lord have mercy
i explained to her that it's worked in many other industrialized countries in the world but she was adamant that those countries are too small and different for comparison
"if only we could reduce the drug prices somehow" hmmm, i wonder how indeed...

TFW you wake up to discover your orgs blundering attempts at conflict management from server password change notification emails and public posts on social media.
Edited by Gssh ()
Anyone know anything about that organization?
getfiscal posted:Let's play "Real Life"
lmao, no fucking way
Gssh posted:TFW you wake up to discover your orgs blundering attempts at conflict management from server password change notification emails and public posts on social media.
hahaha oh my god did they do "lock Person I Don't Like out of access so they can't work with me and I don't have to confront them about it"
pro as fuck passive aggressive maniac maneuver
on the positive side, i got a new vape pen which i can use to do dabs so life is alright
shriekingviolet posted:did they do "lock Person I Don't Like out of access so they can't work with me and I don't have to confront them about it"
Basically yes but worse, I'm just the remote sysadmin now turned mediator
Edited by Gssh ()
roseweird posted:its pretty monotonous spending so much time doing completely abstract stuff by hand, like past a certain point repetition of taking and applying derivatives doesn't have any benefit for conceptual understanding, it would be a lot better if it were taught by people who know physics and programming. i just have to get through it though i guess so whatever
Gssh posted:Basically yes but worse, I'm just the remote sysadmin now turned mediator
sorry to hear it. didn't mean to dig into your org's dirty laundry, i've just been in similar situations
parabolart posted:t the most "logical solution is to inject all men on earth with estrogen
Castration is probably at least as effective for the desired effect and needs ideally only one visit to the hospital; therefore a much more efficient use of state resources than regular estrogen shots.
glomper_stomper posted:the kids really like stalin these days. it's wild
parabolart posted:I just had a reallu long argument at a bar with a guy that had Father Issues that took a turn for the void when he started defending Dawkins evolutionary biology and saying that the most "logical solution is to inject all men on earth with estrogen to "chill them out" and when I did not agree, argued for free will and said technocrats are racist he wanted to fight l m a o
TG posted:my job has slowly been creeping from lawyer toward social worker over the last year, and now its got to the point where like a third of my time is spent trying to get my clients' social security and medicaid benefits reinstated so that they can not starve to death in the streets when they get out of jail and onto probation, which will almost certainly be revoked down the line, thereby landing them back in jail which will result in their benefits being taken away. either that or im trying to get my mentally ill clients stabilized on medication so that they may possibly not reoffend when they get out and also assisted living facilities will let them live there and not on the street, but the jail wont let doctors in to prescribe drugs and if they already have a prescription, its usually to something that the jail wont let them take while theyre incarcerated
you're doing good work & are cool.
cars posted:TG posted:my job has slowly been creeping from lawyer toward social worker over the last year, and now its got to the point where like a third of my time is spent trying to get my clients' social security and medicaid benefits reinstated so that they can not starve to death in the streets when they get out of jail and onto probation, which will almost certainly be revoked down the line, thereby landing them back in jail which will result in their benefits being taken away. either that or im trying to get my mentally ill clients stabilized on medication so that they may possibly not reoffend when they get out and also assisted living facilities will let them live there and not on the street, but the jail wont let doctors in to prescribe drugs and if they already have a prescription, its usually to something that the jail wont let them take while theyre incarcerated
you're doing good work & are cool.
thanks, i really appreciate you saying that. i wish we had an actual social worker who knew what they were doing better than i do but its not in the budget (we do have one for juvy clients). its really frustrating trying to navigate the bureaucracy, and i just wish id got an msw instead because i find it to be pretty rewarding and it would have cost a fraction of my jd. plus i wouldnt also have to litigate cases for my dozens of other clients at the same time
now the waiting game....
the waiting game sucks... let's play hungry hungry hippos!