
getfiscal posted:

the text stuff is the fun part for them. without it it's like role playing without a dungeon master.

the who without the what now???

hi im mustang

Edited by cars ()

hi mustang
I support Mao and the MLM tendency.

Edited by cars ()

i guess the mcg split too. lost their new york branch. there is great chaos in central new jersey and in the greater richmond metropolitan area. the situation is *makes a so-so motion with hand while grimacing*
oh excuse me the richmond one left. apologies. they are now the Richmond Struggle Committees Initiative http://www.richmondstruggle.com

Edited by stegosaurus ()

While this certainly isn't a new trend within the atomized left, it is interesting to see how the character of these kinds of polemics has changed with the growth of blogs and social media as a major way these groups communicate with each other. There is a pretty severe disconnect with how these groups use the buzzwords and political imagery of political campaigns from the past that really have no emotional connection to who they claim to be advocating for. Like this:

Their target isn't those who understand oppression primarily in a racial, class, and gender context, it is the part of the left whose primary pain point is the painful effects of society's social atomization. When those kinds of people are the ones influencing an orgs direction, that's when you see this kind of bizarre behavior.

stegosaurus posted:

oh excuse me the richmond one left. apologies. they are now the Richmond Struggle Committees Initiative http://www.richmondstruggle.com

Listen up folks, they might look like just another inconsequential fractious split group, but get this: they've got Unity in their logo twice.


shriekingviolet posted:

stegosaurus posted:
oh excuse me the richmond one left. apologies. they are now the Richmond Struggle Committees Initiative http://www.richmondstruggle.com

Listen up folks, they might look like just another inconsequential fractious split group, but get this: they've got Unity in their logo twice.

Iol, I had to look really hard to realize that thing in the middle was a ram

(average worker on the street sees their logo) "Is your metal band called Struggle Unity Unity"

pogfan1996 posted:

While this certainly isn't a new trend within the atomized left, it is interesting to see how the character of these kinds of polemics has changed with the growth of blogs and social media as a major way these groups communicate with each other. There is a pretty severe disconnect with how these groups use the buzzwords and political imagery of political campaigns from the past that really have no emotional connection to who they claim to be advocating for. Like this:

Their target isn't those who understand oppression primarily in a racial, class, and gender context, it is the part of the left whose primary pain point is the painful effects of society's social atomization. When those kinds of people are the ones influencing an orgs direction, that's when you see this kind of bizarre behavior.

this is a good explanation for why the hardcorest communist believers are also the most detached from the masses, also exclusively use imagery from actually successful communist movements that have no relevance to the current situation

like so many of us are totally isolated, read about Mao's china or stalin era USSR or whatever and go "hell yeah" and become huge fans, and buy the band t-shirt and posters, and would probably fucking love a time machine trip back to 1938 or whatever. we go on the internet and meet other fans of communism and then go "okay lets be a party"

this in no way resembles the actual real communist parties that fucking matter, who were forged entirely from political struggle in the midst of poverty + developed their theory from experience. and because we were never built like proper communist parties we can never achieve what they achieved

when you're in the pub surrounded by people who love to have highly animated discussions about 1930s collectivisation but won't go outside and fetch food or blankets for the local homeless people it's can't rightly be called a communist party so much as it is a fan club for communism, and i hate it

basically the western anti-revisionist left is killing me from the inside. also didn't this ncp-lc stuff happen like six months ago
i support all of these people and their movements and i wish them nothing but success
also i clicked on a link (should have listened to GFs advice) and read the reason for it and basically UNITY STRUGGLE UNITY is a description of I think like dialectics on a uh campaign level or whatever. unity is one state struggle is a contradiction and unity is the return to a synthesis i guess... which is weird imo
That says Unity Struggle Unity but I know that actually Unity Struggle Unity State are the Struggling Rams, Unity Struggle Unity's team are the Gold Lions.
Unity Struggle Unity Points of Unity:

