aerdil posted:
i just simply feel that a belief system should at its very basic level at least be logically consistent.
i don't think you've shown that islam is internally inconsistent in any meaningful way, sorry
noavbazzer posted:
Yeah id much rather daydream about the red guard beating the ulama in streets than ever give consideration to something that has given a massive portion of the world a sense of usefulness and peace
well as long as religion gives the world a sense of usefulness and peace i guess theres no real hurry in getting rid of capitalism
Lessons posted:
that post is just a longwinded "you don't understand my subjectivity", which anyone could say, about anything
obviously, which is why dawkins has had about as much success as i have had in my quest to explain to all the johnny come latelys in my locale that dubstep was once a true event and that the shit they like in its name is awul, awful garbage. heretics, all of them, theyll burn one day but in the meantime one can only live a curmudgeonly prophets life
aerdil posted:
The criticism of religion leads to the doctrine according to which man is, for man, the supreme being; therefore it reaches the categorical imperative of overthrowing all relationships in which man is a degraded, enslaved, abandoned, contemptible being.
Yet something about that feels woefully insufficient with even a cursory glance at the behavior of humanity which could only be described as sickening anf contemptible
mistersix posted:Lessons posted:
that post is just a longwinded "you don't understand my subjectivity", which anyone could say, about anythingobviously, which is why dawkins has had about as much success as i have had in my quest to explain to all the johnny come latelys in my locale that dubstep was once a true event and that the shit they like in its name is awul, awful garbage. heretics, all of them, theyll burn one day but in the meantime one can only live a curmudgeonly prophets life
that's neither here nor there and besides dawkins didn't set out on a campaign of mass conversion anyway
Lessons posted:
dawkins didn't set out on a campaign of mass conversion anyway
shennong posted:Lessons posted:
dawkins didn't set out on a campaign of mass conversion anywaylol
in the introduction of his book he says something like that he doesn't expect to convince true believers but rather to convince 'closeted' atheists to 'come out' (as gay) and also possibly persuade people who are on the fence
Lessons posted:shennong posted:Lessons posted:
dawkins didn't set out on a campaign of mass conversion anywaylol
in the introduction of his book he says something like that he doesn't expect to convince true believers but rather to convince 'closeted' atheists to 'come out' (as gay) and also possibly persuade people who are on the fence
yeah i dunno dude. the guy stopped publishing meaningful work in scientific or other academic journals like 3 decades ago and has since embarked on an intellectually dishonest and roundly criticised campaign to spread an obviously incorrect but elite-flattering theory of natural selection, as well as an effort to pervert biological theory in order to force it to condemn positions on questions that it fairly clearly was never intended to address. i dont know how he personally frames his activity but to me that's proselytising. i mean i guess you could say he's just a mercenary and he doesn't buy it but in that case he's just proselytising on someone else's behalf
Lessons posted:
that post is just a longwinded "you don't understand my subjectivity", which anyone could say, about anything
the objection of course being that i could just be arguing any kind of bizarre personal hallucination and defend it on those grounds, except that literal billions of other people do understand it, and have demonstrated its truth value in a variety of concrete ways so i'm not really concerned with that
tpaine posted:babyfinland posted:Lessons posted:
that post is just a longwinded "you don't understand my subjectivity", which anyone could say, about anythingthe objection of course being that i could just be arguing any kind of bizarre personal hallucination and defend it on those grounds, except that literal billions of other people do understand it, and have demonstrated its truth value in a variety of concrete ways so i'm not really concerned with that
like what
*puts a burrito in your mouth and pokes your nose*
babyfinland posted:
the objection of course being that i could just be arguing any kind of bizarre personal hallucination and defend it on those grounds, except that literal billions of other people do understand it, and have demonstrated its truth value in a variety of concrete ways so i'm not really concerned with that
then it's fundamentally a rational question of why we should automatically privilege your related experience in ways we wouldn't for others, not an issue of insufficient knowledge of your subjectivity. and honestly i don't find the arguments you give there particularly compelling.
Lessons posted:babyfinland posted:
the objection of course being that i could just be arguing any kind of bizarre personal hallucination and defend it on those grounds, except that literal billions of other people do understand it, and have demonstrated its truth value in a variety of concrete ways so i'm not really concerned with thatthen it's fundamentally a rational question of why we should automatically privilege your related experience in ways we wouldn't for others, not an issue of insufficient knowledge of your subjectivity. and honestly i don't find the arguments you give there particularly compelling.
i dont care at all about persuading you or anyone lol. Don't Care Bruh. Me no cares
to true religion
is a single breath;
From the world of doubt
to certainty
is a single breath;
Enjoy this precious single breath,
for the harvest
of our whole lives
is that same one breath.
- A man much wiser than any of us
Lessons posted:babyfinland posted:
the objection of course being that i could just be arguing any kind of bizarre personal hallucination and defend it on those grounds, except that literal billions of other people do understand it, and have demonstrated its truth value in a variety of concrete ways so i'm not really concerned with thatthen it's fundamentally a rational question of why we should automatically privilege your related experience in ways we wouldn't for others, not an issue of insufficient knowledge of your subjectivity. and honestly i don't find the arguments you give there particularly compelling.
also how does this relate to transgenderism hmmmmmmMMMMMMMM *deep breath*
you basically just reject what you dislike and accept what you like. everyone does this. its fine. just be honest.
babyfinland posted:
i dont care at all about persuading you or anyone lol. Don't Care Bruh. Me no cares
again the problem isn't that you have to convince people it's that you're a sanctimonious hypocrite
Lessons posted:babyfinland posted:
i dont care at all about persuading you or anyone lol. Don't Care Bruh. Me no caresagain the problem isn't that you have to convince people it's that you're a sanctimonious hypocrite
lol no u
babyfinland posted:
also how does this relate to transgenderism
you basically just reject what you dislike and accept what you like. everyone does this. its fine. just be honest.
we can talk about that if you want as long as you Care
Lessons posted:babyfinland posted:
also how does this relate to transgenderism
you basically just reject what you dislike and accept what you like. everyone does this. its fine. just be honest.we can talk about that if you want as long as you Care
i dont