in the morning he was tweeting hsi vote (he wrote in wetland bird sanctuary) and in the evening he said the apocalypse had happened

ilmdge posted:

in the morning he was tweeting hsi vote (he wrote in wetland bird sanctuary) and in the evening he said the apocalypse had happened



tpaine posted:

walkinginonit posted:

EmanuelaBrolandi posted:
Cowardly used to be an adverb but is in fact now an adjective

Holy shit

shriekingviolet posted:

I thought I read something about it being recently recognized as an adverb as part of english degenerating into an even more confusing slushpile, but that may have just been the DT's talking.

In conclusion, english is the garbage language of a garbage people, I am dumb, and here's to the UK and EU both unraveling.


c_man posted:

e: especially considering the fact that the UK has its own private mechanism for extraction of profits from the periphery, the commonwealth

the commonwealth as the official organization doesn't actually serve any purpose, though the UK does probably have special trade deals with each country in it individually, just saying "they're using the commonwealth" just makes you sound like you don't know what you're talking about imo

Sam Kriss
i had to vote with my conscience

Sam Kris's got Owned.
he probably took that photo before going crossing it out and putting in his real vote

Makeshift_Swahili posted:

he probably took that photo before going crossing it out and putting in his real vote

he probably rolled it up real tight and stuffed it up his dickhole. imo

he probably wasn't even going to vote but then he thought of the funny thing of saying birds and went and did it so he could write the birds thing and take a picture, and now that the thing he didn't want happened and he photographed proof of himself dilebrately trying to build his brand instead of stopping it he's filled with care mad and feels owned.

Keven posted:

he probably wasn't even going to vote but then he thought of the funny thing of saying birds and went and did it so he could write the birds thing and take a picture, and now that the thing he didn't want happened and he photographed proof of himself dilebrately trying to build his brand instead of stopping it he's filled with care mad and feels owned.


Here's my opinion on this: it won't directly make things better for anyone in Britain but it will probably lead to the eu falling apart, which is good. It will also lead to a more distant eu/usa relationship, which is good. I also think it's your, as leftists, own fault that working class ppl are facsists because you spent the last 45 years calling them stupid racist fat people instead of doing your jobs. So I can't blame em.

FAILAIDS posted:

did anyone post this


SAM KRISS: As it happens, I would ordinarily be a-- my natural instincts would tend towards leaving the EU actually. I agree, it's a deeply undemocratic body. It exists to cement a certain form of class power, and it's to prevent individual government from doing things that might be different and might actually be better for their own people. What I find has forced me into actually supporting a remain vote is the tenor of the debate that's coming from the leave side...


haha cute.

http://www.vice.com/en_uk/read/welcome-to-the-void-referendum-result-brexit posted:

There are some things, though, that you can say with certainty. The far right are triumphant now, and it's not impossible that they'll start enforcing their victory with fists and bats.

Heaven forbid you should pick up your own bat instead of churning out drivel for Vice and planning to indulge in a little poverty tourism, you bougie rat

Oh, okay. After years of austerity, and obscenity, and deportation vans, and outright thuggery, NOW you care about the bad things that are happening or might soon happen to the most vulnerable? And your solution is.... more words. Nice. Yeah man. Fuck those tankies.
Regardless of whether your opinion on multinational imperialist unions is favorable or appropriately Marxist, the one thing all reasonable people can agree on is that a nation which has a monarchy and doesn't use them as like rodeo clowns in a bear pit or something, never belonged in a community of real countries to begin with.

death to england, death to the queen, death to the eu, death to israel out of habit and general principles

Petrol posted:

Surely there will still be good drinks somewhere in london next week



Andy BurnhamVerified account
Fully respect vote of my constituents in Leigh for real change on migration policy. Will work as Shadow Home Sec to develop Labour response.

corbyn needs purge this fash 5th column pronto

the right are driving their agenda via electioneering should we develop something similar eg push for our various parties to form an anti fash coalition?

also when/how is this electoral success likely to translate into street violence?
eg the bnp switched to elections after getting beaten off the street and likely still will ... but i wonder how this could change
i love carl diggler


Hey Carl, what happened in the UK? Most polls showed they would stay in the EU. Why did they take such a gamble?

– Calvin Bags in Port Arthur, TX

Well, I hate to say it, but this was a failure of democracy. After David Cameron made a highly understandable mistake of caving to a perpetually drunk racist demagogue in Nigel Farage, he made another completely reasonable error of putting the EU referendum up for a vote. Compounding this, the UK media made a multi-decade long mistake of stoking anti-immigrant fears, which played in hand with existing English dislike of the EU. That dislike was unforeseen as it came from brutal austerity politics, which most voters actually love.

