Eight years later, could progressives make history again? As a feminist, I think it's our duty to shatter the glass ceiling by handing the keys to the White House to Hillary Rodham Clinton. In the news today:
Senator Tim Kaine of Virginia on Saturday endorsed Hillary Clinton for president, even though the former secretary of state has not announced whether she will seek the White House in 2016.
Hillary, if you're reading this: You have our support. It's time for the Democratic Party to make history, again. Hilldawg 2016.
Edited by jools ()
TG posted:bush clinton bush osama clinton bush (jeb) bush (george p) clinton (chelsea)
I'm so tired of this Obama/McCain, Obama/Romney bullshit. I can't wait to vote in a Clinton/Bush election like my daddy did before me.

aerdil posted:after watching known unknown im hopin' rumsfield puts his name in the race
That would be great. It would be like watching air run for the presidency
clinton looked at the clock
I think that Paul Ryan will be Our Republican Vice Presidential Candidate in 2018, the Year of Our Mormon Lord. We just had a Mormon tag team run and lose, so the power of Christ will compel them to put a generic Christian as president while still throwing some meat to two of the growing demographics in the Republican party, the tea party/libertarian faction and Mormons. This is all according to my upturned 2000 Bush/Cheney 44oz bigass truckin' cup crystal ball
gyrofry posted:paul ryan is a catholic
god damnit
Ironicwarcriminal posted:the republicans should run that guy, y'know that governor from that state and he's like popular with hispanics but looks just at home working a crowd of tech-entrepenuers as he does celebrating the quinceaƱera of his college fraternity brother's daughter; After 8 years of fracture and division, his embodiment of the value of hard work, family and community is going to resonate amongst disillusioned Americans.
are you on about marco rubio?

ilmdge posted:When Barack Obama was elected president, it was a historic moment. Less than 200 years earlier, Africans were being shuttled as human cargo in the Atlantic slave trade. Less than 150 years earlier, black Americans still didn't have the right to vote. And less than 50 years earlier, Martin Luther King Jr. was marching on Washington. Now, in 2008, white progressives had chosen to put a black man in the White House.
Eight years later, could progressives make history again? As a feminist, I think it's our duty to shatter the glass ceiling by handing the keys to the White House to Hillary Rodham Clinton. In the news today:
Senator Tim Kaine of Virginia on Saturday endorsed Hillary Clinton for president, even though the former secretary of state has not announced whether she will seek the White House in 2016.
Hillary, if you're reading this: You have our support. It's time for the Democratic Party to make history, again. Hilldawg 2016.
epic. epic for the win.
especially if the rest of you, like me, dont read past the headline of whatever this is

this is getting reposted a lot, but not by people who realize it means Inhofe is up to speed on how to say things now and his communications director isn't and is about to get fired