I'd miss gatorade
tears posted:im sure irony will survive, so nothing
it is all that will survive. we will ascend as numinous beings of pure ironic detachment, leaving behind our vulgar broken shells of flesh. the last post on the last message board shall be "The Holocene Literally Never Happened"
Having thought about it for a while I've decided to work towards making that possible... maybe february/march i'll get the appropriate license and begin to figure out how to set up a amateur packet radio bbs.

Edited by Gssh ()
hey posted:
thank u wipneus
colddays posted:Why is it so abysmally low this year as opposed to last year?
too many hotdays and not enough colddays hahaha. maybe if you posted in the arctic we wouldn't have this problem!
God damn that is so fucked up.
hey posted:colddays posted:Why is it so abysmally low this year as opposed to last year?
too many hotdays and not enough colddays hahaha. maybe if you posted in the arctic we wouldn't have this problem!
Loving this Vice-inflected WaPo journalism this ain't your granddad's newspaper of record
swirlsofhistory posted:hey posted:colddays posted:Why is it so abysmally low this year as opposed to last year?
too many hotdays and not enough colddays hahaha. maybe if you posted in the arctic we wouldn't have this problem!
https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/energy-environment/wp/2016/11/17/the-north-pole-is-an-insane-36-degrees-warmer-than-normal-as-winter-descends/?utm_term=.cbfac12505f0Loving this Vice-inflected WaPo journalism this ain't your granddad's newspaper of record
Scientist: There's only one word to describe the rising temperatures in the Arctic, and that word is, surprisingly, "zany".
also i'm happy to see there are plans in place to allow me to continue to lurk and shitpost once the world goes all waterworld on us.

Edited by stegosaurus ()
stegosaurus posted:im not that worried because a planned economy and the end of imperialism will free up untold productive forces to rapidly reverse climate change and/or manage the ill effects of climate change completely. if a tiny ass island with hardly any natural resources or access to the capitalist market can successfully transition off of oil in less than ten years and the only consequences are a slight bump in the death rate thats not even comparable to, for instance, the deaths caused yearly from lack of health insurance in the most stupidly rich country in the world, then theres really no limit to what can be accomplished. like, sea levels are rising? oh no. if only we could trivially resettle millions of refugees, if only there were another country that basically rebuilt its housing stock and infrastructure in the ten years following a genocidal war aimed at its total destruction,
The tiny island is Cuba and the place that rebuilt itself is the DPRK, right?
Shoggoth posted:i'm going to miss toilet paper.
i am also going to miss yr posts
but seriously, folks, we're all going to die
stegosaurus posted:im not that worried because a planned economy and the end of imperialism will free up untold productive forces to rapidly reverse climate change and/or manage the ill effects of climate change completely. if a tiny ass island with hardly any natural resources or access to the capitalist market can successfully transition off of oil in less than ten years and the only consequences are a slight bump in the death rate thats not even comparable to, for instance, the deaths caused yearly from lack of health insurance in the most stupidly rich country in the world, then theres really no limit to what can be accomplished. like, sea levels are rising? oh no. if only we could trivially resettle millions of refugees, if only there were another country that basically rebuilt its housing stock and infrastructure in the ten years following a genocidal war aimed at its total destruction,
uhhhh, maybe.
Belphegor posted:stegosaurus posted:im not that worried because a planned economy and the end of imperialism will free up untold productive forces to rapidly reverse climate change and/or manage the ill effects of climate change completely. if a tiny ass island with hardly any natural resources or access to the capitalist market can successfully transition off of oil in less than ten years and the only consequences are a slight bump in the death rate thats not even comparable to, for instance, the deaths caused yearly from lack of health insurance in the most stupidly rich country in the world, then theres really no limit to what can be accomplished. like, sea levels are rising? oh no. if only we could trivially resettle millions of refugees, if only there were another country that basically rebuilt its housing stock and infrastructure in the ten years following a genocidal war aimed at its total destruction,
The tiny island is Cuba and the place that rebuilt itself is the DPRK, right?
yes to the first, idk to the second. soviet union rebuilt its industrial base three times and still outpaced everyone but the united states so socialism is gud. at the same time we need as much time as possible, so if you havent joined a party please do so now.