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tpaine make a crew for alcoholic s
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*reads scroll of ancient names and pours one out for those who have gone before*
The majority of those people are already dead (from alcohol?), embarrasing 2 still be promoting w/out memorial 2 fallen
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holy shit folks its 5:00, time to get rowdy
weather hovering just on the freezing line, perfect for using the deck as a beer fridge. thanks for the record breaking warm november, global warming!
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me, this will provide the validation my life is lacking
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tpaine posted:

since people are upset at my latest krew i will make a new alco one called The Problem Thinkers who wants in

raises paw


tpaine posted:

don't worry, this time i will NOT include anyone with a problematic username

only those with a problematic lifestyle amirite, awww yeah


tpaine posted:

since people are upset at my latest krew i will make a new alco one called The Problem Thinkers who wants in


tpaine posted:

since people are upset at my latest krew i will make a new alco one called The Problem Thinkers who wants in

me but only if you spell my name right

Im drinking whatever they give me
[account deactivated]

tpaine posted:

i miss steel reserve 12 packs

feel reserve

im confining myself to this threead until i can figure out what the fuck is wrong with me.
Assange is dead
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[account deactivated]
I like dry ciders and I hate syrupy shit and I don't understand why they even have the same name. Just call the sugary stuff "teen sugar cocktail" or whatever so I don't mistakenly put it in my mouth
A friend in the States lost his job because of a protest-related arrest, even though the charge was obvious bullshit. It's a scotch night.
Tonight calls for vodka. Condolences to your friend

Edited by parabolart ()

made eggnog last night.
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hey gang shou;d i drink mimosas or screwdrivers for breakfast? it is a holiday after all
mimosas, screwdrivers are for non-holiday breakfasts
i ended up doing both and put vodka in my mimosa
giving thanks today...

...for alcohol
glutwein.. is that how you say it? drank a pot of it with the fam and now everyone's farting and fighting

parabolart posted:

farting and fighting

but enough about the US election

went out to the farm for grey cup, drank a lot of profoundly shitty beer and listened to my family explain that justin trudeau is a communist

calgary played like goddamn clowns and seemed genuinely confused that they lost, so that was nice. get fucked calgary.

good to be back home in my own bed gettin reacquainted with my jameson
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