aerdil posted:bath salts
Actually Bush lost a shitload of brain cells in 2002 when he choked on the pretzel. thats why in 2004 against kerry they had to put a radio pack in the back of his suit for debates. at this point he is only lucid for a few hours a day. the pieces are all falling into place...

tpaine posted:haha, he's also not wearing black
look at you, mister owns-a-different-suit-for-any-occasion, fashion policing old pensioners

Edited by drwhat ()

In Strange Twist, Bush Is Suffering From Same Gland Disease as Wife
Published: May 10, 1991
BETHESDA, Md., May 9— In what President Bush's doctors said was a bizarre twist to his medical story, his overactive thyroid was found today to be caused by the same, noncontagious thyroid condition for which his wife, Barbara, is being treated. The condition is Graves' disease, an affliction in which the immune system inexplicably attacks the gland in the neck....
The association between Alzheimer's disease and thyroid disease in Rochester, Minnesota.
Neurology. 1991 Nov;41(11):1745-7.
Yoshimasu F1, Kokmen E, Hay ID, Beard CM, Offord KP, Kurland LT.
...To determine whether an association exists between Alzheimer's disease (AD) and thyroid disease, we carried out two studies in the population of Rochester, Minnesota....The second study was a retrospective case-control comparison that sought any relationship between AD and all thyroid disorders, using a previously identified (1960 to 1979) AD cohort (N = 646) and their age- and sex-matched controls. For myxedema there was a positive association for AD without significance, whereas in Graves' disease there was a significant negative association for AD.
Drinking alcohol reduces the risk of developing Graves’ disease
A publication of the American Thyroid Association
Summaries for Patients from Clinical Thyroidology (from recent articles in Clinical Thyroidology)
...Approximately 88% of the patients without Graves’ disease reported some degree of alcohol consumption while only 72% of patients with Graves’ disease drank alcohol. This protective effect was true even at low levels of alcohol consumption and was slightly more pronounced at higher level of alcohol consumption. There was no difference noted between types of alcohol consumption—beer, wine or spirits.
This study suggests that even a small amount of weekly alcohol consumption (one bottle of beer or one glass of wine) seems to reduce the risk of developing Graves’ disease, independent of age, sex and smoking. This effect is higher with moderate alcohol consumption (1-2 glasses of wine or similar amount of any other kind of alcohol per day). This study adds to the potential health benefits of mild to moderate alcohol consumption.

drwhat posted:does "negative association" not mean what I think it means? isn't that saying people with Graves' disease are less likely to develop Alzheimer's?
Sleuth posits that Bush is prescribed alcohol by doctors and therefore didnt do 911
1) both of george w. bush's parents developed graves' disease.
2) people who develop graves' disease are less likely to develop alzheimer's, which is known to run in families.
3) but DYTD reduces your chance to develop graves' disease.
4) george w. bush is marching like a care bear at funerals while his parents are still with it enough to launch insults up their hyperthyroidic necks at him.
5) i wasn't being serious, i've just seen Spin like everyone who posts here.
Can't understand what I mean?
Well you soon will.
aerdil posted:how many pokemons do u think george has caught so far
Of the roughly 780 pokemon who have been detained at the United States pokecenter at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, 695 have been transferred and 76 remain. In addition, nine detainees acquired Pokerus while in custody.
glomper_stomper posted:george is fucking losing it. oh my god
holy shit bush looks like a perfect cross of his mom and dad now