Edited by swampman ()
cars posted:may encourage splitting between liberals and nationalists,
are you talking about specifically in eastern europe? if not i'm not sure what you mean if you're saying that liberals and nationalists are aligned (beyond the trivial sense in which they are both accepted as standard electoral politics)
c_man posted:i'm not sure what you mean if you're saying that liberals and nationalists are aligned (beyond the trivial sense in which they are both accepted as standard electoral politics)
u avin a giggle m8?
there's a reason u.s. senators hang out with this guy even though he couldn't pull >2% of the vote in a national election that excluded much of the east.
c_man posted:no, im talking about how "nationalist" and "liberal" more or less bookend the electoral spectrum in, e.g., the US, UK, france and germany,
i thought it was kind of obvious what i meant when i referred to neo-nazis supporting the EU for their anti-moscow line
cars posted:i thought it was kind of obvious what i meant when i referred to neo-nazis supporting the EU for their anti-moscow line
Guyovich posted:
he's gonna get his own late show with jeb lund as his sidekick
cars posted:what have people been referring to this as a 'coup' or something?
ive seen people on twitter talking about a color revolution in the works in britain so im not ruling anything out
Scrree posted:i had a bigger post that got eaten, but to sum it up the immediate liberal reaction of throwing a 'these people shouldn't be able to vote!' shitfit without even a second of self-reflection on why the working class despises them is gross, but the overall situation is hilarious.
people in general believe in democracy like they believe in free speech: when they agree with it
dont oversell militaries, thats not how the vast majority of imperialism works
Edited by Urbandale ()
le_nelson_mandela_face posted:democracy, the just consent of the governed, is the moral framework that supports and validates the status quo and the ruling class. when democracy rejects these things, democracy is dangerous and wrong.
Neurotic hatred of the political class is the country’s last universally acceptable form of bigotry.
Urbandale posted:germany didnt fuck over ukraine with nato they wrecked it with color revolution and shock capitalism enforced by fascist goons. nato is only an issue for keeping ukraine from looking anywhere else for help. the new ukrainian government needed capital to appease its IMF masters and wanted in the EU and Germany and London answered the call by purchasing every formerly state-owned industry they could find (in the west anyway).
dont oversell militaries, thats not how the vast majority of imperialism works
so the idea is that without the economic guarantees of EU membership british capital wouldn't have had the same access to buying ukrainian industry to prop up the new regime?
is there a chance out of all this the current uk monarchy will get to die with the nation splintered and the sun setting for the last time on their former empire? losing scotland and a unified ireland would be a fate worse than death for a british royal, right?
janefondafanclub posted:hi im new
is there a chance out of all this the current uk monarchy will get to die with the nation splintered and the sun setting for the last time on their former empire? losing scotland and a unified ireland would be a fate worse than death for a british royal, right?
my ass pull guess is that if ireland and scotland manage to leave then many british would clamp down on their endangered national identity even harder and rally around the royals.
all the breakup talks that are going on could easily turn into nice things for scotland and especially ireland but I think england itself is probably in for a really bad time in the next few years if the left there doesn't seriously mobilize with a concrete strategy to defeat the alt-right. cross yer fingers
getfiscal posted:I created a podcast to take down Chapo Trap House.
Quick and direct, which is good, although I think more liberal listeners might need a little more handholding to realize that petrostate death squad backers are a bad thing.
i'm always pleasantly surprised at adorable eastern accents.
tpaine posted:
i got 5 minutes into it before i realized it was 23 minutes long
janefondafanclub posted:hi im new
Greetings, friend.