ilmdge posted:I have never seen more shameless propaganda. Professionally produced and uploaded by the white house.
Someone needs to re-edit this video so that the letter is shown arriving at the White House only to be thrown in the trash and then a second later a half eaten apple is dumped on top of it.
Jürgen Todenhöfer: How is the relation between you and the United States? Does the U.S. support the rebels?
Abu al-Ezz: Yes, the U.S. support the opposition, but not directly. They support the countries which support us. But we are not yet satisfied with this support. They should support us with highly developed weapons. We have won battles thanks to the "TOW" missiles. We reached a balance with the regime through these missiles. We received the tanks from Libya through Turkey. Also the "BMs" - multiple rocket launchers. The regime excels us only with their fighter jets, missiles and missile launchers. We captured a share of its missile launchers and a large share came from abroad. But it is through the American "TOW" that we have the situation in some regions under control.
JT: To whom did the U.S. hand those missiles before they were brought to you? Were those missiles first given to the Free Syrian Army by the U.S. and from there to you?
A al-E: No, the missiles were give directly to us. They were delivered to a certain group. When the "road" was closed and we were besieged we had officers here from Turkey, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Israel and the United States.
JT: What did those officers do?
A al-E: Experts! Experts for the use of satellites, missiles, reconnaissance work, thermal surveillance cameras ...
JT: Were there also American experts?
A al-E: Yes, experts from several countries.
JT: Including Americans?
A al-E: Yes. The Americans are on our side, but not as it should be. For example we were told: We must capture and conquer "Battalion 47". Saudi Arabia gave us 500 million Syrian pounds. For taking the "al-Muslimiya" infantry school years ago we received from Kuwait 1.5 million Kuwaiti dinar and from Saudi Arabia 5 million U.S. dollars.
JT: From the governments or from private persons?
A al-E: From the governments.
JT: The fight is difficult, the regime is strong and it has support from Russia ...?
A al-E: We will fight until the downfall of the regime. We will fight Russia and the West because the West does not stand on our side. The West only sends us mujahedin, it facilitates the way of those fighters. Why doesn't the West support us properly? We have many fighters from Germany, France, Great Britain, America, from all western countries.
JT: You have many fighters from Europe in Aleppo with the "al-Nusra front"?
A al-E: Many, many, many!
JT: How many?
A al-E: Many.
JT: What do you think about the ceasefire?
A al-E: We do not recognize the ceasefire. We will reposition our groups. We will undertake in the next, in a few days an overwhelming attack against the regime. We have rearranged all our armed forces in all provinces, in Homs, Aleppo, Idlib and Hama.
JT: You do not want those 40 trucks with aid supplies to bring those into the eastern part of Aleppo?
A al-E: We have demands. As longs as the regime is positioned along Castello road, in al-Malah and in the northern areas we will not let those trucks pass. The regime must retreat from all areas in order for us to let the trucks pass. If a truck comes in despite that, we will arrest the driver.
full interview here:
original german:
victory to the SAA, victory to the lion assad
Edited by tears ()
Ronnski posted:Probably should mention that Todenhöfer is a well known naive clown who is very easily instrumentalized, and although I can't check it myself, people are claiming that the interview took place in regime controlled territory and that Al-Nusra claims they had no commanders give an interview to him. Would certainly be hesitant to believe an interview that guy got out of a supposed gold ring wearing jihadi
link for any of this?
As for it being potentially fake see here:
There is a very recently posted reply from Todenhofer in his facebook page where he refutes claims of it being fake with short video showing location of interview against map of SAA and "rebel" regions
Liebe Freunde, dass meine Kritiker einer Terrororganisation mehr glauben als mir ist schon ein Hammer. Hier ein paar Infos für Menschen, die mir vertrauen:
1.) Dass Jabhat Al Nusra (Al Qaida) das Interview bestreiten würde, war von Anfang an klar. Die Offenheit, mit der ein einfacher, nicht hochrangiger Kommandeur, über die wahren Ziele von Al Qaida sprach, muss der obersten politischen Führung äußerst unangenehm sein. Der US-Regierung geht es genauso. Der Al Qaida-Kommandeur spricht aus, was eigentlich die ganze Welt vermutet.
