
roseweird posted:

what's muddle. what is it to muddle

to give your herbs a gentle but firm press in the bottom of the glass with a pestle to release the flavours without bruising/tearing the leaves and getting undesirable other stuff like chlorophyll taste. or to get the juice out of citrus with a minimal amount of pulp.

i personally prefer to just give a sharp hard clap to herbs to get the aromas flowing but that's not thorough enough for some drinks.

just squish the fuck out of the thing. that's real muddlin

pull a whole mint plant out of the ground roots and dirt and everything then bash it against thes ide of a building a couple times and put it in a glass
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im drinking Some Beers
Some beers have all the 211
ice tea
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The established "rhizzone par" is one bottle in approx 1.5 hours, but like golf and bowling, you are only really playing against yourself. So don't worry about it.
its too damn hot, and im not used to humidity up here.

drinkin chilled martinis in my skivvies
get used it, bub
[account deactivated]
you can try. you don't have to report back
Well, the Captain said to John Henry
"I'm gonna bring my bottle 'round
Gonna bring my bottle out on the job
Gonna whup that booze on down, down, down
Whup that booze on down"
[account deactivated]
NOT A REAL DRINK! FOR COMPARISON PURPOSES ONLY! but if you have true strength 100% A+

tpaine posted:

i wonder if there's a book yet that chronicles the instrumental use of alcohol through history to keep people from realizing how terrible their lives were and how the modern world wouldn't exist without it lol

there was an alcohol monopoly in french indochina. if someone went thru the admin's documents im sure they could find some good shit. japanese did it in taiwan too iirc.

11 year knob creek
Uh probably don't drink 11 year old knobs?
he has to do it to absorb their potency
that reminds me of my favorite joke:

I like my women like I like my whiskey...

50 years old and mixed up with a bunch of coke(aine)
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EmanuelaBrolandi posted:

that reminds me of my favorite joke:

I like my women like I like my whiskey...

50 years old and mixed up with a bunch of coke(aine)

that's taking gross out humour too far. whiskey and coke is just wrong.

it's been a long week. happy friday folks
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this fine friday i am drinking pubbie tears, for the win, for the win
Instead of going out and drinking with comrades I went home after the demonstration and crawled into bed at 8 pm

friday night motherfukres!!!!!!
[account deactivated]
still waiting for the "I guess this is throwing up" title change
[account deactivated]

littlegreenpills posted:

i trolled a barman by asking for a made up and not real cocktail called the "South Pacific". you put vodka, gin and blue curacao into a highball glass, add syrup and ice then very carefully pour lemonade over the whole thing so the blue crap stays at the bottom. i literally made it up as i went along and it actually turned out quite nice

old post, but i ordered one of these this weekend and the bartender knew how to make it

i tricked a friend into drinking something i called a "drama bomb" which was a 1.5 fl oz shot glass of vodka dropped into a tall glass of white wine. then i tried it myself and, trolled again.

Edited by cars ()

Molson XXX, like normal shitty Molson but w 7.3% abv