*reads lenin for 12 straight hours, then looks up from book straight into the camera* We need to vote for Bernie Sanders!!
*posts on lf for 8 years, then clicks New Topic and begins typing* The Left Case For Trump
I think it's great that Bernie and Hillary and Obama before them have taken the line that "we should look forward not backward" because it means that the basically official position of liberals in the US is that powerful officials should be above accountability since by definition all their crimes occurred in the past. some mitch hedburg shit

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

I think it's great that Bernie and Hillary and Obama before them have taken the line that "we should look forward not backward" because it means that the basically official position of liberals in the US is that powerful officials should be above accountability since by definition all their crimes occurred in the past. some mitch hedburg shit

quick question, were you born before or after the presidency of gerald ford

haha, fape's new av
[account deactivated]

Edited by le_nelson_mandela_face ()

will be interesting to look at drwhat/stego stats this month and see if goat's overall total will finally unseat MarianneSadd's clever gambit against the Google searches of thanatic porn consumers, as though there were any other kind
[account deactivated]
My job is to shovel goat shit and they only gave me one place to put it, the front page
nobody is sharing this article because it either directly insults them and/or their preferred candidate at length and depth, or because trump is so radioactive that leftists won't so much as retweet the article even half-ironically. i walk for miles inside this pit of danger, a place where no one follows me, i walk alone
just realized that's a pretty goddamn big pit of danger. i mean even if best case you're walking around the circumference for a minimum of 2 miles that's still a pit with a diameter of over 3300 feet. who would build such a pit of danger, and why

Edited by le_nelson_mandela_face ()

down the road from steggy

i guess the walking for miles inside the pit of danger doesn't necessary imply a large pit. maybe you're walking thousands of revolutions around inside a pit with a 5 foot diameter. the danger is that you look crazy

parabolart posted:

hello new sig


cars posted:

drwhat posted:

that's right bitch

i appreciate your work on the site but you're the will ferrell guy in the room with the monitors while bnw is neo. mustang is agent smith, i'm the french dude with the club and tpaine is that big beardo who can disappear by jumping behind a train

i just have this urge to be a terrible shitposter angry person sometimes and for some reason it only comes out here, please ignore. if i wasn't the admin someone probably would have yelled at me about that or something

we now return to your regularly scheduled discussion of which disgusting shitlord is more fun to "vote" for

traffic is up, btw. someone is sharing this. i will find out

drwhat posted:

traffic is up, btw. someone is sharing this. i will find out

Its Donald


drwhat posted:

traffic is up, btw. someone is sharing this. i will find out


please quote/screenshot, some of us were permanent banned from bad game dot net for sullying the good name of Gamers
[account deactivated]
i shared it on the Marxist Star Wars Forum but i didn't give a link and the mods spoiler tagged it into a little click to read box because its too long and full of pictures so im guessing that nobody actually clicked it. the ones that did didn't seem to get it. most of the people on there still seem to be struggling to understand that the electoral college is a thing that exists
Goat, you basically rationalize supporting Trump as a way to troll liberals, but totally ignore the material harm he does.

With Trump, you can cackle as he drives the elites insane. You can laugh as centrist liberals are forced into hypocritical, tortuous defenses of oligarchy, Bill Clinton's sexual predations, and a panoply of other horrors, and you can sneeringly say "I told you so" to your credulous left-liberal friends. You can gloat as one of a thousand utterly fungible venal politicians is punished for some technical peccadillo.

That's all well and good, but of what does it accomplish beyond giving you an opportunity to be smug and stick it to Hillary and your liberal friends?

You frame jailing Hillary as some singularly important goal for leftists, but she's just one easily replaceable person. If you're not into retributive punishment--and I'm not--having her rot in a cell is of no intrinsic value. The relevant question is how her punishment will affect future leaders and the body politic as a whole. Her being jailed as political payback and for getting caught doing the sort of quotidian shit--totally orthogonal to her actual crimes--that everybody does is not going to be the first step in ending American imperialism. The lesson American leaders and voters will take away from it is "follow the rules for handling classified documents" or perhaps "Donald Trump is a dictator". When Al Capone was arrested for tax evasion, everyone knew what he was really getting punished for, but no one involved in the Clinton debacle gives a shit about the people she's killed.