Derartige nachträgliche Dementis sind schon fast Rebellen-Brauch. Und beinahe verständlich. Geschenkt also. Welcher ertappte Dieb legt gleich ein Geständnis ab?
2.) Zur Identität des Al Qaida- Kommandeurs. Wir haben seine Identität genau recherchieren können und wissen praktisch alles über ihn. Auch über seinen privaten Hintergrund. Das Interview wurde über einen Rebellen aus Aleppo arrangiert. (Ich habe seit Jahren Kontakte zu syrischen Rebellen.) Es fand außerdem an einem Ort in unmittelbarer Sicht-und Schussweite von Jabhat al Nusra statt, den nur ein Mitglied von Al Nusra gefahrlos erreichen konnte. Ein Teil seiner Aussagen wurde darüber hinaus kurz darauf vom Al Nusra-Mufti von Aleppo fast wörtlich bestätigt.
Andere Voraussagen über das Desinteresse der Rebellen an einem Waffenstillstand haben sich ebenfalls bestätigt. Genauso wie seine Vorhersagen über geplante militärische Aktivitäten in mehreren Städten Syriens. All das spricht für die Authentizität des Mannes.
In Syrien tragen zahlreiche muslimische Männer (wenn auch nicht die Mehrheit) Ringe und manchmal sogar um den Hals Goldkettchen. Das ist also nicht unüblich. Abu Al Ezz ist erkennbar kein Salafist. Er ist ein Kriegsknecht. Er war früher bei der 'Freien Syrischen Armee'. Aber Al Nusra zahlt besser. Deshalb kämpfen für Al Qaida inzwischen viele nur des Geldes wegen.
Es gibt zahlreiche Al Nusra- und Co.-Kämpfer die keinen Bart tragen. (siehe Bilder) Nicht nur wenn es sich, wie auf dem Beobachtungsposten im Steinbruch, teilweise um Al Nusra-Späher handelt.
3.) Besonders heftig irrt sich der Herr 'Geolocator'. Der Schmarren, den er erzählt, ist richtig peinlich.
Er hat offenbar nicht einmal meinen Text zum Video gelesen. Das Interview fand - so mein
Text - 'im Niemandsland zwischen den Fronten' - statt. Niemand hat an irgendeiner Stelle behauptet, der Steinbruch sei Rebellengebiet.
Die vom 'Geolocator' auf Carta genannte Stelle ist nicht der Ort unseres Interviews. Unser Interview-Ort war Kilometer von der Stelle entfernt, die er nennt. Der Herr 'Geolocator' stützt seine Recherche u.a. auf 2 Türme, die man im Video sieht. In Wirklichkeit gibt es in der Nähe von Steinbrüchen unzählige solcher Türme.
Wir waren südwestlich von Aleppo , und nicht südlich, wie vom Geolocator behauptet wird.
Der Geolocator behauptet, wir hätten unser Interview beim Haraybel Checkpoint geführt. Das ist falsch. Wir haben das Interview in Wirklichkeit bei Khan Tuman aufgenommen. Unsere Satellitenbilder zeigen nicht nur genau wo wir waren, sondern auch, dass das Gebiet nicht unter der Kontrolle der syrischen Armee ist.
Der Ort, den er nennt, unterscheidet sich auch farblich vom Ort des Interviews. 'Unser' Steinbruch war, wie Ihr in dem Interview sehen könnt, schneeweiß, nur ein kleiner Fleck war schwarz. Während die Location des 'Geolocators' nur außen hell und innen dunkel ist.
Freddy hat noch mehr Videos, die den Weg zu 'unserem' Steinbruch genau zeigen. Dass wir jetzt derartige Details rauskramen müssen, um Al Qaida, seine Propagandisten und einige Ignoranten zu widerlegen, ist eigentlich Zeitdiebstahl.
