Mother relayed news from the mainland, and anyways idk if you folks know yet but some Chinese people, furious over the West Philippines Sea + East Vietnam Sea ruling, are boycotting KFC and even smashing their iphones.

I'm not so sure how the Apple boycott is working out considering they love their smartphones (although i think chinese companies have started giving Apple a run for its money), but i know some cases, as in the one where students started brawling with KFC patronizers, have been highlighted .

here's more:

Supposedly, it's some sort of a social and moral crime to eat at KFC these days.

Here are some of the protesters' slogans. Each line has an internal rhyme, but I wasn't able to translate that into the English version:

  • 小红粉,爱国团,只因美帝闹东南。Young communists, patriotic group, follow American imperialism's noise/troubles to the southeast (referring to the disputed sea)

  • 肯德基,是内奸,谁吃等于忘祖先。KFC is an enemy within (our) ranks, whoever eats (KFC's food) has forgotten their ancestors

  • 打圣战,好青年,不给敌人送金钱。Fight a crusade, proper young people; do not provide the enemy money

  • 灭汉堡,砸套餐,管你劲脆与椒盐。Destroy hamburgers (exact translation), smash (KFC's) meals, control your (consumption of) crispy salt(ed) and pepper(ed chicken)

  • 倒可乐,拒甜点,顺便干死鸡肉卷。Topple cola, resist sweets, it is deathly offensive to eat (KFC's) chicken meat

  • 不用兵,不用钱,瞬间秒杀美日韩。 Don't need weapons or money, in a second we can/will destroy America, Japan, and (South) Korea (I assume ROK because 韩 is especially used to denote South Korea and 朝 refers to the DPRK)

  • 先锁国,再闭关,爱国威名天下传。(this one is hard to translate) Before, cutting one's country off from the rest of the world was to close (doors?) but loving the country's reputation/strength has been passed down

  • 誓将同胞都杀尽,愤青一统太平年!Swear support, compatriots all (should) fight to the greatest extent, the angry youth (should) unify the country into peace and tranquility

:: basically, the ICJ's ruling angered Chinese citizens, and consequently, some have done some odd things such as come up with dr seuss rhymes to protest
Good for them
[account deactivated]
nothing tastes as good as full communism feels

Before, cutting one's country off from the rest of the world was to close (doors?) but loving the country's reputation/strength has been passed down


I respect and support the chinese people in this action, but i will never control my crispy salt and pepper.
"an enemy within (our) ranks, whoever eats (KFC's food) has forgotten their ancestors"

stain on headrest
it's a crest and it's on all the seats in other photos
these slogans are a fucking hell of a lot better than showing up every time and mumbling whose streets our streets no justice no peace what does democracy look like yeah i guess it's us or whatever
whats the anti-kfc argument?

glomper_stomper posted:

mingyi posted:

Destroy hamburgers (exact translation), smash (KFC's) meals, control your (consumption of) crispy salt(ed) and pepper(ed chicken)

feeling a cultural revolution coming on for sure

Please be real

Lol at KFCs in China, Pakistan, etc, of all restaurants/things, becoming a symbol of America and its destructive ways