i'll give you a right. i'll give you a right, and a left, and a kick to the fuckin' head
When were done talking about this other forum, lets talk about the official Webkinz forums.

EmanuelaOrlandi posted:
i'll give you a right. i'll give you a right, and a left, and a kick to the fuckin' head

touch me and face the consequences, street urchin


Goethestein posted:

AmericanNazbro posted:
there's really nothing weird about the people on that site


cbass = alcoholic fat dude with no friends irl, suicidally depressed, crippling anxiety disorder, did not talk about having a date or girlfriend or sex a single time in during four years of reading wddp

cc lemon: fat, recent high school graduate, long hair, into One Piece and dickgirl hentai. fat, tried to ride his bike across the state of Texas; got less than one mile. fat.

jollyklansman = speed user, sincerely tries to argue on Youtube, shrieks at people on facebook for ideological crimes, including a literally retarded girl who he made cry when she posted something about jesus. looked like an old jewish woman even before the dickchopping

getfiscal: schizophrenia, depression, heavy medication, rasterbation of joseph stalin on wall.

gul banana: indeterminate amount of fat, likely extreme. once sold 20 pounds of magic cards on ebay, which when yours truly did the math came out to over 1900 cards. which were just the ones he was selling.

marty = communist who worked for finance, greasy, did not talk about having a date or girlfriend or sex a single time in my four years of reading wddp

mccaine = gay communist prostitute philosophy major with fetishes for s&m and pederasty. pics of him playing with shaft and backdoor readily available on internet

mugabe = fucked her mid-40s cpr instructor

nicolae = crippling depression, likely fat, suicide ideation

peenworm: bald fat hipster alcoholic vegan who changed his last name to something from Lovecraft when he got married to his fatter vegan wife who divorced him for reasons unrelating to his having the #1 postcount on wddp.org

tilde = rampant alcoholic

vox = four hundred pounds and shaped like a beanbag, life-destroying depression, sleeps on garbage bags, did not talk about having a date or girlfriend or sex a single time in during four years of reading wddp. nice guy tho~

willa = jewish spinster woman in her early 60s who spends all day on a forum for depression teens to denounce each other

good for mugabe


babyfinland posted:
whatever goatstein, ive made my point. you are an ethical vacuum

morality is merely a series of fetters placed on you by society that exist only to hurt and limit you. shed these chains and become the great red dragon, imo

all of those named people are cool except possibly cc lemon
your definition of cool is unsupported.
Why should I listen to the political/philosophical opinions of some guy who has depression. Hey idiot, ever heard of the beach, it has the sun and cool waves and bikini's everywhere, and it makes you happy. If you can't even figure that out then why should i listen to the crap you have to say about economics or whatever.
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
election victory party tonite at qua everyone come out
please post about transexuals and alcoholic obese people or whatever in moderation. thank you for giving me the opportunity to moderate and to encourage moderation
theres nothing wrong with fucking ones cpr instructor goatspleen
oh god what have we done
we elected the two most suitable people for mod. i guess democracy works
actually electing a women to moderate for women in the forum instead of just a gay dude w/ sympathy for troons. we're not in LF anymore...

Goethestein posted:

AmericanNazbro posted:
there's really nothing weird about the people on that site


cbass = alcoholic fat dude with no friends irl, suicidally depressed, crippling anxiety disorder, did not talk about having a date or girlfriend or sex a single time in during four years of reading wddp

cc lemon: fat, recent high school graduate, long hair, into One Piece and dickgirl hentai. fat, tried to ride his bike across the state of Texas; got less than one mile. fat.

jollyklansman = speed user, sincerely tries to argue on Youtube, shrieks at people on facebook for ideological crimes, including a literally retarded girl who he made cry when she posted something about jesus. looked like an old jewish woman even before the dickchopping

getfiscal: schizophrenia, depression, heavy medication, rasterbation of joseph stalin on wall.

gul banana: indeterminate amount of fat, likely extreme. once sold 20 pounds of magic cards on ebay, which when yours truly did the math came out to over 1900 cards. which were just the ones he was selling.

marty = communist who worked for finance, greasy, did not talk about having a date or girlfriend or sex a single time in my four years of reading wddp

mccaine = gay communist prostitute philosophy major with fetishes for s&m and pederasty. pics of him playing with shaft and backdoor readily available on internet

mugabe = fucked her mid-40s cpr instructor

nicolae = crippling depression, likely fat, suicide ideation

peenworm: bald fat hipster alcoholic vegan who changed his last name to something from Lovecraft when he got married to his fatter vegan wife who divorced him for reasons unrelating to his having the #1 postcount on wddp.org

tilde = rampant alcoholic

vox = four hundred pounds and shaped like a beanbag, life-destroying depression, sleeps on garbage bags, did not talk about having a date or girlfriend or sex a single time in during four years of reading wddp. nice guy tho~

willa = jewish spinster woman in her early 60s who spends all day on a forum for depression teens to denounce each other