In short, this was a reminder that elites usually are elite for a reason: they make the right choices. Again, I am not a UK political expert, but in the future, they should consider tighter voting hours, more restrictive polling stations, and confusing ballots so as to do away with the “weekend voters.” I’ve said it once, I’ve said it one thousand times: voting is for real voters!
i do get being wary of brexit if on the whole it seems more like a right-wing nationalist movement than anything remotely left-wing, so that even if you'd agree w/ it in leftist terms that in reality you can see it presents in a very different way.

xipe posted:

Andy BurnhamVerified account
Fully respect vote of my constituents in Leigh for real change on migration policy. Will work as Shadow Home Sec to develop Labour response.

corbyn needs purge this fash 5th column pronto

In labour party, 5th column purge you


ilmdge posted:

i do get being wary of brexit if on the whole it seems more like a right-wing nationalist movement than anything remotely left-wing, so that even if you'd agree w/ it in leftist terms that in reality you can see it presents in a very different way.

thank you sam kriss

im not saying id melt down and write vice articles about the apocalypse, only that scary elements seem more empowered to build on top of it than left-wing ones. in short, brexit is a land of contrasts

aerdil posted:

ilmdge posted:
i do get being wary of brexit if on the whole it seems more like a right-wing nationalist movement than anything remotely left-wing, so that even if you'd agree w/ it in leftist terms that in reality you can see it presents in a very different way.

thank you sam kriss

hahaha holy shit... what an own


ilmdge posted:

im not saying id melt down and write vice articles about the apocalypse, only that scary elements seem more empowered to build on top of it than left-wing ones. in short, brexit is a land of contrasts

A big reason why scary elements seem more empowered than left-wing ones is media representation. Just saiyan

We all agree the eu needs to be torn down but since its the right doing so they get to set the pace and be first to scavenge among the ruins; that's what I take from one side of the brex arguments I've seen

Either way I think our task remains the same, to organise communities and workers and mobilise them... Not here to take part, here to take over as Conor McGregor says
209 bitch 209 motherfucker, as Nate Diaz says.
It's only the right doing so because that's who was anointed to represent the Leave camp by wealthy discourse-setters. They have no inherent right to decide anything now and it is up to the left to wrest control. Theyre even giving an in by immediately admitting the proles will get nothing economically out of this, the NHS still fucked, hell, even Dan Hannan MEP of all fucking people is now saying "whoa, immigration controls? Maybe not", point being, there is every opportunity to be out there talking to people about how the lying scum torys and fash have done it again, theyve fucked the poor and working and indeed middle class, and austerity is here to stay unless you follow the left and rise up and take real control back. Just Saiyan.
uk govt (right and left): its all the immigrants fault
british public: we believe you, so lets leave the eu
uk govt (right and left): u r racist
it's funny people freaking out about the markets going crazy. yea they gonna do that any time neoliberalism ever gets challenged, for bertter or worse. if youre gonna let currencies and stock markets decide your policy then might as well keep electing thatchers and reagans until the next great depression

ilmdge posted:

then might as well keep electing thatchers and reagans until the next great depression

Ha yeah imagine if that happbned


drwhat posted:

the commonwealth as the official organization doesn't actually serve any purpose, though the UK does probably have special trade deals with each country in it individually, just saying "they're using the commonwealth" just makes you sound like you don't know what you're talking about imo

im certainly not an expert but i was under the impression that the economic ties between commonwealth nations were generally stronger than average. if that's true, since britain is a net exporter of capital and the majority of commonwealth nations are not (and are mostly old colonial possessions), it seems to me that the commonwealth represents the standard financial imperialism of a core financial nation. maybe i'm wrong tho. i would welcome being owned about the political economy of the commonwealth


c_man posted:

i still dont see why britain leaving the EU is a net gain for workers anywhere or in terms of foreign intervention.

let me tell you about ukraine


c_man posted:

babyhueypnewton posted:

Just to be clear the communist position has always been Brexit despite liberal elites telling you that you're racist:




this is a victory for the working class, now the left has to organize the so-called 'racist' and 'stupid' working class.

these are all arguments that the EU is anti-communist, undemocratic and neoliberal, which is true. on the other hand, they're not arguments that these are things that the UK wouldn't be outside of the EU anyway. is the idea that british voters could vote away austerity and imperialism if only they weren't shacked to the EU?

disconnecting german finance capital from London means weakening both, whole greater than sum of its parts, etc. weakened german finance capital means weaker EU, meaning fewer fascist coups in eastern europe/balkans. weakened british finance means less fucking around in asia

the EU destroyed the food security of an entire continent and is directly responsible for the starvation of millions while simultaniously funding the destruction of the ecological foundation of life in its own back yard. the common agricultural policy is one of the most evil things ever concieved - €58bn spent every year to ensure that people continue to starve, the soil continues to erode, the earth continues to warm. fuck u EU

Urbandale posted:

disconnecting german finance capital from London means weakening both, whole greater than sum of its parts, etc. weakened german finance capital means weaker EU, meaning fewer fascist coups in eastern europe/balkans. weakened british finance means less fucking around in asia

"weakening" how? i'm not a finance person so maybe there's something else going on here but my understanding is that things like military exercises or special ops coordination and so on don't directly depend on the rate at which lloyds can buy deutche bank debt, afaik EU military coordination isn't super developed. that's more NATO's regime and the UK is still going be a huge player there. and what's to say that decreasing profits won't spur more aggressive international meddling? isn't war (in particular destruction of capital and subsequent renewed primitive accumulation) one of the responses of capital to the falling rate of profit? why should you expect diminished profits to defer it?

e: before someone owns me, i'm not saying resisting capital is pointless or whatever. i'm genuinely interested in a material analysis of the political economy of how the UK being in the EU or not will affect the various anti-capitalist priorities

Edited by c_woman ()

i think what i want is actually a monthly review article. please hear my call john bellamy foster:

Panopticon posted:

Labour’s traditional voters no longer share its progressive values
