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Do want.

Stalin embraced Festivus

i want to see that political cartoon tho
Im a known web person.
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Reducing political, national, cultural, and class antagonisms to binary existential postures is pretty fashy, imo.

^actual invitation received by a facebook acquaintance of mine. she's asking who wants to be her plus one on facebook. if i knew her better (and could afford to travel to china (and wasn't scheduled to take the GRE 3 days after the wedding date)) i would jump on this

ty Pat and stay tuned.

But unironically

realsubtle posted:
kill me now
toutvabien posted:

88888 posted:
are we allowed to emptyquote here?
that guys irony level is 0 and his trot level is a very large number my brain cant conceive of
isn't he just, like, ill?
thirdplace posted:isn't he just, like, ill?
you mean like other than trotskyism?
never forget that louis proyect made a comic about his life

Louis she probably dumped you for him because he was hot and nice and you are perpetually surly and look like an old potato
ahh iieeee i can't handle all this ownage on us coming from proyect
realsubtle posted:
the only other person i've read who uses the term "liminal", "liminal peoples", etc. all the time is zizek so i';m pretty sure people who say that are entirely full of shit
proyect wrote an article talking bout how it was weird the PSL was fighting nazis in sacramento since we had the same position as TWP on assad. fuck that guy

Edited by Urbandale ()
someone do a scitenific study proving that all these politicians have abnormally advanced smile lines around their mouths but not around their eyes
I think it's sad he hates us. Don't forget tht comic is about his days organizing labour in Houston during the cops are KKK out of uniform days when the chief of Ps was a Klansman which is actually p courageous imo

and that was the day proyect had his brain beaten to mush by a bald loony
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