Gross but good. Why not.

EmanuelaBrolandi posted:

Molson XXX, like normal shitty Molson but w 7.3% abv

i drank nothing but this for a good year or so. rating: e/π

rusty nail time
[account deactivated]

tpaine posted:


oh my god

Tonight as I was making moussaka, I thought that my bechamel sauce wasn't thickening so I cheated a little and whisked up an egg to add in as an emergency measure. In the time that I did this, the bechamel of course thickened on its own, leaving me with a useless whole beaten egg. So I improvised something with what I had on hand:

Terrible Whiskey Sour
2 parts cheap scotch, 1 part lime juice, pinch of sugar, dash bitters. Dry shake (no ice) with a whole egg for a minute to get that smooth texture and frothy head, shake again with ice for about 10 seconds afterwards. Pour into nearby measuring cup,

[account deactivated]
I'm not powerful enough to make masaokis. I would at least need a little help.
i didn't watch the new ones that you were posting, are they comparable to the classics?
[account deactivated]
is masaoki the same parrot from the filthy mouth african gray / son murder trial?
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[account deactivated]
i'm gonna buy some Tito's vodka and mix it with some IRN-BRU this weekend i think
Got a family wedding at a prosperity gospel megachurch in the sticks this weekend. Pray that it's not a dry reception.
[account deactivated]
Heaven Hill Bottled in Bond, it's actually tastes worse than I remember.
I dink a lot of strongbow
Nice sig. Wine

tpaine posted:

they're ALL session lagers, because you drink them during a sesh


currently drinking 10 year WhistlePig Straight Rye, a whiskey i just found out is made by this guy:

mmm fascist whiskey
[account deactivated]
im currently drinking from three mini mason jars of whiskey, each with a pour of one of the three bottles of bourbon currently in my pantry: four roses yellow label, russell's reserve 12 year, and booker's "noe secret"

the booker's, in particular, numbs my mouth and, paradoxically, gives me flashes of the will to live
ace pineapple cider and blue moon cinnamon horchata ale

and a fourloko last night between bouts of wrestling and 80s anime
i'm drinking the rogue mocha porter. rogue is overrated and overpriced. but it's ok.

i'm also drinking some extremely good tequila from a friend. it is very nice. thanks, friend.
I drank 2 bottles of wine tonight and cried to Frank Oceans recent "drop" I am fucked up and currently crying to him and the olympics

Edited by MarxUltor ()

gin & tonic with a ton of fresh from the garden mint, listening to the steady rain, waiting for the rich neighborhoods built too close to the riverbank to all just wash away.
tequila sunrises

and now just cuervo gold and orange fanta cuz the OJ is low
[account deactivated]
I've been promoted from lumpen to labor aristocrat, so I switched from Evan William's to Dewar's. woo
I've been working for a while on trying to come up with some cocktails and mixed drinks just for fun and I have to be honest, a lot of them are crap, but I have come up with a few that have been working pretty well.

Probably one of my recent favorites is something I like to call "Tequila, in a glass."
There's a bit of a technique to getting it right. First you get a glass. Then you put an ice cube in the glass. Then you pour tequila into the glass.

The ice cube makes it colder. That's the trick.
[account deactivated]
im a big fan of sake. i used to say this thinking the shitty house sake ive been drinking is good. i recently had dinner at a somewhat fancy japanese restaurant in the Big City and had some actual higher end sake and i gotta say, that shit if faaaantastic

on a somewhat related note, wtf is up with ramen being served in nice restaurants? isnt this the same stuff i was eating for a $.10 a packet in college? how long has this been a thing? god im so out of it
[account deactivated]
i just drink rum all the time and it seems fine. this is fine.
the official Boneshaker IPA humvee just drove past me. currently drinking water
would it be worth it for me from a cost-cutting perspective to make my own kool-aid wine or just keep buying franzia / carlo rossi?
you can make pretty decent cider from a bulk food store flat of apple juice w/ a lil champagne yeast, probably peak efficiency on the balance of cheap/drinkable/fast