Ergebnis: Manche Dinge kann man eben nicht am Computer herausfinden, sondern man muss höchstpersönlich seinen Arsch unter großen Risiken in die Kriegsgebiete bewegen. Computer-Helden machen das leider nie. Und das ist nicht geschenkt, das ist dilettantisch und unverantwortlich.
Ich muss offenbar noch viel häufiger aus dieser Region berichten. Die Unwissenheit einiger Kritiker tut fast schon weh. Insoweit war mein Konter eigentlich viel zu nett. Ich möchte auch einmal ganz offen sagen,dass ich Zeit meines Lebens auf der Suche nach der Wahrheit war. Und bin. Das gilt auch für meine Reisen und Recherchen in Syrien. Manche Wahrheiten sind leider unbequem, das weiss ich auch. Trotzdem werde ich das, was ich nach sorgfältiger Recherche als wahr erkannt habe, immer aussprechen. Ich halte das für meine Pflicht. Auch wenn es Kritik hagelt.
Euer JT
swampman posted:Ronnski posted:Probably should mention that Todenhöfer is a well known naive clown who is very easily instrumentalized, and although I can't check it myself, people are claiming that the interview took place in regime controlled territory and that Al-Nusra claims they had no commanders give an interview to him. Would certainly be hesitant to believe an interview that guy got out of a supposed gold ring wearing jihadi
link for any of this?
That he's an easily instrumentalized fool? Theres a lot to be said about his character here. During his time in the CDU he was against credit for Allende's chile but then immediately rallied to support Pinochet, later claiming to have achieved the freeing of some political prisoners.
He also represented the wing of the CDU that demonised the ANC and tried to relativize the brutaility of the Apartheid regime.
During the Soviet-Afghan war he played his role of portraying the Mujahideen as brave freedom fighters. Theres his wild claim in 2014 that there are only 1000 IS fighters and that most of the 'resistance fighting' in Iraq was carried out by a secular pan-arabist group called FNPI who were secretly pulling ISIS strings.,15187246,27499174.html
There's his denouncing of the recognition of the armenian genocide.
His grotesque shmoozing in order to get an interview with Assad way beyond anything you can excuse
There were also accusations that he faked some pictures he took of Gaza, but I don't think those claims were ever verified so theres that.
That link in the post above is where the location of the interview was put into question, but I can't comment on the truthfulness of that.
I would definitely argue that he is both a hack with a liberal relationship to journalistic practice and that the premise of a gold ring wearing top al nusra commander who not only looks like that but also conveniently 'lays everything bare' is a lot to swallow and that his attempts to deflect the claims against the truthfulness of the video in his facebook post are not very convincing. This is absolutely something to take with an almost lethal dose of salt. MUCH more likely that he is just playing the role of useful idiot
Jürgen Todenhöfer ENGLISH STATEMENT: The fact that my critics choose to believe a terrorist organisation more than me is messed up! Here is some further information for people who trust in me:
It was clear from very beginning that Jabhat Al Nusra (Al Qaida) would deny the interview. The openness with which a simple, not high-ranking commander speaks about Al Qaida’s true aims must be aggravating for the top-ranking political leadership. The same applies to the US government. The Al Qaida commander says what the whole world has been speculating.
Such subsequent disclaimers by the rebels are nothing unusual. So one can safely ignore that. Which thief pleas guilty immediately once you catch him?
2) Regarding the identity of the Al Qaida commander: We have researched his identity in depth and know practically everything about him. Including his private background. The interview was arranged by a rebel from Aleppo. (I have been in contact with Syrian rebels for years now.) Furthermore, it took place in an area that is in immediate proximity (visibility and range of fire) of Jabhat al Nusra - only Al Nusra members would be able to enter this region safely. Some of his statements were confirmed almost word by word shortly after by the Al Nusra mufti in Aleppo.
