overall assessment: ~shoulda read the rhizzone~
Chthonic_Goat_666 posted:how effective is chapo trap house as a dsa front?
they spent half the last ep advertising the dsa so there's that
pogfan1996 posted:Novorossiya Today
i used to follow these guys but unsubscribed because they kept promoting their online Classic rock radio station Novorossiya Rocks

Just joined @DemSocialists
— Molly Crabapple (@mollycrabapple) December 21, 2016
Edited by SparksBandung ()
Their use of Marx has always been all jacked up but this recent stuff on race they've been peddling is really another level. So obviously the impetus behind the general soft leftyness is a general desire to make socialism as appealing as possible in America. But in doing so these folks seem totally willing to start their appeals with a general acceptance of right wing talking points. Kilpatrick spent all week post election talking about how we need to recenter the white working class and now this new immigration piece is full of shit like this. Why is this shit framed as a "one or the other" sort of thing? There's no explanation for why focusing on anti-borders and pro-immigration socialism is inherently opposed to supporting the "white working class."

I guess the underlying assumption here is something along the lines of "mass immigration n reduced border controls hurt white american jobs" but that, ofc, is a pretty liberal argument that takes a capitalist organization of production as a given.

tpaine posted:i got a article in truthout in 2010...
belated thanks for getting the truth out in 2010, really appreciated that
in other words, they're today's Democrats.
roseweird posted:its been almost 3 pages, has the effectiveness quotient of jacobin as a dsa front been specified yet
How effective is Chapo Trap House as dsa front?
camera_obscura posted:did that used to be better, or are people pretending it's amusing as an in-joke?
not pretending. it really is the best video online right now
gyrofry posted:the only good podcast is the one that just had dispo on
calling out realsubtle, why u stop psoting?