tldr: call everyone in Vermont and tell them to vote for their favorite Trot mayor as a write in. he wins the state, gets three (3) college votes, and if we're lucky this prevents both Trump and Hilary from reaching the 270 vote victory condition. now the republican controlled house of representatives has to pick the president, and they now apparently think donald is even worse than hillary because he grabbed someone's pussy. awesome plan
another way bernie sanders could become president with only 130,000 votes: he runs for president...of canada
can't adjourn the bern
So the plan relies on getting half a million liberals to both do something and also do the same thing. Seems like it would be easier to just get one billionaire to bribe a handful of the delegates to go faithless and nominate ron paul or some shit. Which would also be funnier and is probably being attempted
that article opens with a parenthetical it never closes and it is killing me
the parenthetical has reached forth from the page and enclosed your very existence
this bernie sanders shit is never gonna happen but what if the white horse prophecy is real and it was never romney but some rando eyes-close-together **** from utah and this evan mcmullin guy exploits an electoral college tie to become president courtesy of the house of representatives?!
will forums user tpaine finally admit that mormon god is real?
will forums user tpaine finally admit that mormon god is real?
[account deactivated]
i'm gonna write in that right parenthesis
close parenthesis on the entire american experiment, imho
the rapture happens and the 13,000 people who ascend vote bernie for president of HEAVEN
piss posted:the rapture happens and the 13,000 people who ascend vote bernie for president of HEAVEN
plot twist: he jewish
*cue curb your enthusiasm theme*
Don't tip the vote over
Russian state agents are done hacking the DNC for their proxy Donald Trump, and are now going to hack the vote directly for former communist dictator of Burlington, Vermont.
Bernie Sanders was made immortal by drinking the blood of Rosa Luxemburg
Sanders is gonna die pretty quickly if he ever became pres and most likely really painful cause hes old as fuck. The best thing for America to do for the entire planet is to just fucking die
Cuntessa_Markievicz posted:The best thing for America to do for the entire planet is to just fucking die
Now that's a party line I can get behind