swampman posted:someone do a scitenific study proving that all these politicians have abnormally advanced smile lines around their mouths but not around their eyes
They do the Korean eye smile thing where you keep your eyes in sort of a line instead of scrunching them up like in a real smile, laugh, or being outside in the sun. Actually that's probably why, it's their job to grin all day but they never go outdoors.

cars posted:

c_man posted:never forget that louis proyect made a comic about his life
Can you believe this guy is Jewish?
swirlsofhistory posted:Can you believe this guy is Jewish?
don't sign your posts.
realsubtle posted:are we allowed to emptyquote here?
it's not discouraged but it doesn't happen often. usually votes serve the same purpose & so doing it is a baroque maneuver meant to evoke ironic nostalgia like a native speaker using an archaic inflection
cars posted:best of luck posting out there.

aerdil posted:has anyone offered proyect a rhizzone account yet
two people did
aerdil posted:realsubtle posted:
the only other person i've read who uses the term "liminal", "liminal peoples", etc. all the time is zizek so i';m pretty sure people who say that are entirely full of shit
I remember this being good. Though I havn't read it recently, maybe if I read again I would think he isn't aggressive enough in stating the exploitative nature of white male sexuality. But the descriptions of interracial bakla/gay relationships are serious enough that they speak for themselves, IIRC.
realsubtle posted:Thanks dude. I will be responsible with the lenient privileges i have been granted.

Help, I'm stuck in a Time Loop. Send someone to rescue. Not Carter

London Communists through the 1920s and 30s (Album)