Petrol posted:HenryKrinkle posted:hrmmm
funny, im reading #1 as "the economy", #2 as "the economy" and #3 as unintelligible
it really is the height of liberalism to dismiss leave voters as wholly xenophobic/racist. that was clearly the overwhelming character of the leave campaign, but i would guess that of the leave voters for whom immigration was a top concern (most of them), the vast majority of them aren't racist so much as living hand to mouth and fucking terrified. i mean im restating things here that we all should already know but liberal children like jools pointing to Lord Ashcroft Dot Com to bolster his prejudices against the proletariat need a fucking slap
look i agree with the sentiment but these things are all dogwhistles. 1 is nationalism. It isn't particularly virulent nationalism, but that's what it is. 2 is a softer and less official Donald Trump Muslim Ban, and 3 is letting the filthy Turk onto democratic bodies
Petrol posted:i think we may have different understandings of what constitutes a labour aristocracy because i can't see how the term applies to the 52% of britons who voted leave
they live in britain
blinkandwheeze posted:Petrol posted:it really is the height of liberalism to dismiss leave voters as wholly xenophobic/racist
Imo its the height of liberalism to pretend that racism isn't a fundamental character of the ageing white labour aristocracy of an advanced imperialist nation
western "maoists" casually dropping whiteness to derail and oppose any attempts at proletarian solidarity and mass antifascist organising. as if all those who reject the EU are white, as if all western proles (white or otherwise) can be sensibly understood and dismissed as "labour aristocracy", as if working to oppose fascism in the west is pointless,
Petrol posted:regardless of whether i have a valid point about the underlying concerns of leave voters, surely it's clear that the vital thing now is antifascist solidarity, even more more urgently than when a fascist assassinated an MP just last week and the entire bourgeois discourse insisted the solution was politeness
i don't think the people disagreeing with you are saying organizing in the UK should be abandoned, its a strategic question about where to spend finite time, energy, and resources organizing. everyone's touchy exactly because of how clearly antifasc resistance is important right now, since they've successfully tied their coattails to the leave camp in the eyes of the media (and consequently in the eyes of most people) and are probably going to get away with claiming this as their victory
tpaine posted:managers don't usually come out to shake customer's hands, no matter how loyal they are. burger king patron spotted, prepare the banhammer
Don't get butthurt just because the manager respects me. Probation for one month.
le_nelson_mandela_face posted:does the vote matter, or doesn't it, dead ken. if it mattered so much then you should have voted for it. if it didn't matter then you should stop yelling about how it's the end of the world. either way you should in particular shut the fuck up about how people who didn't oppose leaving the EU are monsters. you could say the system is rigged and both choices suck but that doesn't work either if you seem to believe that one choice is Morally Correct and the other is The Apocalypse and the system is rigged against The Apocalypse
Petrol posted:as if all western proles (white or otherwise) can be sensibly understood and dismissed as "labour aristocracy"
i don't believe the entirety of the western proletariat constitute a labour aristocracy. i do believe that the 65+ support base from almost exclusively white regions that were the height of fordist development in britain are probably the clearest example of an "ageing labour aristocracy" possible though
Edited by le_nelson_mandela_face ()
le_nelson_mandela_face posted:oh my god dead ken literally posts constantly about how people in the media are condescending and pompous to people with smaller platforms than them, and dismiss those people who disagree with them as immature unserious childish nobodies not worth mentioning. then he wrote that "tankies" are "celebrating like anarcho-nihilists" and their behavior is "pure infantilism."
please forgive him. you see, he was assmad at the time
getfiscal posted:Goat is somewhat right that voting for the lesser evil often makes sense, even though we might get caught up in our anger towards both options and consider the election a farce. We might regret not voting for the lesser evil once we fully realize what happened, especially if the option we were sure was going to lose ends up winning. And that's why Goatstein should vote for Hillary Clinton.
i'm not going to post pictures of myself voting for trump and then screaming about how trump is the end of the world.