conec posted:that stuff would be stolen in two seconds karphead i advise u not to keep them on ur bike.
i intentionally "forget" copies of Capital in public spaces in the hopes that young thieving protocapitalists will steal/read it and maybe turn their lives around

I have succumbed and now own multiple bikes. Bike 1, which has a giant speaker on the back. I've been playing Dr. John. Bike2, it's like, very light. Bike 3, this one is small with a huge seat for when I get really old
I'm working on riding with no hands, over a couple of different circuits, the goal being to touch the handlebars as few times as possible, which requires a lot of advance planning and a small amount of frantically requesting drivers to stop. If anyone bugs me about it I just tell them my brakes broke and mind their own fucking business. Cycling owns btw
I also crashed really bad last weekend bc I tried to touch a parked cab to steady myself like idiot
I've always relied on my motorcycle to get around, but I've recently moved to a new city where I live in a central area, and got myself a bicycle. I found a used specialized hybrid that's exactly my size, and have been bombing around with it ever since. barely ride my motorbike anymore except for big grocery trips and offroad enduro stuff. not super stoked for the winter though, it's pretty harsh here. But I just installed some sick fenders. I'll manage
I flipped over my handlebars a few weeks ago but managed to make it out basically unscathed which I guess makes me a badass
I'm thinking of taking up mountain biking because thats What You Do in Colorado but it seems expensive
TG posted:Since the last time I posted it I've bought a used specialized hybrid as my new day to day bike, but it's really damned hot so I don't ride it that much in the summer months. There are also a lot of thorny bushes around d my town so I need to get thorn resistant tires but I still get like a flat a week which is a pain in the ass. I also wish I could do basic maintenance because the one bike shop in town charges a bunch for tuneups and they still do a crappy job.
I flipped over my handlebars a few weeks ago but managed to make it out basically unscathed which I guess makes me a badass
I'm thinking of taking up mountain biking because thats What You Do in Colorado but it seems expensive
czech out bikeshares in your city. They'll likely offer service for a donation

now it has an oldtimey bottle dynamo and some modern tektro brake levers but other than that all the same

on the other hand my bike rides fine even though it looks like shit so

That's on my bike with the speaker so it weighs maybe 40lbs? Also I'm looking around at other internet people's stated average speeds in the city, some people are like "yeah I average 18mph and by the way time spent stopped does not count" that's BULLSHIT
Edited by swampman ()
unless it's an alleycat but those are so 2006 it hurts
manhattan bridge wisely eschews locomotive collaborationism

I don't mind the pedestrians, I ride at night so the bridge is emptier, and the speaker is truly loud so they stay out of my way. I can't do more than like 6mph on the wood with that bike anyway. I think the traffic noise on the bridges is the worst part of the bridges for sure.
Edited by swampman ()