You want to argue that releasing the horrors held back by liberalism--bringing bald racism, fascism, and elitism to the surface--is a corrective. By showing us who we truly are, Trump will generate a leftist backlash that will destroy all these things. However, is this hypothetical second order effect the main upshot of Trump's candidacy (and potential presidency)? Or is he just unleashing the fucking Nazis among us, helping them organize and justify their behavior?

As a member of one of the groups he demonizes, this first order effect is not academic. Last year three of my neighbors and classmates got slaughtered for being Muslim. Every night my wife cries as she wonders whether she'll be set on fire when she goes outside and whether our son will be able to grow to adulthood without some fascist murdering him. We see a tidal wave of anti-muslim animus growing larger every day, and we just wait and wonder when the paroxysm of mass violence will come. When Trump gives the lie to the liberal internationalist MO of saying "Islam is a religion of peace" at home while slaughtering Muslims abroad, you can sit back and laugh at US hypocrisy, but we see right wing psychos being emboldened and organizing around an openly fascist political platform.

Of course, the harm done to Americans, resident aliens, etc. is a drop in the bucket compared to the hell Hillary will unleash abroad. Probably the best argument for Trump is that he's said isolationist things in the past, so maybe he'll be less of a butcher than Hillary. Then again, maybe he'll be worse. I have no fucking clue what he will or won't do as president, because he doesn't. I imagine it will depend on who pisses him off and what snake oil salesman has his ear. Even people like Hillary, who care nothing for the lives of the people they kill, are restrained by pragmatism--a high functioning psychopath usually doesn't simply murder every person they meet. Trump may cause even more bloodshed through his incompetence.

I understand the accelerationist argument for supporting Trump, and if you want to semi-ironically support him, go nuts. I'm not going to cosign, though.
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Aspie_Muslim_Economist_ posted:

You're deeply confused. It isn't about if this will make the world a better place, and I never once even mentioned that. It is about what is honest, and punishing the bastards. You think we should lie because the consequences of the truth in the open might be suboptimal. But we can't make the world a better place with either candidate. Our best and only chance to punish just one of the bastards - and not just a random, replaceable nobody, as you claim, but in fact the Woke Slay Yaas Queen herself - is the election of Donald Trump. I'd throw the whole world in a furnace to get only a brief flicker of justice and you have no business claiming you're a revolutionary if you disagree.

[account deactivated]
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tpaine posted:

funny thing is, if you want to bring anyone to justice, you wouldn't be talking about voting for trump, you'd be talking about something that's uh...harder to talk about.

Tpaine is correct here and it is not something I mentioned. There are other means, but none that are all of the following: a) plausible b) legal c) allowed to be discussed on the internet.

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In the absolute best-case scenario, the one in which he loses, this is what Trump's run accomplished. He ran as an outsider antidote to a corrupt two-party system, and instead will leave that system more entrenched than ever. If he goes on to lose, he will be our Bonaparte, the monster who will continue to terrify us even in exile, reinforcing the authority of kings.

If you thought lesser-evilism was bad before, wait until the answer to every question you might have about your political leaders becomes, "Would you rather have Trump in office?"

Hey goatstein I got those building plans you asked for
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tpaine posted:

we can talk about buying supplies for our robot costumes dude

just not after the wedding is over, apparently


Edited by swampman ()

For anyone wondering why the fuck anyone would use formaldehyde for the construction of anything livable: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/07/02/AR2008070202800.html
tldr; its cheap unregulated particleboard adhesive

Edit its literally everywhere Nevermind. Denounce trump. This is all a sham post. Formaldehyde is in outer space even. I'm With Her

Edited by parabolart ()