[account deactivated]

glomper_stomper posted:


heck yeah, fuck those sell-outs up, put the ice pick in em


swampman posted:

The only part of your paragraph that is not true is the first sentence. Liberals quoting MLK on facebook do get beat by police sometimes, by mistake. Likewise, black bloc actions do occur, and term does not necessarily refer to violence, just organized disobedience of laws like, you need a permit to march, no flag burning in a school zone etc. Blocking the highway is a "black bloc" action. Now maybe bhpn meant actual keffiyeh-masked anarchists, who in many cases are also middle class day trippers stopping by on their way to yoga lessons; that would be a surprise since I don't tend to think of bhpn as an anarchist.

Sure it does happen accidentally, I just don't see any point in risking peoples lives to somehow engineer that accident. I know the diversity of work that falls under "black bloc," but there's always risk involved (especially when his stated context is deliberately to get people beat by cops???) and that risk is always much higher for the marginalized people present.

Having privileged (for lack of a better word) people around to deter and witness violence is an extremely useful tactic, but when violence does happen you can't count on them being the ones who receive it, and I question the strategic value of hoping for it. Liberals and white people have a peripheral awareness of the boundaries within which they are safe, they know that they can slink back into them to escape violence. If the politics of these theoretical beating recipients were so poor that you're hoping for a beating to enlighten them, they are more likely to permanently retreat from danger once exposed to it than to have some kind of revelatory awakening. If their politics are good enough that they're willing to risk violence as allies in action, what's the point of hoping they get injured? It's just weird wishful thinking. A pointless revenge fantasy.


babyhueypnewton posted:

I think it's good when liberals quoting MLK on facebook get beat down by the police. I dunno if some black bloc tactics to provoke it are necessary, particularly when the protest involves black people who are gonna get beat anyway, but I think the Iraq war protests showed us that protests themselves do nothing and have been absorbed by the state into human rights propaganda.

thanks for validating the "do nothing but post agitprop on the internet" style of activism using ultraleft posturing. NEET comrades everywhere are eternally grateful.

on a side note much of BLM loathes deray for his TFA/charter school boosterism and many within the movement were among the first to call him out for it.
So far I've tried to be as positive about BLM as possible but another angle is that police are allowing BLM to exist as a means of testing various approaches to protest control, with each city as a different treatment group, and using NBBP presence as a toggle between "peaceful" and "not peaceful" to practice conditioning protest behavior

c_man posted:

swampman posted:

The Black Panthers have visibly marched at BLM protests, and were visibly arrested and received open support, Idk if the current Panthers are supposed to be "reactionary."

are you talking about the old panthers or the New Black Panther Party which i've heard older panthers call an FBI front?

when our veterans fall on snitchjacketting instead of voicing political disagreements i stop listening to them. what did these people learn from cointelpro?

Edited by Urbandale ()


shriekingviolet posted:

If their politics are good enough that they're willing to risk violence as allies in action, what's the point of hoping they get injured? It's just weird wishful thinking. A pointless revenge fantasy.

I wish outright for white people to be rounded up, redistributed as slaves and made to farm rice and everyone tells me I'm a good poster and person


Urbandale posted:

when our veterans fall on snitchjacketting instead of voicing political disagreements i stop listening to them. what did these people learn from cointelpro?

that guy had his jaw broken dude

Edited by c_woman ()


swampman posted:

I wish outright for white people to be rounded up, redistributed as slaves and made to farm rice and everyone tells me I'm a good poster and person

so we're forming the VOluntary White Enslavement Party? i'll make the website

ill make the other website, for VWEP-ML
actually since that last post me and some other comrades have decided to split off into the Anti-Lin Piao Voluntary White Enslavement Party (Maoist) and we repudiate the revisionist tendencies of the VWEP and the VWEP-ML
These schismatic tendencies of the ALPVWEP(M), VWEP, and VWEP-ML only confuse and divide the people, who should be focusing on voluntary white enslavement instead of sectarian bickering.

Thus, the newly formed ML-VWEP hereby denounces all of the above.

ilmdge posted:

if you put this scene into some 1984-esque movie youd be criticized for being too heavy-handed. look at all that fucking body armor

god this babe is hot. tonight my wife and i play fascist floating cop and hot black lady saint. before you get salty our roles are woke and genderflipped for maximum win and cred.

shit, i was hoping to get in on this joiner comedy and then goatstein performed a combo breaker.
[account deactivated]
me, observing racist chickens coming home to roost and the impending race war: Uhm, actually Slavs are of the Caucuses, we're an Asian people......
actually a plethora of socialist groups all producing different work is a good thing because it increases the chances a socialist writer will get published and become popular, like christopher hitchens.

swampman posted:

another angle is that police are allowing BLM to exist as a means of testing various approaches to protest control, with each city as a different treatment group, and using NBBP presence as a toggle between "peaceful" and "not peaceful" to practice conditioning protest behavior

This is more than likely true.

