postposting posted:a song of class and labor by j.r.r cobin
thank you
marimite posted:
Found that guys blog:
What is your response to some on the left who assert that the Syrian opposition are proxies for Western imperialism and the oil rich Gulf states?
The problem with some of the Western left, especially the Stalinists, is that they have been analysing the Syrian revolutionary process from a geo-political perspective, ignoring completely the socio-economic and political dynamism on the ground in Syria. Many of them also consider Iran, Russia, or Syria to be anti-imperialist states struggling against the USA, which is wrong on every aspect. Our choice should not be to choose between on one side the USA and Saudi Arabia and on the other side Iran and Russia, our choice is revolutionary masses struggling for their emancipation.
As Pierre Frank, French Trotskyist, wrote : “Let us note that the greatest theoreticians of Marxism did not at all define the political nature of a bourgeois regime by the positions which the latter held in the field of foreign policy but solely and simply by the position it occupied in relation to the classes composing the nation”
As some clown said,
the corresponding behavior for Trotskyists is when they argue that any claim to "anti-imperialism" is irrelevant, that only class relations matter, but then they immediately fall in love with any CIA-backed group that starts a coup against some "Stalinist bureaucrat dictator." and suddenly that group's geo-politics makes them "the authentic people's revolution"
shapes posted:you know how liberals will argue against the nefarious uses of "whataboutism" by claiming that one can be critical of both cool communists AND the U$A, but then they go and post memes about how awesome Joe Biden is?
the corresponding behavior for Trotskyists is when they argue that any claim to "anti-imperialism" is irrelevant, that only class relations matter, but then they immediately fall in love with any CIA-backed group that starts a coup against some "Stalinist bureaucrat dictator." and suddenly that group's geo-politics makes them "the authentic people's revolution"
Long live the peoples uprising at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. power to the people.
the EU recently banned russia today from broadcast in europe too ... at least this heavy propagandising campaign hasnt materialised in anything except more twats in the west with dumb opinions, so far
swampman posted:Today we #DumpTrump. Tomorrow we become the left opposition to Prez Clinton. Join DSA & get organizing! #ImToHerLeft
— DSA (@DemSocialists) November 8, 2016
yesterday's tomorrow is now today... i welcome our friends in the fight

dipshit420 posted:* Numbers indicate those killed by communist regimes
cars posted:dipshit420 posted:* Numbers indicate those killed by communist regimes
Let's get #CommunismSkills trending on twitter
aerdil posted:only 150,000 in latin america? that seems low
They're having a lot of trouble finding a hack historian soulless enough to incriminate socialism in latin america while simultaneously denying all the US funded death squads. The current generation is really promising though, I imagine we'll have a book about FARC's 100% civilian casualty rate (contras aren't the official military of any state, therefore: civilians!) and the millions who died choking on condom pizza any day now.
on the "left" side of liberalism, the ideology is one of self-correction, right thinking (convert yourselves to hillary voters or you deserve disease and starvation); on the "right" side of liberalism, it's one of self-becoming, right being (it's your birthright to shift disease and starvation back to their rightful homes among other nations and restore the disrupted "natural order" of things).
in contrast, the goofs from jacobin at least know how to mouth traditional litanies about material conditions and the primacy of class in response to the demographic exploitation practiced by the democrats, who are on the outs for the moment, and so american renaissance wants to know if they can convert these people into bell curvers and outspoken race cultists when of course wet-eared dsa puppies are still much more likely to peel off and join various gangs of "neoliberals", "neoconservatives" and other forms of the "self-correction/right thinking" school which will allow them to preserve the language of class struggle but apply it to a narrative of "universal" ideological conversion/enforcement... just my opinion.
1) a long uncontroversial-on-the-left excerpt pointing out that liberals like to talk about race without talking about elements such as "class stratification, capital flight, and the war against organized labor" and blame individual moral perfidy for racist results,
2) people on the liberal-left making fun of liberals who say they want people in midwestern states to literally die because trump won,
3) an obama / hillary supporting democrat taking the opportunity to bash jacobin (which he does in between insisting trump was installed by russian spycraft),
4) bhaskar sunkara making vague predictions about vague percentages of trump voters won over to "a progressive politics"
so imo im doing the exact right amount of thinking by pointing out those are tepid, lukewarm middle of the road quotes when tons of worse ones could have been picked out by me or anyone else here.
New piece by mr. Sam Kriss justifying the liberal dislike of brexit and then tacking on communism at the end. Only one irrelevant Hegel name-drop. But i guess if i got paid to write that crap i would do it too.