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The pilgrims discovered Plymouth Rock using very primitive McRib finding techniques.
fidel is fucking dead fuck the o'rib fuck
Let's not do this. Not today. Just leave the McRib alone.
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The McRib is back
someone get them an account: https://www.facebook.com/rosspattersonofficial/videos/1145615542219242/

aerdil posted:

someone get them an account: https://www.facebook.com/rosspattersonofficial/videos/1145615542219242/

what is wrong with these content regurgitator slobs, they butcher everything. that facebook video cuts the opening where they graciously ask for a spanish translator so that the plea for mcrib can be intersectional and accessible to all. should have asked for ASL too, but no one's perfect

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shriekingviolet posted:

i don't know anything about your weird and disgusting american food but this is hilarious:

is this trotskyism?

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it's back
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roseweird posted:

so far my research into the mcrib anomaly reveals only that it exists in a state of eternal return, a perpetual reunion that denies origin and arrival. it is said that the mcrib is back, but have we thought to ask, "where has the mcrib been?"

The McRib is back

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roseweird the mcrib was the fixation of dead poster GLT who now owns Hamilton from the grave.
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Ladies and gentlemen, the McRib.
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I love that I'm the boss of that historical pan sauce. Makes me feel special.
twitter pushed tom out of its borders twice within a single year which makes it twice as tankie as the rhizzone but far buffer in set to downtime ratio
meanwhile goldenliontamarin publishes under his slave name and people act like it never happened. this world is retarded corrupt...........
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In this case, no, no you're not the boss of your barbecued shrimp bases, you will serve this over white rice and like it.
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*wierd sex toy cooker shits out an egg turd* - "woah" - me, 2016
This is some black magic shit.
do they not have tables in britain. why is this man filming his couch.

tpaine posted:

why the fuck this dude talk like this..


Edited by karphead ()

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tpaine posted:

i posted that before kraphate

that gif is a metaphor for all ur posts