Horselord posted:

this in no way resembles the actual real communist parties that fucking matter, who were forged entirely from political struggle in the midst of poverty + developed their theory from experience. and because we were never built like proper communist parties we can never achieve what they achieved

disagree.... the communist party of china ended its founding congress with its delegates on a small boat, and probably could have fit its entire active membership in a classroom. likewise, the founding congress of the rhizzone communists (the North American Marxist-Leninist Bolshevik Alliance) will start from a single Pizza Hut and then spread like wildfire.


getfiscal posted:

Horselord posted:

this in no way resembles the actual real communist parties that fucking matter, who were forged entirely from political struggle in the midst of poverty + developed their theory from experience. and because we were never built like proper communist parties we can never achieve what they achieved

disagree.... the communist party of china ended its founding congress with its delegates on a small boat, and probably could have fit its entire active membership in a classroom. likewise, the founding congress of the rhizzone communists (the North American Marxist-Leninist Bolshevik Alliance) will start from a single Pizza Hut and then spread like wildfire.

Comrade, I have to strongly disagree with your characterization that it will spread like wildfire in the strongest terms and is indicative of a Lin Shaoqi approach to revolutionary politics

From the masses to the masses, the character of revolution

When we look at a thing, we must examine its essence and treat its appearance merely as an usher at the threshold, and once we cross the threshold, we must grasp the essence of the thing; this is the only reliable and scientific method of analysis.

- Mao

Comrade getfiscal describes party building as a wildfire which flies in the face of all socialist struggle to date. The revolution is not a dinner party, it is a long march on the road victory. To start a wildfire, you simply need a spark in order to ignite it, but building the party requires going through the process of unity-struggle-unity and one cannot simply sit back and expect the party to grow.

Ultrademocracy in the NA(M-L)BA

In the sphere of theory, destroy the roots of ultra-democracy. First, it should be pointed out that the danger of ultrademocracy lies in the fact that it damages or even completely wrecks the Party organization and weakens or even completely undermines the Party's fighting capacity, rendering the Party incapable of fulfilling its fighting tasks and thereby causing the defeat of the revolution. Next, it should be pointed out that the source of ultra-democracy consists in the petty bourgeoisie's individualistic aversion to discipline. When this characteristic is brought into the Party, i t develops into ultra-democratic ideas politically and organizationally. These ideas are utterly incompatible with the fighting tasks of the proletariat

The only wildfire present is in your loins for the sriracha topping sauce. I wouldn’t have even bothered to write anything about these fools and con artists except that their activities are disruptive to any real campaign designed to help people and fight the state. Further, they are incapable today of organizing anything on their own of substance due to a distinct lack of social skills and a deep down dislike and distrust of poor people of all colors; which is self-evident to anyone who has spent any time around them. And like their other white counterparts on the Left, they still continue to view the white working class as “heroes”, themselves as a “vanguard”.

I end with this:

If there is to be revolution, there must be a revolutionary party. Without a revolutionary party, without a party built on the Marxist-Leninist revolutionary theory and in the Marxist-Leninist revolutionary style, it is impossible to lead the working class and the broad masses of the people in defeating imperialism and its running dogs.

i will be at papa johns with the real working class every friday at 1. be there or be doctrinaire
That's like the best post on this forum so far this year

stegosaurus posted:

That's like the best post on this forum so far this year

I for one would like to learn more about how ultrademocracy helped the struggle of the North American Man-Love-Boy Association
i finally got through reading all the links posted in the op and it reminded me of this image

in freshman year for like my first english 101 paper i wrote something about occupy and cited pogfan1996 by name in the main body of the text because i thought it would be funny instead of corny. i still kind of think its funny.

elias posted:

in freshman year for like my first english 101 paper i wrote something about occupy and cited pogfan1996 by name in the main body of the text because i thought it would be funny instead of corny. i still kind of think its funny.


