it stands for Real Ass Fuckerz, and no, before you ask, it isn't "real assfuckers" (not that there's anything wring witht that - seinfeld lol), but "real-ass fuckers"

glomper_stomper posted:


this lady rules, she thinks vaccines are disciplinary technology

[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]

tpaine posted:

what is blackshirty precious


[account deactivated]
those twitter people can get a little autistic sometimes but they can also be good.

Edited by Chthonic_Goat_666 ()

[account deactivated]

marimite posted:

I've learned a lot from them and they obvious get at something a lot of people can't

same, and ditto also ilmdge's remark. they've alerted me to a lot of useful resources and documents and arguments and so on

that said, i never interact with them. the jumpier ones can take something the wrong way and then kick off a spiral of accusations and mutual talkings-past that just can't be thwarted in the span of 140 characters. once is all it takes for the clique to close ranks and determine you're an irredeemable counterrevolutionary. forevermore, your handle will appear at random in "pedagogical" tweets detailing your perfidy, perhaps alongside that of a crabapple or a henwood or a kriss

incidentally, that's how you wind up with discipline being ostracized, despite her having been one of the few souls who'd mount outspoken public defenses of them

It wasn't that clique I was referring to ... I dunno if they are a clique but they make that red kahina (who they refer to as fed kahina and before you ask, yes she's an op) make them look balanced.

It's mainly a locked account and some of the more antisemitic and stupid anti imperialist researchers... I dunno why I'm following them but just came across this campaign they've been running for months and unpleasantly surprised by it
the rhizzone where people are mystified as to where the term 'black bodies' comes from but can write paragraphs about redkahinas activity on twitter
im mad mad about being ostracized from the clown fucka boyz

glomper_stomper posted:

marimite posted:

who is the car conspiracy dude?

lstwhl. the dude thinks the car industry is out to kill cyclists and all car-havers have an insect-fascist pathology. he thinks all drivers who run over cyclists are committing murder, "velocide".

also, he posted pictures of some scottish columnist's kids after she criticized cyclists

i dont know who that is but they're completely correct


xipe posted:

Just came across some of disciplines insane hateful obsessives, pretty nuts.
One guy has hundreds of tweets about her, saying she's evil for helping lock up 'troubled' Dylan roof, she is a liberal for being sad about the Orlando mass murder, and that being doxxed and no platform are all part of one big Op etc etc.

Bizarrely these loonies are trying to group her with molly crab apple as part of their 'anti imperial research', what a world we live in

congratulations on discovering phil greaves

[account deactivated]
*sits down on chair with acoustic guitar*
*looks at picture of khamsek's 'tar*
Ain't no platform when she's gone......

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

*sits down on chair with acoustic guitar*
*looks at picture of khamsek's 'tar*
Ain't no platform when she's gone......


wow im gay.
[account deactivated]
It's one of the first memes.... probably 15 years old or so.

[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]

getfiscal posted:

It's one of the first memes.... probably 15 years old or so.

It wasn't a meme, it was an image macro, you ass!

[account deactivated]
hes on the alternate timeline where biff has the almanac
img-timeline fails to explain the small bit of time before the big bang, disappointingly
[account deactivated]
i don't think about my own post history for a reason

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

*sits down on chair with acoustic guitar*
*looks at picture of khamsek's 'tar*
Ain't no platform when she's gone......

timeline bitch!


(Smashes into the thread walls) aooooohhh Yeaaah!
if u wwerent postin on somethin g awful in 2004 welll. ... then ur probably a well adjusted normal person, smdh
As I understand it, a lot of those accounts are run by the pharmacist that the Tor crowd doxed. I think he's upset she moved on though unemployed while he's stuck behind a locked account though employed.
I think the work is going well, though!
[account deactivated]

xipe posted:

It wasn't that clique I was referring to ... I dunno if they are a clique but they make that red kahina (who they refer to as fed kahina and before you ask, yes she's an op) make them look balanced.

It's mainly a locked account and some of the more antisemitic and stupid anti imperialist researchers... I dunno why I'm following them but just came across this campaign they've been running for months and unpleasantly surprised by it

these are some of the questions they are posting at discipline.
maybe i shouldnt give these deranged people attention?



Edited by swampman ()

small 'c' communism

i agree its a real shame the Great Stalin Plan for the Transformation of Nature was cut short allowing the vile Khrushchev clique to promulgate revisionism and lay waste to the socialist motherland in such a fashion
That first picture, of the lake being full, is from motherfucking 1989. Im mad about lakes
I assumed panopticon was posting pics of ecological depletion from 2004 til today by way of answering that creeps question about why a young person might become a communist in the twelve years since then.
And I will continue to believe that.

Is there much info on the great plan for transformation of nature in English?
The only decent reading I've found online was machine translated blog post from Russian