long report is long
[account deactivated]
Imperial Gallons of English Tea consumed during hearings: 1 million.
Number of times report makes allusions to Dr. Who: 47.
Number of times report simply directly quotes Dr. Who: 5.
Estimated number of children killed by direct fire: Inconclusive study.
[account deactivated]
The real crime here is not the dead Iraqis, but the inevitable investigatory response.
2.6 million words is still a far cry from the longest work of fiction, the 4+ million word ongoing smash bros fanfiction The Subspace Emissary's Worlds Conquest. step your game up, england
i'll vote for the gorilla, who died. just tell me when and where.
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
Hole Daddy your av goes good w posting pics itt because he shaking his head
this time, roseweird didnt leave because of you, "cars"
that actually belongs in the "cops you may encounter" thread
share zone is epic

ilmdge posted:

this time, roseweird didnt leave because of you, "cars"

while roseweird didn't like my name that was actually an unfunny joke reason i gave for changing it. the man becomes the myth.


cars posted:

the man becomes the myth.

if only

g-d damn it!!
[account deactivated]
Looks like we need a.. Rally To Restore Sanity
Capitalism pleas insanity and gets off the hook yet again
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]

glomper_stomper posted:

Americans students rioted for him


glomper_stomper posted:

america's got a fever, and the only prescription is more Clintons


Edited by ilmdge ()

Officer Lulzguy might not be a stickler for the rules but I wouldn't trust anyone else at my side while kicking a prone black lady in the kidneys.
why does it say "black bodies", is that a thing? and if so what is the political motivation behind saying bodies and not people
i guess it's to differentiate it from """"violence"""" like microaggressions
Yeah it's a thing https://twitter.com/search?q=%22black%20bodies%22&src=typd
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