pogfan1996. Comment on "thread for discussing the incomprehensible and meaningless dissolution of the NCP-LC." tHE r H i z z o n E, 29 Aug 2016, 11:06 p.m., rhizzone.net/forum/topic/13400/?page=2.
Theres probably some important lessons for the global communist movment in the fact that Red Guards Austin found the need to write and publish on their blog a pompous and overblown two thousand five hundred word maoist denouncement of their local anarchist bookshop - all because the bookshop changed their mind about letting red guard austin use their meeting room for their study group - and in which they repeated refer to jacobin as a communist magazine

its like people get a bit of communism and suddenly everythign they write is roleplaying lenin denouncing The Renegade Kautsky, except on this particular planet the role of the traitorous misleader of the proletariat is played by a local bookshop
it's because all they want to do is talk, instead of act. When "something" prevents you from acting, you get overwrought and focused on language. it's like an elaborate chess game, denunciations and counter-attacks. "words divide us, action unites us" the mfucking tupamaros had it right back in the 80s, it's the weakness of the western communist parties.
this is not to say they do nothing, just that for some it's become theatre.

tears posted:

Theres probably some important lessons for the global communist movment in the fact that Red Guards Austin found the need to write and publish on their blog a pompous and overblown two thousand five hundred word maoist denouncement of their local anarchist bookshop - all because the bookshop changed their mind about letting red guard austin use their meeting room for their study group - and in which they repeated refer to jacobin as a communist magazine

its like people get a bit of communism and suddenly everythign they write is roleplaying lenin denouncing The Renegade Kautsky, except on this particular planet the role of the traitorous misleader of the proletariat is played by a local bookshop

You wrote a 23,000 word article about how actually North Korea is the greatest democracy in the world and pink purple a d light green is a great color scheme lol.

uhh. i don't know if you're aware of "vaporwave" but the pink purple and light green color scheme is extremely hot right now

Red_Canadian posted:

it's because all they want to do is talk, instead of act.

I don't think that's the point. It's probably because they crave confrontation because they identify strength with embracing conflict. Like they see huge injustices in the world and they want to do something commensurate with the scale of the problem, decisive action that really does cause 'the enemy' problems. The easiest way is to antagonize other groups online, but it stretches easily into 'rule-breaking' in terms of picking fights in real life or whatever. The main problem with that is that there is a massive security apparatus just begging people to step over the line so they can destroy their lives and organizations.


pogfan1996 posted:

elias posted:
in freshman year for like my first english 101 paper i wrote something about occupy and cited pogfan1996 by name in the main body of the text because i thought it would be funny instead of corny. i still kind of think its funny.



getfiscal posted:

Red_Canadian posted:

it's because all they want to do is talk, instead of act.

It's probably because they crave confrontation because they identify strength with embracing conflict.

I think also, American self-declared communists are likely to believe that other communists will hear and accept the Truth if they just explain it patiently and passionately enough


tears posted:

Theres probably some important lessons for the global communist movment in the fact that Red Guards Austin found the need to write and publish on their blog a pompous and overblown two thousand five hundred word maoist denouncement of their local anarchist bookshop - all because the bookshop changed their mind about letting red guard austin use their meeting room for their study group - and in which they repeated refer to jacobin as a communist magazine

Using my last post on the zone to say I used to volunteer at said book store in college and I found that article hilarious. As well as p much all of the other long winded rants on their blog about like signal fire going down and other meaningless stuff

what would any ridiculous groupuscule be without some godawful poetry

You are the revolution
By Mar, Red Guards – Los Angeles and NCP-LC member

the wisdom of our grandmothers
resilience of our mothers
and the love of our sisters
awaken the power we each carry inside

the power that has been humiliated
chained in the basement of the white house

forcing us to struggle
as they steal our lands

struggling to survive
while they execute our children in the streets

fighting to survive
while they use rape as a weapon
of war.

fighting to breathe.


our lands do not belong to them
our children do not belong to them
our bodies do not belong to them

you hold up half the sky
you are love
you are the revolution.

come with us
to reclaim what is ours.
There is a story of an egyptian pharaoh taking children at birth and secluding them to determine the origin of language, but the children were near a pen of sheep. When the pharaoh returned years later, he found the kids bleating at each other. These groups found the Collected Works of Lenin and Mao instead of a pen of livestock

oh no... what do y'all think of this?
[account deactivated]