Other predictions, for example about the rebels’ disinterest in a truce, have also proven themselves to be true. Just like the prediction of a planned military activity in several Syrian cities. All of this speaks in favour of his authenticity.
In Syria numerous Muslim men (not a majority, but none the less many) wear rings and sometimes even necklaces made from gold. That’s nothing unusual. Abu Al Ezz is quite obviously not a salafist. He is a more of a “soldier of fortune”, someone who fights for money and fame not for pride and honour. He used to be part of the “Free Syrian Army”. However, Al Nusra pays better. Hence, there are now many who solely fight for Al Qaida because of the money.
There is also numerous Al Nusra fighters who do not wear a beard. As you can see in our pictures.
3.) Completely wrong and mistaken is he geolocator from Carta’. The nonsense he is fabricating is utterly embarrassing for him.
He obviously didn’t even read my text that went with the video. The interview – as stated in the text – took place in no man’s land between the frontlines. Noone has ever said the stone quarry is an area under control of the rebels.
The place this so-called 'geolocator' identifies is NOT the true location of the interview. Our location was miles away from the place he mentions. The 'geolocator' constructs his argument i.a. around two towers seen in the video. In reality, there are countless towers near the location of the quarry.
The place he mentions also differs in colour from the true location of the interview. “Our” quarry was - as you can see in the interview – snow-white with just a small spot of black. The 'geolocateur’s' location, however, is light only on the outside and mostly dark inside.
We were southwest of Aleppo, not south as alleged by the 'geolocator'.
The 'geolocator' claims we were near Haraybel checkpoint. However, we were near Khan Tuman!!! Here are the satellite pictures:
Our satellite images show clearly without ambiguity that our interview was not in the territory of the government, like my critics try and make you believe.
Freddy has several other videos, which show the way into ‘our’ quarry exactly. The fact that we have to dig out such details to disprove the claims of Al Qaida, its propagandists and some ignoramuses is actually a theft of time.
To sum up: Some things cannot be researched in front of a computer, but require moving one’s butt under great risk into the war zones of this world. Unfortunately, computer-heroes don’t ever do that. And such unfounded criticism is unacceptable, dilettantish and irresponsible.
I obviously have to report even more from that region. The ignorance of some critics almost hurts. In this respect, my reply was actually too friendly. I want to state openly, that my whole life I was (and AM!) investigating to find the truth. This also applies to my journeys to, and research in Syria. Some truths are uncomfortable - I know that. Despite this, I will always speak about what I have recognised to be the truth after careful research. I believe this is my duty. Even when there is a volley of reproaches.
Yours, JT
Ronski, interesting - I have no real knowledge of all this brown moses style "geo-locating" stuff so can't comment on that 1 person says it was here one person says it was there and heres some aerial photos and google streat view images to prove something idk - but I have a real scepticism towards internet people doing that sort of geo-locating stuff after the discrediting efforts of atlantic council employee higgins
As far as the gold ring stuff goes I guess if you approach it from ISIS, Nusra etc being actual salafists rather than being a contras style death squad force which includes a large number of foriegn mercenaries fighting for money then it would seem odd.
I veer towards beleiving its real as it stands because the evidence that it was fake is pretty shaky, and all he's saying is the truth, but will maintain scepticism, let me know if any other stuff comes up proving it was a set-up.
side note: Interestingly the presence of a gold ring was used by some to argue that certain footage of osama bin laden was faked
tears posted:I have no real knowledge of all this brown moses style "geo-locating" stuff so can't comment on that 1 person says it was here one person says it was there and heres some aerial photos and google streat view images to prove something idk - but I have a real scepticism towards internet people doing that sort of geo-locating stuff after the discrediting efforts of atlantic council employee higgins
yeah i personally place zero faith in internet detective geolocation stuff. the stuff Ronnski posted about the journalist is interesting but actually leads me more to believe the interview's real. a guy like this seems more likely to be trusted by a jihadi for an interview than taken in by the syrian government under the circumstances
tears posted:As far as the gold ring stuff goes I guess if you approach it from ISIS, Nusra etc being actual salafists rather than being a contras style death squad force which includes a large number of foriegn mercenaries fighting for money then it would seem odd.
