With the most background information on Islam one can understand the meaning of those Hadith. The fact that you have never taken the effort to edify yourself on the subjects of tawhid and other basic premises of Islam is not Tom's problem...

germanjoey posted:

babyfinland posted:

germanjoey posted:

babyfinland posted:
i honestly can not think of a single reason why you would think that unless youre just unable to distinguish islam from arabianness or something, in which case you have to conclude that islam in its entirety is arab otaku-ness, which is veering into a creepy racial essentialist discourse

ok answer me this, when have you ever put the way you understand islam into terms other people can relate to instead of just dumping shitloads of scripture copy/pastes lol

"Islam doesn't need "The LEft""

all the time


its none of your business

[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]

germanjoey posted:

babyfinland posted:

germanjoey posted:

babyfinland posted:
i honestly can not think of a single reason why you would think that unless youre just unable to distinguish islam from arabianness or something, in which case you have to conclude that islam in its entirety is arab otaku-ness, which is veering into a creepy racial essentialist discourse

ok answer me this, when have you ever put the way you understand islam into terms other people can relate to instead of just dumping shitloads of scripture copy/pastes lol

"Islam doesn't need "The LEft""

all the time


bf gave me a better grounding in the basics of islam in the last week than ive ever gotten from any other person or documentary source

actually this avatar says "in the name of god / in the name of god / god", the other one with the kitty was "there is no god but god and muhammad is his prophet"

im really bad at readign calligraphy and i had 2 ask khamsek 2 confirm

discipline posted:

germanjoey posted:
i dunno. it starting to seem to me that the position that bf and yourself actually hold is that western culture is beyond self-salvation, and that thus the golden path lies in injecting a different culture, that still has its God, into our arms, as if it were some sort of antibody for our spiritual malaise.

Lord no, the first half is correct but the second half is like... no... no, of course the West might do well to remember God exists but then again maybe not. My religion is not political, is probably the least political thing about me, and is more of a refuge for my sanity on this spinning time bomb we call a planet than something I think should be hoisted on a bunch of degenerates.

so you think we should abandon ship, then? in that case, do you not think that western conversion to islam is as freud's dirty needle of trimethylamin was to irma, a function of absolving self-guilt by toxifying the other?


babyfinland posted:

germanjoey posted:

babyfinland posted:

germanjoey posted:

babyfinland posted:
i honestly can not think of a single reason why you would think that unless youre just unable to distinguish islam from arabianness or something, in which case you have to conclude that islam in its entirety is arab otaku-ness, which is veering into a creepy racial essentialist discourse

ok answer me this, when have you ever put the way you understand islam into terms other people can relate to instead of just dumping shitloads of scripture copy/pastes lol

"Islam doesn't need "The LEft""

all the time


its none of your business

yeah see lmao. you never post about it. all we get is smugness and these huge copy pastes


discipline posted:
If anything BF would be a turkish otaku or a um, maybe a tajik otaku? but arab otaku? No way!

middle-eastern otaku, then. pardon me for being the fathead jock that thinks the anime nerd is into "chinese shit"...

turkey and tajikistan aren't really the middle east and you lumping them in with arabs or whatever is orientalism / weird, not BFs interest in them. jesus christ goey...

germanjoey posted:

babyfinland posted:
i honestly can not think of a single reason why you would think that unless youre just unable to distinguish islam from arabianness or something, in which case you have to conclude that islam in its entirety is arab otaku-ness, which is veering into a creepy racial essentialist discourse

ok answer me this, when have you ever put the way you understand islam into terms other people can relate to instead of just dumping shitloads of scripture copy/pastes lol

"Islam doesn't need "The LEft""

i was talking about this with some1 last night but it seems to me that bf and maybe to a lesser extent discipline have got to a point in islam where it's done something for them and they've reached a level of contentment where relating it to others or even attempting to do so is unnecessary, which would sort of justify the sort of "hehe fuk u, islam" sort of stuff. when bf sees the scripture it's a big thing, and i guess he really doesnt care that it's just a wall of words to just abt anyone else


discipline posted:

germanjoey posted:
i dunno. it starting to seem to me that the position that bf and yourself actually hold is that western culture is beyond self-salvation, and that thus the golden path lies in injecting a different culture, that still has its God, into our arms, as if it were some sort of antibody for our spiritual malaise.

Lord no, the first half is correct but the second half is like... no... no, of course the West might do well to remember God exists but then again maybe not. My religion is not political, is probably the least political thing about me, and is more of a refuge for my sanity on this spinning time bomb we call a planet than something I think should be hoisted on a bunch of degenerates.

if it's a refuge for your sanity and you're a postmodern product the obvious corrolary is that it should be foisted in the degenerates for their own benefit


aerdil posted:
and those atheists are dumb.

the state of the world is in direct contradiction with the concept of god as all-powerful, all-merciful, all-knowing. these are paradoxes that you can't overcome.

agreed, gnosticism and polytheism are the only rational approaches to theology

how about you guys read like a few pages on tawhid and basic islam instead of asking them to explain it? that's like asking someone to explain chapter one of kapital in the middle of a conversation about one particular section of the grundrisse

the state of the world is in direct contradiction with the concept of god as all-powerful, all-merciful, all-knowing. these are paradoxes that you can't overcome.

no it's not you dipshit. your opinion about the state of the world is not 'in contradiction' with god knowing things that you couldn't even comprehend it's completely in line with it.


