pretty impressive, obviously, but he already has enough attention now that he is President. The next thing I want to see is a resurgence of paganism, driven by deep Platonism and Classical Chinese ancestor worship. That's really where we as a species have to progress; it will secure a future for pre-3rd century BC Greek and Chinese texts, and strengthen our immortal souls.

How do you feel about the recent influx of the alt-right into classics posting? Twitter is filled with people with handles like Lolistotle, etruscanRAGE, and PepeAeschylus1488 who extol classical western civilization but clearly have only a superficial grounding in it. Are you happy to see new blood enter the scene or are you annoyed that these johnny-come-lately classics nerds are appropriating a culture you were in before it was cool?

khamsek: He will be an outcast. They'll kill him.
getfiscal: how? He'll be a god to them.

Aspie_Muslim_Economist_ posted:

Lykourgos posted:

Aspie_Muslim_Economist_ posted:
Grumblefish, are you still posting Trump is Leonidas essays on your linkedin? How much have your classics trolls advanced your career as a prosecutor?

Yes I posted two and in my spare time I prosecute netizens for bad ideas

Trump is pretty impressive, obviously, but he already has enough attention now that he is President. The next thing I want to see is a resurgence of paganism, driven by deep Platonism and Classical Chinese ancestor worship. That's really where we as a species have to progress; it will secure a future for pre-3rd century BC Greek and Chinese texts, and strengthen our immortal souls.

How do you feel about the recent influx of the alt-right into classics posting? Twitter is filled with people with handles like Lolistotle, etruscanRAGE, and PepeAeschylus1488 who extol classical western civilization but clearly have only a superficial grounding in it. Are you happy to see new blood enter the scene or are you annoyed that these johnny-come-lately classics nerds are appropriating a culture you were in before it was cool?

I see it as a great thing; they have an innate love for Classical history and wisdom. They wish to see the ancient world reborn beautiful and new. Whatever they lack can be provided in time, and they are friendly and receptive to arguments steeped in ancient lore. A promising people.

The ones I despise are the academics and students who are not Classicists so much as glorified archivists. As for Abrahamists who like the Classics, I'm okay with them, but eventually all Abrahamic mythology and institutions ought to be done away with for good. Their theology is wrong and ultimately a new generation of Classicists will have to convert them in full.

Edit: and Chinese people not in foreign academic programmes or christian churches are also top notch people ready for Classical supremacy. The government does well to promote chthonic traditions and pre-qin classics. Many understand that Buddhism is to be eschewed and has polluted their philosophy; things that originated east of Ionia and west of Han Gu pass are unworthy.

Edited by Lykourgos ()

[account deactivated]

dank_xiaopeng posted:

mg please continue to post here, i am in the process of writing up an extremely woke 'nalysis of my time in the peace corps and would like to have another volunteer's perspective

hello chairmanmao it is good to post with you again
i can't remember what i sent to you so i am glad you appreciated it and that it was not offensive

as for your woke anal', i look forward to reading it. i get the impression we had extremely exceptionally different experiences, so i am curious to see how it will translate

so that's grumblefish, huh

swampman posted:

I don't buy any of this "irony" or "sincerity" hokum. "Love the poster, hate the post" is my motto

*narrows eyes at post*


Lyk... why do you always have to add things about China that invite owns... it's superfluous to the gimmick

cars posted:

Lyk... why do you always have to add things about China that invite owns... it's superfluous to the gimmick

It's not a gimmick

Ancestor worship is important and chinese texts and objects provide a lot of material for rituals and theological justification for the practice.

While the Hellenes typically represent the high point of human knowledge, there are certain fields where the Chinese excelled beyond them (at least in recovered texts)

The pre-qin history is rich and well attested

There are countless chinese who appreciate and recognise the authority of the classics


shirley, you must realize we will struggle against the remnants of feudalism in the PRC. i salute you for alt-righting the Honorary Aryan however.
Perhaps more than anyone else, Grumblefish exemplifies the rHizzonE ethos of Fail Aids, as he's allowed his "long winded classics troll" posting persona to metastasize like a cancer and subsume his real life. There is no Adam now, only Lykourgos.
as gregor samsa awoke one morning from uneasy dreams he found himself transformed into his own fakeposts
For all the shit you guys give him, Lykourgos seems pretty knowledgeable about classical eras. I'd love to see a post from him detailing the finer points of grain distribution in Shang dynasty china

Edited by fape ()

as i walk through the valley where i harvest my grain,
please welcome to this humble domain. i tried to get an account on your forum when i was 16 and my politics extended to "i would bite G.W. Bush's cock off if given the option" and now I am older and have ultimately reached the same conclusion. Post at your leisure, and welcome

innsmouthful posted:

i wouldn't really worry about that too much. i started this account as a dumb gimmick when i was like 20-21 years old, and i rarely post here anyway. i am interested in fascism but only as a historical curiosity, and even that interest has waned quite a bit as i've moved on with my life and discovered other things to focus on

Cool gimmick mate (re: dispo & krinkle uncovering roof's personal site)

innsmouthful posted:

congrats on ruining a young man's life due to your pathological inability to deal with racial realities

got a pm about white genocide from what i think is a mustang alt (?). truly one of da gang now.

CyberBrecht posted:

got a pm about white genocide from what i think is a mustang alt (?)

yeah mustang is back and PMing
fixed, sorry.

I supposedly "banned" him but it turns out the way a piece of shit library is coded, disabling a login doesn't actually stop you from clicking "forgot my password". awesome security. top notch. good shit.

that no longer works. please let me know if you get any impossibly stupid PMs, it is almost always mustang. unless you want to talk to him, in which case I will make you an ifap mod. the account i'm letting him keep is "zorrex", which has PMs disabled.

Edited by drwhat ()


mugabe_glasses posted:

well for one i wouldn't eat all the grain and babies

who said anything about being a kulak