i would have thought it's more likely a high ranking jihadi would have bling than some dopey foreign cannon fodder? i assume the leadership is pretty cynical and it's the grunts who lap up the salafist dogma uncritically tho
obama not a real muslim, woah
Ronnski posted:His grotesque shmoozing in order to get an interview with Assad way beyond anything you can excuse
beyond these being pretty cringe (they are obviously intended as private communications) describing these as "grotesque shmoozing" is pretty hyperbolic, especially when considering the tone of the emails in reply. Are there others?
Petrol posted:tears posted:I have no real knowledge of all this brown moses style "geo-locating" stuff so can't comment on that 1 person says it was here one person says it was there and heres some aerial photos and google streat view images to prove something idk - but I have a real scepticism towards internet people doing that sort of geo-locating stuff after the discrediting efforts of atlantic council employee higgins
yeah i personally place zero faith in internet detective geolocation stuff. the stuff Ronnski posted about the journalist is interesting but actually leads me more to believe the interview's real. a guy like this seems more likely to be trusted by a jihadi for an interview than taken in by the syrian government under the circumstances
tears posted:As far as the gold ring stuff goes I guess if you approach it from ISIS, Nusra etc being actual salafists rather than being a contras style death squad force which includes a large number of foriegn mercenaries fighting for money then it would seem odd.
i would have thought it's more likely a high ranking jihadi would have bling than some dopey foreign cannon fodder? i assume the leadership is pretty cynical and it's the grunts who lap up the salafist dogma uncritically tho
Well theres a reason that Todemhöfer was one of the first western journalists to get to speak to Assad, and even hold interviews with him, and its not because Todenhöfer is a sterling impartial journalist.
For good reasons to immediately doubt the nusra commander interviews believability, im going to point out the ridiculous conception of a pro-Assad journalist of questionable integrity getting an audience with an unidentified "high ranking al-nusra commander" who, leaving his comical outfit and acting aside, proceeds to parrot 100% the syrian states line on the rebel group, throwing in connections to israel and the blocking of humanitarian supplies and basically everything possible to kneecap the rebel groups support among its basis, with al-nusra immediately answering that such a commander doesn't exist while Todenhöfer doesn't really give much verification of him being legit in response either. It is an extremely questionable "smoking gun" from an extremely questionable source with no evidence behind it being real.
It reminds me of when, a few years ago, RT invited a "renowned german journalist" to speak about how the CIA approached him to write fake articles for money, etc. etc., except that "renowned german journalist" was some niche provincial idiot whose only claim to fame is going onto talkshows to repeat far-right lines and claim that muslims eat literal shit
Ronnski posted:Probably should mention that Todenhöfer is a well known naive clown who is very easily instrumentalized, and although I can't check it myself, people are claiming that the interview took place in regime controlled territory and that Al-Nusra claims they had no commanders give an interview to him. Would certainly be hesitant to believe an interview that guy got out of a supposed gold ring wearing jihadi
Please don't use alCIAda hate speech, thanks
Panopticon posted:syria is the second most democratic nation on earth, after the dee pee are kay
Possibly but what difference does that make?
xipe posted:Ronnski posted:Probably should mention that Todenhöfer is a well known naive clown who is very easily instrumentalized, and although I can't check it myself, people are claiming that the interview took place in regime controlled territory and that Al-Nusra claims they had no commanders give an interview to him. Would certainly be hesitant to believe an interview that guy got out of a supposed gold ring wearing jihadi
Please don't use alCIAda hate speech, thanks
does this mean accusing people of fomenting "regime change" is projection?
