
RIYADH, Saudi Arabia — Throughout President Obama’s time in the White House, Saudi Arabia and its allies in the Persian Gulf have watched with dismay as the kingdom’s decades-old alliance with the United States seemed to be slipping.

Then came the overwhelming congressional support for Jasta, or the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act, which will allow relatives of those killed in the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks to sue Saudi Arabia for any suspected role in the plot.

That was all the proof many Saudis needed that the alliance that has underpinned the regional order for decades was fraying — perhaps irreparably.

“Jasta is a wake up call for the Saudis, that it is time to revisit the concept of the alliance with the United States,” said Khalid al-Dakhil, a Saudi political sociologist and writer.

Saudis responded to the passage of the bill, after both houses of Congress voted on Wednesday to override Mr. Obama’s veto, with a mix of anger and disappointment, while many have already begun thinking about how their country will need to adjust.

Passage of the law was a huge blow to the Saudis, who have long maintained strong ties in Washington though close cooperation with the American government on a range of issues, from economic and oil policy to counterterrorism to shared intelligence and military programs.

Saudi diplomats, and a range of public relations companies hired by the Saudi government, lobbied hard against the bill, with Adel al-Jubeir, the Saudi foreign minister and former Saudi ambassador to Washington, leading the effort. But that failed to persuade enough lawmakers to vote against a bill promoted by the families of victims of the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001.

[account deactivated]
this is the most embarrassing thing it's the fucking most embarrassing thibg ever since nineteen fucking eighty three fuck FUCK this is so embarrassing now soldiers might possible in sone miniscule minor fucking tiny fucking way be held accountable for their actions fuck
what happened in 1983?
it's cool w hen the president and think tanks have to be like 'actually guys, the u.s. is still the #1 sponsor of global terrorism, so uh..'
some state dept spook said on tv that the reason we can't have this law is because "we're the most present nation on the earth"

here's a present

[account deactivated]

roseweird posted:

thats a messed up title for a gif imo

it's a reference to an emoticon on a forum many of us paid (at least) $10 to post on.

i still post there under the pseudonym "Brown Moses"

glomper_stomper posted:

thanks for the reminder that truly the most stunning US political discourse is happening outside of the presidential campaign

[account deactivated]