Jesus, shut the fuck up. You're getting disgusting.

i'm all of those people in one package

EmanuelaOrlandi posted:
actually electing a women to moderate for women in the forum instead of just a gay dude w/ sympathy for troons. we're not in LF anymore...

patriarchy defeated at long last

we did it.
When do I get my powers I want to free garpstein groopstein gallstein grendelstein and gruntstein asap

gyrofry posted:
theres nothing wrong with fucking ones cpr instructor goatspleen

fuckin a 40 year old dude is weird. weirdness was the criteria, not morality. did i demonstrate fully that the claim rebutted was false? indeed; i believe i did.

*obsesses over internet strangers, chronicles their misadventures, attends steampunk wedding*


Goethestein posted:

gyrofry posted:
theres nothing wrong with fucking ones cpr instructor goatspleen

fuckin a 40 year old dude is weird. weirdness was the criteria, not morality. did i demonstrate fully that the claim rebutted was false? indeed; i believe i did.

then why bring up the fact that people are fat or alcoholic? i'm pretty sure that's a good 50% of the population

strange you make fun of willa for posting with depressed teens when you're a adult male who can't even post with depressed teens, but can't stop talking about them.


Goethestein posted:

gyrofry posted:
theres nothing wrong with fucking ones cpr instructor goatspleen

fuckin a 40 year old dude is weird

its weird that you think thats weird


Lessons posted:
*obsesses over internet people, chronicles their misadventures, attends steampunk wedding*


i dont recall obsessing over them, this is simply stuff i have picked up by osmosis over the years of posting. i am posting it today because it is all true and it makes you mad because it assuredly reminds you of yourself

is that guy FORTY?? *pulls out spyglass and lowers altitude of steampunk zeppelin*

Goethestein posted:

Lessons posted:
*obsesses over internet people, chronicles their misadventures, attends steampunk wedding*


i dont recall obsessing over them, this is simply stuff i have picked up by osmosis over the years of posting. i am posting it today because it is all true and it makes you mad because it assuredly reminds you of yourself

i'm mad as hell and i'm not going to take it anymore


elemennop posted:

Goethestein posted:

gyrofry posted:
theres nothing wrong with fucking ones cpr instructor goatspleen

fuckin a 40 year old dude is weird. weirdness was the criteria, not morality. did i demonstrate fully that the claim rebutted was false? indeed; i believe i did.

then why bring up the fact that people are fat or alcoholic? i'm pretty sure that's a good 50% of the population

strange you make fun of willa for posting with depressed teens when you're a adult male who can't even post with depressed teens, but can't stop talking about them.

i will admit this: i do have an unnatural attraction to them. probably unhealthy. like imagine a reality tv show about a family of furries trying to make it in this great big crazy world of ours. the drama, the failure, the self-delusion. wouldnt you watch that show? wouldnt it be like a canker sore you cant stop sticking your tongue into? that is wddp to me. i would return today in a heartbeat if Papa Wolf hadnt sent me to the Land of Anime Shadows


Lessons posted:
*obsesses over internet strangers, chronicles their misadventures, attends steampunk wedding*


stare too long into the abyss...... the abyss stares back into you..


gyrofry posted:

Goethestein posted:

gyrofry posted:
theres nothing wrong with fucking ones cpr instructor goatspleen

fuckin a 40 year old dude is weird

its weird that you think thats weird

ya when im horkin down on the dong of a dude who was prior to my own father i say: not weird

the very fact that everyone was posting in the kindergarten marxism subsection of a distinctly b-grade members-only comedy website marks all participants as weird, imho
not me, i was doing so: ironically

Goethestein posted:
not me, i was doing so: ironically

ahahaha yeah me too i mean of course *shuffles feet*


Goethestein posted:

gyrofry posted:

Goethestein posted:

gyrofry posted:
theres nothing wrong with fucking ones cpr instructor goatspleen

fuckin a 40 year old dude is weird

its weird that you think thats weird

ya when im horkin down on the dong of a dude who was prior to my own father i say: not weird

kill youre father

but ya on the very base level even so much as hearing the word "Marxism" and not imagining john kerry's minority shock troops trying to steal your stuff is weird
daddy im fucking an eldered