lol "moderate rebeles" + "Assad actually wants ISIS" with a dash of "Barbaric Russia" thrown into the mix = new state line
Ronnski posted:For good reasons to immediately doubt the nusra commander interviews believability, im going to point out the ridiculous conception of a pro-Assad journalist of questionable integrity getting an audience with an unidentified "high ranking al-nusra commander" who, leaving his comical outfit and acting aside, proceeds to parrot 100% the syrian states line on the rebel group, throwing in connections to israel and the blocking of humanitarian supplies and basically everything possible to kneecap the rebel groups support among its basis, with al-nusra immediately answering that such a commander doesn't exist while Todenhöfer doesn't really give much verification of him being legit in response either. It is an extremely questionable "smoking gun" from an extremely questionable source with no evidence behind it being real.
i put it to you that the "comical outfit and acting" is easily put down to the fact that jihadis are fucking clownshoes, and what you say is the "syrian state line" on nusra (israeli support etc) is supported by a bunch of other evidence, so.. i mean it fails as a smoking gun simply because it's unverifiable but there's nothing about it that doesn't jibe with the independently verifiable truth
HenryKrinkle posted:does this mean accusing people of fomenting "regime change" is projection?
"Regime change" is a term that was circulated by the US government and their policy circles, I use it to describe the US policy in a pejorative sense, like "New World Order" or "black helicopters".
I guess it's good that for all their money and resources and connections they seem to be getting very little traction in terms of agitating people towards war, from what I can see
Whit helmets partner/parent Avaaz has gathered a million signatures for war on Syria and Russia apparently
Did the White Helmet boys from al qaeda win the peace prize yet
5:59 PM EDT
Your clueless ness IS EVEN WORSE!
Finally after 100 years of fake socialism we see it!
In the meantime here's a reminder that plans for this dirty war in Syria probably started in 2009 when Assad chose one pipeline plan over another
from what i'm gathering over the last few days, blumenthal, ben norton & rania khalek have a history of smearing anti-imperialists (maybe someone here has firsthand experience with this?), but at some point in the past few months the three of them experienced some moment of clarity and went hard in the other direction on syria (i guess we'll call it a "damascene moment," ho ho). it seems they've even alienated some former cohorts in the process:
These are the same people who doxxed @fivek for toeing the "wrong" ideological line
— Max Blumenthal (@MaxBlumenthal) October 3, 2016
now, personally, i love a good redemption arc, so i'm more or less willing to give them the benefit of a doubt. that said, i do agree it's suspicious that nobody's been able to find instances of them repudiating their past amplification of imperialist narratives, to say nothing of bullying.
and i find this notion interesting:
.@red__square now people seeking "criticism of white helmets" will get Blumenthal's whitewash instead of Beeley's exposé
— Red Kahina (@RedKahina) October 4, 2016
again, i remain open to the possibility that people can change; it's not very marxist to suppose people are fixed constellations in the ideological firmament, incapable of growth. and i have appreciated some of their recent output, such as norton's piece from a couple weeks ago about the findings of the UK's libya inquiry. and i'm glad blumenthal will at least expose more people to the idea that the white helmets aren't all they're made out to be, whatever attenuation may come with it
but yeah, it could also be the limited hangout thing. so, be ruthlessly critical of everything. as usual.
or, more likely, as the war drags on it's becoming more clear how dumb the US is and pretty well left of center folks like max/ben/rania have caught on, and some tankies who were there first are salty now
HenryKrinkle posted:"limited hangout" and "controlled opposition" theories inevitably lead to some sort of infinite slippery slope thing wherein the people exposing the disinfo ops could be ops themselves designed to hide the larger ops and then it's all how the guy claiming dylann roof is a hologram is covering for the larger truth that dylann roof is actually a product of mass hallucination induced by LSD placed by the CIA-hired gnomes in the water supply.
i may hesitate at "inevitably" but otherwise you're dead on IMO. that's why for some people "taryn" has to be included, like a tic, in every list du jour of possible op-doers
i had hoped my caution would come across in my post
limited hangout is a legit phenom in many cases but it strains credibility to think so many people could be in on it and that there are endless layers of "controlled opposition" seeking to preempt the One True Anti-Imperialist Critique.