Simultaneously there is a very big investment from social media networks to contain the domestic crisis. Their strategies are informed through deep analysis of "arab spring" and occupy data and smaller scale experimentation during these times. These experiments were run not just by the networks, but also smaller teams of contractors which set up and coordinated hundreds of fake profiles to create real-world action during these events. Important to note that the access to the data is still asymmetrical, the contractors that did these experiments have their own data but so does Twitter etc.

The interesting part here is that while these actors have some level of collusion they also act from very different conceptions of power. The State through monopoly of violence and the tech companies through monopoly of networks, a cybernetic concept of management of information flows. Hard vs soft power.

This fundamental difference has been playing out on many different levels, including public perception such as in response to Snowden leak; which highlighted state surveillance apparatus but never managed to taint tech companies despite the fact their capabilities are orders of magnitude above those of the state.

Tech companies media strategy is obviously concerned with drawing a firm line. FBI vs Apple case was an obvious example. Also recently Twitter's crisis data analytics subsidiary Dataminr terminated it's contract with US intelligence stating "optics" although still has an ongoing contract with DHS. This is also obvious with Twitter's guerrilla sponsorship of BLM through DeRay, etc.

As the arms race continues between tech and state it's still not obvious where this will come to a head, although the virtual substrate through which the movement is expanding effectively arms tech companies with a real-world botnet.


Gssh posted:


i thought this was a joke at first

hippie getting brutalised by cops if thats your thing



xipe posted:

hippie getting brutalised by cops if thats your thing



i think the tech companies came out squeaky clean because they successfully mounted a p.r. blitz "against" the state to heap a pile of shit on top of the revelation earlier in the year that almost all of them would hand over all that data to the feds whenever it was asked of them. and of course the federal intelligence and police services had every interest in making sure that a false distinction between the two would spring up and the p.r. reps would play out a slapfight in the press while the two parties intensified joint surveillance efforts.

there's not much light at all between these actors that i can tell when it comes to leadership, tactics or strategy as far as i can see them and that's not surprising because the democrats are in power and the "tech" sector forms one of their major campaign funding bases.

Gssh posted:

The interesting part here is that while these actors have some level of collusion they also act from very different conceptions of power. The State through monopoly of violence and the tech companies through monopoly of networks, a cybernetic concept of management of information flows. Hard vs soft power.

who will play the holy spirit in this hip reimagining of the christian doctrine of the trinity

i think it's important to remember that the kabuki dispute wasn't at all over whether those companies would immediately use their "soft" power as soon as it was slightly hinted to them by the state's "hard" power that information was needed to do, like, whatever it was the state wanted to do, and the state didn't actually need to tell them what it was or produce a warrant or anything, they just had to ask all these companies, except for google, and i doubt google would do anything but fold if actual pressure was put on them instead of like, agent bob shooting gary at the server farm an email asking for something without explanation, which is what works on everyone else.

the dispute was instead over the government demanding trapdoors so they wouldn't have to go through these tech companies to get information, which once in place would diminish the influence those companies had over the state, and especially the law-enforcing executive branch, that they depend upon to assist them with tax breaks, denunciations and sanctions in response to foreign court decisions against them, etc. and then it turned out that either the state didn't need those trapdoors to succeed at stealing that information and they made it publicly known that they didn't need them, or they were no longer interested in having tantrums in the media about it for other reasons so they lied and said, we don't need that anymore.
i finally watched to dead shot black guy's girlfriend video, and she doesn't sound calm at all, she sounds like her voice is about to fucking break from terror
she clearly has the dead voice of a complete psychopath, possibly demon possession or something else i can't be sure.
her tone of voice concerns me less than the fact that a black woman was, for a moment there, allowed a voice
theres been a lot of talk about how she sounds too calm, she's glad her boyfriend is dead because its great publicity for BLM, or that he's alive and well and it's a psyop. and this concerns me, because we have to be able to reach out to a noisy group of crazed racists, and my wife's dad
many self-trained natural historians from the southern united states in the 18th and 19th centuries argued that the separate origin of black people and white people as species could be supported by the diminished ability of black people to feel physical or emotional pain inflicted upon them. food for thought as we're reexamining our assumptions here.

c_man posted:

Urbandale posted:

when our veterans fall on snitchjacketting instead of voicing political disagreements i stop listening to them. what did these people learn from cointelpro?

that guy had his jaw broken dude

i dont think this is really responsive to my point do you?

[account deactivated]

Urbandale posted:

i dont think this is really responsive to my point do you?

i think its weird that you're giving the benefit of the doubt to people who sent this guy to the hospital, and appear to think that this is natural behavior for a group that is in no way infiltrated and who people should be happy to support

i think youre reading prettttttty deep into someone disavowing snitchjacketing
[account deactivated]
i believe it means labeling opponents as cointelpro/fbi/cia

Edited by ilmdge ()

[account deactivated]

cars posted:

many self-trained natural historians from the southern united states in the 18th and 19th centuries argued that the separate origin of black people and white people as species could be supported by the diminished ability of black people to feel physical or emotional pain inflicted upon them. food for thought as we're reexamining our assumptions here.

sounds like a good topic to suggest to malcolm gladwell's new #1 podcast revisionist history