Impper posted:

germanjoey posted:

babyfinland posted:
i honestly can not think of a single reason why you would think that unless youre just unable to distinguish islam from arabianness or something, in which case you have to conclude that islam in its entirety is arab otaku-ness, which is veering into a creepy racial essentialist discourse

ok answer me this, when have you ever put the way you understand islam into terms other people can relate to instead of just dumping shitloads of scripture copy/pastes lol

"Islam doesn't need "The LEft""

i was talking about this with some1 last night but it seems to me that bf and maybe to a lesser extent discipline have got to a point in islam where it's done something for them and they've reached a level of contentment where relating it to others or even attempting to do so is unnecessary, which would sort of justify the sort of "hehe fuk u, islam" sort of stuff. when bf sees the scripture it's a big thing, and i guess he really doesnt care that it's just a wall of words to just abt anyone else

well thats great, then he should just stop posting about it if he doesnt want to post about it


EmanuelaOrlandi posted:

the state of the world is in direct contradiction with the concept of god as all-powerful, all-merciful, all-knowing. these are paradoxes that you can't overcome.

no it's not you dipshit. your opinion about the state of the world is not 'in contradiction' with god knowing things that you couldn't even comprehend it's completely in line with it.

yeh this. rational approaches/criticisms of god don't work at all. for after all, how could we make sense of the dead


EmanuelaOrlandi posted:

probably because you didn't sacrifice any oxen or burn incense for him/her


germanjoey posted:
well thats great, then he should just stop posting about it if he doesnt want to post about it

oh yeah obviously, it's fuckin obnoxious


EmanuelaOrlandi posted:
turkey and tajikistan aren't really the middle east and you lumping them in with arabs or whatever is orientalism / weird, not BFs interest in them. jesus christ goey...

tajikistan maybe but how the fuck do you not consider turkey part of the muddle east.

i dont see why bf's inflammatory posting hobby should somehow delegitimatize his religion
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
i love 2 tr0ll
[account deactivated]
cmon gjoey you cant use the idea of the otaku to characterise an enthusiastic religious convert just because theyre both ostensibly reactions to deficiencies in western culture. you know this.

germanjoey posted:

EmanuelaOrlandi posted:
turkey and tajikistan aren't really the middle east and you lumping them in with arabs or whatever is orientalism / weird, not BFs interest in them. jesus christ goey...

tajikistan maybe but how the fuck do you not consider turkey part of the muddle east.

muggle east. avada kedavra!!

[account deactivated]

germanjoey posted:

babyfinland posted:

germanjoey posted:

babyfinland posted:

germanjoey posted:

babyfinland posted:
i honestly can not think of a single reason why you would think that unless youre just unable to distinguish islam from arabianness or something, in which case you have to conclude that islam in its entirety is arab otaku-ness, which is veering into a creepy racial essentialist discourse

ok answer me this, when have you ever put the way you understand islam into terms other people can relate to instead of just dumping shitloads of scripture copy/pastes lol

"Islam doesn't need "The LEft""

all the time


its none of your business

yeah see lmao. you never post about it. all we get is smugness and these huge copy pastes

i dont really see why i have to justify anything to you


cleanhands posted:
cmon gjoey you cant use the idea of the otaku to characterise an enthusiastic religious convert just because theyre both ostensibly reactions to deficiencies in western culture. you know this.

why does everyone turn this into a big east vs. west thing. i've never seen it that way tbqh, islam isnt like the Big Orient or something, its pretty "western" as far as these things go. if you want to talk about islam resolving problems that westerners have then thats fine but thats totally different than what this weird clash of civ discourse is about

[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]

babyfinland posted:

cleanhands posted:
cmon gjoey you cant use the idea of the otaku to characterise an enthusiastic religious convert just because theyre both ostensibly reactions to deficiencies in western culture. you know this.

why does everyone turn this into a big east vs. west thing. i've never seen it that way tbqh, islam isnt like the Big Orient or something, its pretty "western" as far as these things go. if you want to talk about islam resolving problems that westerners have then thats fine but thats totally different than what this weird clash of civ discourse is about

can read reams of scripture and dissect dense theory, doesnt know what ostensibly means, tom of finland everybody


discipline posted:

i dont see niall ferguson in there. i am disappoint


germanjoey posted:

babyfinland posted:

germanjoey posted:
i dunno. it starting to seem to me that the position that bf and yourself actually hold is that western culture is beyond self-salvation, and that thus the golden path lies in injecting a different culture, that still has its God, into our arms, as if it were some sort of antibody for our spiritual malaise. or do i have that wrong? how else to interpret bf's absurd fetishism in that case?

lol what

your arab fetishism. you're pretty much an arab otaku

lmao, that's actually true


cleanhands posted:

babyfinland posted:

cleanhands posted:
cmon gjoey you cant use the idea of the otaku to characterise an enthusiastic religious convert just because theyre both ostensibly reactions to deficiencies in western culture. you know this.

why does everyone turn this into a big east vs. west thing. i've never seen it that way tbqh, islam isnt like the Big Orient or something, its pretty "western" as far as these things go. if you want to talk about islam resolving problems that westerners have then thats fine but thats totally different than what this weird clash of civ discourse is about

can read reams of scripture and dissect dense theory, doesnt know what ostensibly means, tom of finland everybody

lol bro im adding to your point not criticizing it. thats the 2nd time in this thread u read me as unduly hostile to u

[account deactivated]
yeah but im a wretched bad poster, whats your excuse